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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Dietary fermentation and fermentable dietary fiber play preemptive roles in PREVENTING and dealing with cancer, but not for reasons readers might think.  Fermentation is a powerful natural strategy to keep your name off the cancer roster.

FiberMagic is a unique approach to bowel and pelvic-related issues.  The process takes advantage of natural, dietary fermentation in the colon.  Use it to avoid polyps and manage bowel disorders [diverticulitis, colitis, hemorrhoids, or cancer].

Fiber is about more than ‘fiber!’  There is digestible fiber and non-digestible, fermentable, and non-fermentable fiber.

The key is having the ability to FERMENT fiber in the colon.  Few types of fiber make suitable substrates for fermentation.  Fruits and vegetables provide useful fiber, providing they are grown on biodynamic soils and not subjected to agricultural poisons and biochemical toxins.

Ideally, food should be fermented before consumption.  However, this is neither practical nor affordable.  Besides, many people don’t care for fermented foods.

John Thomas’ solution to dysfunctional bowel and issues of the lower abdomen is supplementation with fermentable, non-digestible fiber along with IcelandicMagic and Fungal-Yeast Magic.

Fermentable fiber when combined with Icelandic Magic helps the colon to function as a vessel of fermentation where bacteria keep the body healthy and the immune system functional and strong.

Self-fermentation allows friendly microbes to make B-vitamins the body needs to maintain health and regenerate.  Fermentation keeps fungal-yeast from taking control of the terrain.

Insulin-resistance, diabetes, and cancer of the bowel and pelvic regions are EPIDEMIC and affect over 95% of the population worldwide.  Fact is insulin-resistance is the number one factor in ALL MAJOR metabolic irregularities and especially in the bowel/colon and pelvic regions of the body.

When FiberMagic is combined with daily enemas and the Terrain pH Protocol, restoration of health is much easier to achieve and keep.

FiberMagic, Icelandic Magic, and Fungal-Yeast Magic are natural, cutting-edge solutions for colon and pelvic related issues and toxic terrains.

Colon cancer is #1 and the easiest of all cancers to avoid.  Decide what you want?

  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Products and Protocols.
  3. Ask John Thomas for personal guidance and be open to new ideas.

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