Periodontal/Dental & Gum Dis-ease

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Periodontal/Dental & Gum Dis-ease [PD]: dis-eases of the gums, such as pyorrhea and gingivitis.  Receding gums is primarily an issue of bone loss

. Fragile gums damaged by over-brushing and loss of bone in the jaw and head.  As bone is lost, gums recede making the problem a very early warning SIGN of so-called osteoporosis, which is caused by the same issues: acidic pH, poor diet, poor digestion [maldigestion].


Understanding of physiology involved in periodontal dis-ease [PD] is poor among dentists and hygienists who routinely blame poor hygiene and ‘bacterial’ infection as causes, when maldigestion,  terrain and saliva pH and poor diet are the actual causes of dental dis-ease.

PD is about the terrain, saliva and urine pH.  Decay and loss of natural teeth to root-canal, cavitation and implants always involves

Much could be written from a conventional perspective on these subjects and much of the information would be false information that supports modern dental theory and dental pathogenesis.

Know there are many solutions to gum dis-ease that are available OUTSIDE of the dental industry.  Know that dentists are NOT your friend and you should do everything possible to avoid them.

Only use holistic-biological dentists and hygienists.

For help, email John Thomas for guidance and perspective on dental issues PRIOR to falling prey to traditional dental procedures and predatory dentists.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for guidance and be open to new ideas.

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