Liver (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Dis-ease)

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Dis-ease: is an umbrella description of an unhealthy liver whose percentage make-up of fat is unhealthy and of poor metabolic function.


Fatty liver dis-ease is a condition, NOT a disease!  It is a reflection of poor dietary choices and unhealthy lifestyle and can affect anyone at any age, but particularly people over age 35.

Faty liver occurs in people who suffer from insulin/leptin/adrenal resistance.  These are all conditions of pre-diabetes which should be thought of as diabetes of the brain type 3.

Pre-diabetes is the forerunner of all degenerative dis-eases from cancer, diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular to 100% of degenerative disorders and syndromes.  It is a problem that is universal to the human condition.

Given no choice and in the face of leptin resistance, the body stores incoming food energy as body fat instead of burning it.  Resistance is very much the product of carbohydrate dependence and failure of brain receptors to correctly measure and respond to circulating leptin signals produced by the body’s fat cells.

The body converts carbohydrates to fat called triglycerides; a red flag issue on routine blood tests and screenings.  Dietary fat does NOT convert to triglycerides.  Tri means 3 and glyceride is Latin for glycerine derived from glucose or blood sugar.  So the higher your triglyceride levels, the more fat you will make and store in your liver.

The liver weight is composed of more than 10% fat, insulin can NO LONGER CONTROL BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS; a condition commonly known as insulin resistance!  Hormonal resistance puts the body is on a collision course of premature aging and dis-ease.

As liver fat levels increase, liver efficiency decreases putting the body on a collision course with cancer, diabetes arthritis and cardiovascular problems.

Extra amounts of fat in the liver increase production of TNFa (tumor necrosis factor a) which increase production of NF-kappaB (necrosis factor) which staging the liver for serious injury and damage.

TNFa and NF production automatically increases as body mass index increases.  In other words, the more excess fat you carry, the fattier your liver and the more tumor cell-death factors the body makes.

Obesity is such a dangerous thing because it set the stage for growth of tumor factors that help create and feed cancer growth and deterioration of the cardiovascular system.  Ditto for regular consumption of sugar, fruit and alcohol, and of course, carbohydrate foods.

Excess production of NF-kappaB is the PRIMARY DRIVER of degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and mental decline in general, regardless of age.  Excess NF factor causes low-grade inflammation to become chronic leading to plaque formation and brain tumors.

Now you know why brain tumors occurance has grown exponentially in the last 20 years.  The problem is one of inflammation driven by insulin/leptin and adrenaline resistance.

And behind excess NF factor is leptin and insulin resistance and elevated blood sugar of which so-called “normal” levels are 20-40 points too high.  This is what i meant when I say everyone lives in a modified state of systemic, chronic, low-grade inflammation.

The best way to reduce inflammation and tumor factor production is to lose weight.  Fat reduction is difficult for people of any age because they DO NOT understand the dynamics involved.

After all these years of fad diets and yo-yo dieting, it comes down to the issues outlined herein.

DO NOT ASSUME because you are “trim” and not overweight or obese that the above does not apply to you.  It applies to everyone!

While it is true that overweight issues compound all health challenges and metabolic problems, please notice that thin people suffer, age and die prematurely also.

The ReVive Protocol is the premier way to get control of your life and your future. Click hyperlink to read about it.

If you wish help with REVERSING THE AGING PROCESS, ask for guidance and be willing to cooperate.

Please study Special Insights, Pre-Diabetes & Premature Aging by clicking Archive link below.

You may also wish to review Autoimmune Attack Cycle and the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle. Click hyperlinks to read about them.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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