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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Opportunistic: means taking advantage of circumstances.  In the body, it means take-over by organisms hostile to the body because conditions are favorable for their growth and maintenance.

For more information read Special Insights, Cause Unknown! 

To understand more on issues involving fungal infestation of human DNA, read Special Insights, The Missing Diagnosis and the Mold & Fungus Protocol.


In the body, the terrain controls infectious, opportunistic organisms, not the other way around.  Examples of potentially opportunistic organisms includes viruses, pathogenic bacteria, fungus and yeast.

Opportunistic organisms can coexist in a benign state without causing a threat to the body.  Mold and fungus spores are an example.  However, when conditions are favorable for growth and control of the terrain, immune function is forfeited and opportunistic organisms can take control and challenge the integrity of the immune system.

Yeast (Candida albicans) is a classic example of a normal body organism inhabiting the small intestinal track, that attacks the host, when supplied with short chain sugars like sucrose, agave, fructose, etc.

Yeast can spread throughout the body, feeding on excess tissue waste and polluting the body with highly reactive toxic byproducts that inflame and cause suffering.

The key point here is:  CONTROL THE TERRAIN and you do not have to be concerned about exposure to or ‘catching’ a bug, If your system is stressed, inflamed and toxic, then it is the perfect breeding ground for opportunistic infections to occur. Exposure is NOT the issues, but the TERRAIN is the issue.


Please review the Tissue & Liver Protocol by clicking hyperlink.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

Also look up terms: MRSA, Terrain, Germ Theory of Disease and inflammation in Glossary link below.

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