Bicarbonate [baking soda]


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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Bicarbonate: is the body’s primary buffer for neutralizing body acids. In the stomach, it releases carbon dioxide for improved transport of oxygen to cellular mitochondria. It also stabilizes pH, and it is the basis for production of HCl for protein digestion and pancreatic secretions for blood sugar and insulin management.

Bicarbonate is an inexpensive, naturally occurring compound.


Baking soda and vitamin-C are the basis of the Terrain pH Protocol, and is used with plain ascorbic acid vitamin-C in TABLETED FORM, non-chewable, non-buffered Vitamin-C. Tablets are broken into pieces in mouth and wash down with the soda drink.

Vitamin-C powders will work, but must be taken in water before the soda drink is taken.  Do not mix powdered C in soda water because the CO2 will be lost; you want the reaction in your stomach.

See Terrain pH Protocol here.


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