Nano-scaled (mineral ions)

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Nano-scaled: the molecular size of biologically-active, mineral ions.

Scaling referes to ion size, but size alone is just one factor that determines biologic activity.  Another factor is availability and presence of all 82 needed mineral ions and the electrical charge they bear.

Racemized YAC mineral ions boost the electrical charge of red blood cells, and cause blood to flow freely and not cluster [Rouleau Effect] which allows blood cells to transport more oxygen to the cells and waste out of the cells.

Body fluids that are fully loaded with biologically-active, mineral ions allow for better nerve impulse transmission to all vital organs, such as the heart, brain, and liver and to connective tissues and joints of the body.


For example, in metric measures, each of the following scale measurements are 1000 times smaller than another.  Let’s start with a gram.

  1. mili [milligram] = one thousand times smaller than a gram or <1,000>
  2. micro [microgram] = one thousand times smaller than a milligram and one million times smaller than a gram. <1,000,000>
  3. nano [nanogram] = one thousand times smaller than a microgram and one billion times smaller than a milligram. <1,000,000,000>

So, when i say a mineral ion is nano-scaled, it means it is one billion times smaller than the reference size of 1 gram.

A nano-scaled mineral ion looks like this:  1,000,000,000  compared to 1 [one billion times smaller.]

Scaling is important for absorption.  In the case of a mineral ion, such as magnesium, it means nano-scaled ions can traverse the cell membrane and become biologically active and useful for intracellular metabolism.

For example, mitochondrial production of the energy molecule, ATP is highly dependent upon an available supply of magnesium ions for the Krebs [Citric Acid] Cycle and electron transport chain within the mitochondria.  So, a shortage of magnesium ions, means a shortage of production of ATP.

Healthy cells produce more ATP than cells that are magnesium deprived.  So, it is not a stretch to say that aged, sickly, weak people are horribly magnesium deficient and therefore, can neither maintain healthy metabolism or REGENERATE their bodies for lack of needed ATP.

Mineral ion absorption is critical for good health.  YAC racemized, full-spectrum, ionized, mineral ions meet body and cellular requirements by supplying 82 different mineral ions.

Pills vs. Liquid Nano-scaled Mineral Ions

Pill forms of magnesium [regardless of type, such as citrate, taurate, oxide, etc.] are poorly absorbed, providing as little as 1% to 10% absorption.

The body uses magnesium for about 4,000 different chemical/enzyme reactions, and therefore, needs a MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF MAGNESIUM IONS every single minute of the day, as well as all as the full spectrum of other mineral, ion elements.

There is no need to downsize below “nano” scale as this is more than sufficient to traverse the cell membrane and participate in the Krebs Cycle and ATP production.

But, there is another factor to consider.  The body needs all 82 mineral ions, and while magnesium is critically important, so are all of the other other ions.

YAC racemized ions have been a standard of perfection for over25 years.  Try them, you will be amazed how much better you feel and how much more energy you have.

Do The Math

A bottle of 250 capsules of magnesium citrate that of 200 milligrams each presently costs about $17.00.

An 8 oz. bottle of YAC nano-scaled, racemized, liquid magnesium ions containing 82 other mineral ions] costs about $50.

Which is the better buy?

The latter is hands-down the best buy because it is approximately one billion times [1,000,000,000] more available magnesium for your money.

Thought you should know.

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