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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Cataract: clouding of the lens of the eye.


Cataract is the product of waste accumulation on the lens of the eye due to restricted circulation i.e. poor blood supply and poor lymphatic circulation, lack of adequate oxygen and inflammation.  Cataract is an aging issue that has nothing to do with your genetics or DNA, opinions to the contrary not withstanding.

Cataracts develop slowly; result in poor vision; produce halos around lights at night.  Think of cataract as you would scar tissue and plaque. They are all terrain issues.

Believed to be the product of aging, when in fact aging is the product of slowing metabolism, poor circulation and hormonal challenges related to the hormones leptin, insulin and adrenaline along with poor liver function. See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking link.

Cataracts are the product of neglect; their formation has absolutely NOTHING to do with failure to wear eye glasses in the sun.  Low-grade inflammation is at the root of cataract, retinitis and macular degeneration. Restricted circulation and leptin resistance are primary drivers of inflammation as is autoimmune responses from a compromised intestinal gut wall.

Avoidance is the best solution for cataract. Cataracts can dissolve if blood and lymphatic circulation are restored, inflammation is eliminated and changes in diet, digestion and autoimmune related issues are addressed.

Dynamic Circulation Therapy (DCT) is the premier choice for anyone wishing to address eye problems by way of non-conventional. self administered therapy.  Prior to DCT development, the only options were: limited vision, functional blindness and surgical replacement.

Unfortunately, replacement lenses ‘fog’ and form new cataracts because the problem driving replacement was never diagnosed or corrected, thus causing the problem to reoccur.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

See Dynamic Circulation Therapy by clicking link.

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