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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Frequency: refers to vibrations per second, as in: nerve signals, cell phones, bad energy.


When negative energy imprints on healthy tissue, angry tissue vibrating at unhealthy frequencies results. Conversely, when negative energy releases its hold, angry tissue settles and returns to a healthy state of being. Negative memory is the shadow of many health afflictions.

Negative Energy: unhealthy energy vibrating at unhealthy frequencies that invades muscle.

Entrainment is a physics concept with fascinating implications for human health. Energy entrainment occurs when two different energy vibrations merge causing healthy tissue to vibrate at unhealthy frequencies. Unhealthy tissue is “entrained!”

Chronic problems associated with back, elbows, shoulders, hands and feet are examples of negative entrainment in the soft tissues of the body, regardless of the source of the disharmony.

Sir Isaac Newton said, “Energy is never lost; it merely changes form.” Please understand, all things physical are expressions of energy “vibrating” at frequencies we can see and touch.

Illness is the expression of negative energy on the physical level. Similarly, negative thoughts and emotions cause healthy tissue to vibrate at unhealthy frequencies and become sickly.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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