Foreign Protein

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Foreign proteins: are proteins that either do not belong in the body or that gained access to the blood stream via a porous gut wall.

Everyone suffers from maldigestion, and 100% of the population over 50 years of age suffers from the effects of foreign protein invasion which goes by labels such as autoimmune, allergy, asthma, and bowel-related issues to name a few.


Food proteins that fail to fully digest and breakdown into amino acid components prior to entering the small intestine (gut), produces allergies-like reactions and/or autoimmune responses where the body reacts NOT by attacking itself, but by recognition that foreign proteins have invaded the blood.

Peanut proteins are notorious for allergic reactions, but proteins from meat, fish, eggs, nuts, milk that fail to digest can be every bit as reactive.  By age 35, everyone’s digestive capability diminishes and supplementation is mandatory.

Common [so-called] digestive enzymes are weak and incapable of getting the job done.  Young Again Club offers the DIgestion Trio that is composed of THREE specific digestive supports that ensure complete digestion, rather than maldigestion.

Foreign proteins trigger mood swings, temper tantrums, depression, behavioral problems, stress and anxiety etc.

Poor digestion has everything do  with growth and repair, as well as, inflammatory responses and stress in the system.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

See Autoimmune Attack Cycle and Sugar/Alcohol Cycle by clicking hyperlinks.

Also, Protein, Inflammation and Digestion in Glossary link below.

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