Fatty Liver Dis-ease (non alcoholic fatty liver disease)

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Dis-ease: an umbrella description of an unhealthy liver whose percentage make-up of fat is more than normal and unhealthy and causing metabolic function.


Officially NAFLD is called steatosis and is a dis-ease NOT a disease; a reflection of poor dietary choices and unhealthy lifestyle affecting people of all ages, particularly over age 35.  

NAFLD occurs in people suffering with overt or latent Metabolic Syndrome and both are conditions of pre-diabetes/diabetes, regardless of what doctor says or labs report.

NAFLD involves insulin/leptin and adrenal resistance, regardless of age.  Behind NAFLD, you will also discover low sulfate levels, low-grade inflammation, depletion of essential elements, fungal yeast invasion and insufficient exposure to the sun resulting low vitamin D3 levels, low vitamin A levels and insufficient vitamin K2.

Pre-diabetes is the forerunner of most, if not all, degenerative dis-eases.  Fact is, latent/overt insulin-resistance PRECEDES cancer, arthritis and cardiovascular/heart disease.

Given no choice, and in the face of leptin resistance, the body stores incoming food energy as body fat [instead of] burning food energy and is seen as formation of BELLY FAT, BELLY FLAP and CELLULITE.

Insulin resistance is partly the result of carbohydrate dependence along with depletion of needed essential elements.  Insulin resistance [elevated blood glucose] leads to high A1c levels and glycation of red blood cells and misinterpretation of need for production of insulin.

When brain receptors incorrectly measure and incorrectly respond to circulating leptin levels produced by the body’s fat cells, insulin production rises and food energy is stored as excess body fat.  Translation: obesity and overweight are just two of the signs of Metabolic Syndrome.

The body converts carbohydrates into fat called triglycerides [elevated triglycerides are a red flag issue.]  Dietary fat does NOT convert to triglycerides.  Tri means 3 and glyceride is Latin for glycerine derived from glucose or blood sugar.  The higher triglyceride levels, the more fat circulating in your blood and the fattier your liver.

The liver should not be more than 10% fat.  Excess insulin causes the body to make fat in an effort to keep DOWN blood sugar levels.  Hormonal resistance puts the body is on a collision course of premature aging and dis-ease.

As liver fat levels increase, liver efficiency decreases putting the body on course for development of cancer, diabetes arthritis and cardiovascular problems.

Excess fat in the liver increases production of TNFa (tumor necrosis factor A) which increases production of NF-kappaB (necrosis factor) setting-up the liver for dis-ease.

TNFa and NF production automatically increases as body mass index increases.  In other words, the more fat you carry, the fattier your liver and the more tumor cell-death factors the body makes.

Obesity is dangerous condition because it sets the stage for growth of tumor factors that create and feed cancer and promotes deterioration of the cardiovascular system.

Excess production of NF-kappaB is a PRIMARY DRIVER of degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and vascular dementia and mental decline regardless of age.  Excess NF factor causes low-grade inflammation to become chronic leading to plaque formation and brain tumors.

NOTE: It takes only three years of statin drug usage to set-the-stage and qualify for admittance to la-la-land [the world of the living dead].  Statins create holes and tangles in brain tissue.  Avoid all drugs, be responsible and ask for guidance.

Now you know why brain tumor occurrence has grown exponentially in the last 20 years.  The problem is one of ongoing low-grade inflammation driven by insulin/leptin and adrenaline resistance and elevated glucose/pre-diabetes and A1c.

People who are not diabetic live in a modified state of systemic, chronic, low-grade inflammation and pre-diabetes.

The best way to reduce inflammation and tumor factor production is to lose weight.  Fat reduction is difficult for people of any age because they DO NOT understand the dynamics involved.

DO NOT ASSUME because you are “trim” and not overweight or obese that the above information does not apply to you.  It applies to everyone!  Worse, you can have what the sick-care folks call normal lab results for glucose and A1c and end-up full diabetic, that is, if cardiovascular issues, arthritis and cancer don’t get you first.  BEWARE!

While it is true that overweigh/obesity compounds health challenges and metabolic problems, even thin people suffer age and die prematurely from insulin-resistance, pre-diabetes driven dis-ease.

The ReVive Dietary Protocol is a good way to get control of your life and future.  Click hyperlink to read about it.  Incorporation of The Essential Elements Protocol is mandatory for anyone over age 50, and mandatory for anyone with degenerative dis-ease and major health  challenges.

If you need help with REVERSING THE AGING PROCESS, ask for guidance and be willing to cooperate.

You may also wish to review Autoimmune Attack Cycle and the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle. Click hyperlinks to read about them.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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