Anaerobic (aerobic)

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Aerobic: a condition where oxygen is present [or needed and available], as opposed to an anaerobic (without oxygen) condition or need.


Organisms such as bacteria are classified as aerobic (requiring oxygen), anaerobic (not needing oxygen) and facultative anaerobes (able to live and function with or without oxygen.

Disease in the human body develops and eventually presents under conditions of restricted oxygen or outright anaerobism.

For example, cancer is a fungal condition manifesting in the body under conditions of acidity, low or no oxygen and fermentation of glucose sugars at the CELLULAR LEVEL.

To learn more about how bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and molds access, grow and take over the body, click here.

Also, read Special Insights, Cancer, Acidity, Fermentation & pH in the Archive link below.


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