Fungus (yeast, molds, fungal infestation)

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Fungus (plural: fungi) is any member of the group of eukaryotic organisms that includes microorganisms such as yeasts and molds.These organisms are classified as a kingdom, fungi, which is separate from the other eukaryotic life kingdoms of plants and animals.

Organisms that have their own DNA and whose cell walls contain chitin, as opposed to animal cell membranes that do not contain chitin.


Yeast [as in Candida albicans] is a fungus.  All yeast are fungi, and all fungi are molds and all reproduce by either spreading or by spores that are extremely hardy and can survive extreme conditions.

Tobacco leaf is cured with SUGAR which grows mold and is then inhaled when smoked. Spores can survive extreme heat, chemicals do not kill spores, nor does extreme weather.

“Desert Fever” prevalent in the southwestern USA is  an example of spore survival for MILLIONS OF YEARS and when inhaled infects humans and animals alike.  However, spores are NOT in and of themselves a threat.

Exposure to fungal spores does not cause fungal infestation, but when spores are taken in to a body, they can either lie dormant or hatch, grow and spread.

Determining factors for spread and takeover of fungal yeast and molds is acidification of the terrain, use of antibiotics, steroidal medications and hormonal contraceptives.

That is why the Young Again ClubTerrain pH Protocol and Mold & Fungus Protocol are so very important and useful to anyone who wants to avoid the sick-care system.

To learn more, read May 2017 Edition of Special Insights, The Missing Diagnosis, Jill’s Story: Case Study #1 by clicking hyperlink.

Candida albicans is a “sac” fungus that spreads its spores in circulating capsules.  Candida yeast merges their DNA with human DNA, creating a hybrid human creature whose immune system does not detect foreign invasion because DNAs have merged.

Merged DNA is common, particularly in women because women are more hormonal than men.  The triggers that cause mold and fungus spores to ACTIVATE, grow and spread are: antibiotics, steroids, birth control pills along with dietary sugar and stress.

Most molds have a root system called, hyphae that plant their roots into the mucous membrane lining of the intestinal tract.  Candida does NOT have hyphae; Candida merges with human DNA which is a very close match.


Cancer is a FUNGUS; cancer is NOT a bacterial or viral condition.  Fungus spores enter the blood stream through a wound, the lungs and/or a leaky gut wall.  In a healthy body, fungus spores are dormant and not a threat.  But if the body is acidic, fungus spores take on a life of their own.

In the acidic body, fungus spores HATCH, GROW and SECRETE deadly mycotoxins that kill healthy cells, sparking inflammation and autoimmune reactions.  A body burdened fungal mycotoxins is fertile ground for cancer, and acidity is the controlling factor!

For example, under normal conditions, Candida albicans [yeast] is a symbiotic fungus.  But when the terrain turns sufficiently acidic and cellular fermentation takes-over, the biology of candida yeast morphs, switching from a symbiont [mutually beneficial organism] to a saprotroph [parasitic organism].  The experts call it CANCER, but cancer is a fungus, plain and simple!

Question – Why do they call cancer a disease, when it is a reversible condition of the terrain?

Read Special Insights, Cancer, Acidity, Fermentation & pH for a fuller discussion of spores and their relationship to major disease and symptoms related to infestation by fungi.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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