Hunger (malnutrition)

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Hunger:  the abnormal desire to eat as opposed to normal, routine desire to eat. Both malnutrition and hunger are discussed below.


People who are hungry commonly suffer from malnutrition; meaning, their diet or ability to process food is poor or lacking. Other dependable yard sticks of hunger are: growing waistline, cellulite and slow, steady increase in weight (measured over many years) or dramatic increase in weight over just a few years.

Hunger manifests as: abnormal food cravings and the need to constantly eat, especially at night after evening meal. The appetite is a reflection of nourishment and dietary starvation.

Malnutrition is a strange thing and it manifests in strange ways from individual to individual. Think of malnutrition (and hunger) as components and dysfunction of the regulatory hormone system that depends on insulin, leptin, adrenaline, cortisol and glucagon.

Upset the balance between these hormones and dietary malfunction will manifest in the form of hunger and cravings.  When these symptoms are ignored and misunderstood, degenerative conditions announce themselves with names such as: diabetes, cardiovascular, cancer and arthritis. These for are the big ones; there are hundreds of lesser problems that eventually lead to the same four.

Hunger, food cravings and malnutrition are NOT what they appear; they are NOT normal, they are NOT routine, passing urges. Rather, they are the shadows of aging, haunting us and dogging us for our failure to understand the forces that orchestrate human metabolism and end with Latin (medical) names.

Failure to digest and process food is every bit as central to the process of aging and dis-ease as diets loaded with sugar and sweets, non food, and excess carbohydrates. Carbohydrates and sweets which are a fast-burn, short-life energy source as opposed to fat and proteins that is exactly the opposite if you can process them.

The controlling factors that determines which aspect of food’s personality you get are: digestion, bowels, choice of food, hormonal balance, sleep, water intake and exercise.  Ignore these factors at your own risk.


First, be certain to only eat food that is good for you. Second, be certain that the healthy food you eat fully digests. Third, be sure you are eating plenty of dietary fats, such as: butter, coconut oil and olive oil. Put four to six hours BETWEEN meals; no snacking of any kind.

The problem comes down to this: food is a two edged sword that can sustain or destroy. Know, if you are over age 35, you are NOT processing your food properly or fully and the older you are, the more this is true.

Ideally, it is best to use Young Again Club bio-activated digestive supports.  There is nothing like them, as you will discover.

Next, ask for help if you are hungry or have food cravings.  Everyone is a little different, and it will take time and effort to REPROGRAM your system.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

Be sure and read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking hyperlinked title or by going to the Archive link below.

See Sugar/Alcohol Cycle, Autoimmune Attack Cycle, Digestion, Gut, Protein, Cravings, Cellulite and Hormones in Glossary.

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