Connective Tissue

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Connective tissue: is tissue that connects and anchors body parts so they function as one cohesive, integrated whole.


The bod’s seven fundamental connective tissues are: bones, cartilage, muscle, tendon, ligaments, skin and gums.

The body is supposed to systematically dismantle and regenerative the connective tissues every 7 years. When people are in peak health (youth prior to age 24) it can do the job in 3-7 years.

However, regeneration slows with age and for every 10 years over age 24, the replacement rate increases by 3-5 years. So, someone age 50 can only regenerate their body structure every 10 years, and someone age 60 every 15 years, etc.

The key to understanding healthy connective tissue and Young Again Club concepts of agelessness is this: the younger your vital organs and the less acid waste your body contains and the better your digestion and bowel activity, the slower the degeneration rate of your connective tissues and the faster you regenerate.

Approximately 90% of all body tissues are made of connective tissue. Note: blood and lymph fluids are classified as ‘tissues’, but they are not ‘connective’ tissues.

See the term terrain in Glossary link below. Also, read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life here and while you are at it, check out previous issues of Special Insights.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open t new ideas.

Read Young Again! 6th edition for more details.

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