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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Enzyme: are highly selective catalysts that accelerate both the rate and the specificity of metabolic chemical reactions.


Think of an enzyme as a something that causes chemical reactions to occur that would not occur if the enzyme was not present. Enzymes convert substrate molecules into different molecules (products).

Digestion of food requires enzymes that are normally produced in healthy bodies in sufficient quantity for processing of food.  As people age, they produce less digestive enzymes, thus requiring supplementation to get the job done.

Protein digestion (breakdown of amino acid chains into constituent amino acids) occurs in a highly acid stomach environment.

Fat digestion occurs in the liver.  Fats must be emulsified and assimilated for uptake to the liver.  The production of bile is critical for fat absorption; bile is produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder.  Uptake and use of dietary fats requires bile. After age 35, bile production diminishes and conversion of fats to energy, regeneration of body tissues and sexual hormones does not occur.

Common digestive enzymes are too broad and too weak to get the job done.

Young Again Club offers food specific, digestive enzymes in racemized footprint format that are like no other. People who try them, love them!


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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