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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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CognitiveMagic is John Thomas’ response to cognitive decline age-related, brain dysfunction that has morphed into a major source of concern and worry for those over age 40.

Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are expected to affect one in four adults.  These heart-wrenching disorders are preventable and reversible, but you will NEVER hear any of this from medical experts and practitioners who are 100% responsible for creating the, crisis!  Believe it!

Neurologic decline is NOT natural to aging, and it has NOTHING to do with genes or family history.  Cognitive decline is the product of bad choices in diet and lifestyle, and use of medical drugs such as: statins, PPIs [proton pump inhibitors], anti-inflammatory over-the-counter drugs, blood thinners and beta-blockers doctors prescribe and patients [foolishly] use.

If you want to stay off [or get off] the cognitive decline roster, you have no choice but to play your God Card and withdraw and avoid further involvement in the sick-care system.  [The emergency room is the ONLY valid, exception!]

CognitiveMagic assists with natural reduction of free-radical oxidation, protects against 5G wi-fi radiation, environmental chemicals, boosts methionine production, enhances your ability to exercise, and helps greatly with reversal of degenerative issues.

Blood flow to the brain is a, big deal, and it does not happen if there is low-grade inflammation in the arteries and capillaries.  Restricted flow causes oxidative damage in the vital organs for lack of availability.  Common to these issues is our cellular energy molecule, Mg-ATP.

Mg-ATP is the body’s energy molecule, and it’s made in the Krebs cycle of the mitochondria which is EXTREMELY dependent on available magnesium and hydrogen ions.  Translation: if you suffer from cardiovascular disease or cognitive decline, you have magnesium and hydrogen problem.

What you do about correcting these issues will determine the quality of your life in the years to come and your hope of avoiding involvement in neurologic, sick-care medicine.  Decide what you want and act upon it while you still have your faculties.  No second changes, available!

CognitiveMagic will help you to enjoy a sane, healthy, future.  Guidance is provided COST FREE!

Change your lifestyle and your diet.

  1. Embrace Young Again Club Products and Protocols.
  2. Ask John Thomas for personal guidance and be open to new ideas.

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