Allergy (autoimmune reactions)

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Allergy: hypersensitivity of the immune system; an autoimmune response where the body appears to attacks itself, but this is not what is going on.


Systemic mold and fungus infection is common and is responsible for hundreds of symptoms, one of which is leaky-gut [syndrome].  The use of the word, syndrome, is admission by  experts that they do not have a clue how orwhy the condition manifests.

When molds establish themselves in the intestinal track, they sink their roots [hyphae] into the gut wall and create the condition of leaky-gut.  This in turn, gives birth to all kinds of so-called food allergies, gluten intolerance and skin related conditions, digestion issues, bowel disorders, asthma, ringing in ears [tinnitus], arthritis, etc.

Know that the DNA of fungi [such as Candida albicans] is so similar to human DNA that  both species can merge and create a HYBRID ORGANISM.

When this occurs, the body’s immune system no longer recognizes foreign DNA as foreign; rather, the immune system sees hybrid DNA as YOU because it is you, at least partly.

The problem occurs when the immune system allows molds and fungi to grow and spread throughout the body.

Know that the DNA of fungi [such as Candida albicans] is so similar to human DNA that  both species can merge and create a HYBRID ORGANISM.

When this occurs, the body’s immune system no longer recognizes foreign DNA as foreign; rather, the immune system sees hybrid DNA as YOU because it is you and allow molds and fungi to grow and spread throughout the body.

Be certain to learn how the Mold & Fungus Protocol can help, YOU!

Read, Special Insights, Cause Unknown! as well as, Cancer, Acidity, Fermentation and pH by clicking the hyperlinks.


Allergies are confirmation of a damaged, compromised gut wall (leaky gut) and introduction of food proteins into the blood stream.

Food proteins can only digest (break-down into their constituent amino acids) in a highly acid stomach.  If they fail to do so, they become foreign proteins if they get into the blood producing violent reactions of the immune system where it attacks the body.

Autoimmune responses occur because of mycotoxin secretion of molds and fungi. Manifestations of fungal take-over that present as the Autoimmune Attack Cycle and Sugar/Alcohol Cycle.

Food reactions are similar to snake bite and stings of stinging insects because they are precipitated by invasion of “foreign” food protein access to the blood stream. [Venoms are foreign protein.]

Foreign proteins introduced into the body tissues and fluids by way of vaccination also provoke an antigen/antibody response that supposedly causes the body to build antibodies and acquire future ‘immunity’ (which is not true).

Common allergy responses people suffer are addressable conditions if diet, digestion and bowel and gut wall issues are not ignored; ; vaccinations cause serious and often irreversible damage to the small intestinal gut wall which haunts people throughout their entire lives in the form of unlimited syndromes and disorders.

Alzheimer’s, autism and Asperger’s have a lot to do with vaccinations and the introduction of formaldehyde, aluminum and mercury preservatives,  These CLASSIC autoimmune conditions all begin with “A”.

Please see Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life for a thorough discussion of hormonal imbalance and resistance to leptin, insulin, adrenaline and glucagon all of which have EXTREME relevance to all things ‘allergy’ related.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

Also see Autoimmune Attack Cycle™, Digestion, Inflammation in Glossary link below.

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