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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Fats: are long-chain fatty acids; common name, lipids.

While all fats are lipids, not all lipids are fats; they are NOT the same thing, and their metabolic effects are very different.

Fats are SOLID at room temperature i.e. 72 degrees F.  Oils are not solid and are not fats. Butter, coconut oil (wrongly called oil) and lard are all fats]. Olive is a fruit; olive is NOT a seed oil.  Avocado oil is NOT acceptable because of the way it is processed.  Do not use it.

MCT oil [medium chain triglycerides] are derived from coconut fat and a good dietary choice.

Fat utilization is highly dependent on a sufficient supply of bio-active magnesium ions [available from YAC.]. Benefits from Keto Diet are highly dependent on available magnesium ions which cannot be obtained from common pill-type supplements.

For those who don’t like to ‘spoon’ coconut fat, but who want the anti-inflammatory effects of coconut fat, use lauric acid that is available under the name ReSet from YAC.

ReSet is very useful for weight control and easing of food cravings and snacking.

FYI: it is best to eat ONLY two meals/day with six hours between meals and zero snacking between meals or sooner than six hours.  The purpose is to rest the pancreas and prevent insulin/leptin-reistance that precedes and accompanies diabetes and pre-diabetes.


Fats potentially account for up to 80% of total body energy production and should be a part of every meal, and take at the very beginning of meals. Cooking with coconut oil is NOT a sufficient source of fats.

Take 1 tbsp. of coconut fat at the beginning of each meal is, ideal for reaching satiation faster,  avoiding overeating and preventing snacking and food cravings between meals.. Fats do not make you fat, but fats do increase metabolic activity, muscle formation and hormone production.

Fats should account for 50% of your total caloric, intake.

It takes about four to eight weeks to ‘train’ the body to burn fat instead of being dependent upon carbohydrates as an energy source.

The ability to process fat requires lots of bile and bile production diminishes after age 35, requiring supplementation of bio-active bile [available from Young Again Club.[

For a full discussion of the importance of dietary fats; see Special Insights: Eat Fats to be Healthy & Happy.

Be certain to read Pre-diabetes & Premature Aging. 

Fats help combat insulin/leptin resistance which is a condition of pre-diabetes/diabetes and a major contributor to cancer, arthritis and cardiovascular dis-ease.

See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

To learn more about hormonal implications of insufficient dietary fat intake and/or the inability to process and use fats, see Hormones in Glossary link below.

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