Commensal organisms

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Commensal organisms: are organisms that have a symbiotic relationship; usually between a larger host organism [man] and small/microscopic organisms.  Organisms whose presence and DNA  compose the microbiota, microbiome and influence the epigenome.


Commensal organisms are generally friendly organisms, however, they can also be pathogenic organisms that coexist along side other microbes, be they bacterial, viral, nanobiotic or parasitic.

When conditions in the body’s terrain become unbalanced, non threatening organism MORPH into their virulent forms and attack the host.  Such outbreaks are typical of infections such as C-diff, MRSA, Klebsiella, etc. that exert dominance and secrete endotoxins that kill dominant, friendly organisms.

Diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration and fever are typical of virulent outbreaks of otherwise commensal organisms that normally inhabit the body.


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