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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Menopause: is the cessation of a woman’s reproductive ability; the opposite of menarche.


A common denominator of hormonal fall-off and loss of sex drive and function is iodine ion insufficiency which you can read about in Special Insights, Bio-Friendly Iodine & Perpetual Health in the Archive Link above/below.  This VERYIMPORTANT!

Menopause is usually a natural shift that typically occurs in women during the midlife, during the middle years between the late 40’s or early 50’s ssignalling the end of the fertile phase of a woman’s life.

Menopause is commonly defined by the state of the uterus and the absence of menstrual flow or “periods”, but it can instead be more accurately defined as the permanent cessation of the primary function of the ovaries.

What ceases is the ripening and release of ova and the release of hormones that cause both the build-up of the uterine lining and the subsequent shedding of the lining (aka mense or period).

The transition from a potentially reproductive to a non-reproductive state is normally not sudden or abrupt, occurring over a number of years, and is a consequence of biological aging.

For some women, during the transition years the accompanying signs and effects (including lack of energy, hot flashes, and mood changes) can be powerful enough to significantly disrupt daily activities and sense of well-being. In those cases various different treatments can be tried.

Medically speaking, the date of menopause (in a woman with an intact uterus) is the day after the final episode of menstrual flow finishes. “Perimenopause” is a term for the menopause transition years, the time both before and after the last period ever while hormone levels are still fluctuating erratically.

“Premenopause” is a term for the years leading up to menopause. “Postmenopause” is the part of a woman’s life that occurs after the date of menopause; once a woman with an intact uterus (who is not pregnant or lactating) has gone a year with no flow, then she is considered to be one year into post menopause.

The Rest of the Story

The above information is the ‘routine and usual’ version of the definition of menopause. However, there is so much not said and not addressed that women need understand if they wish to have some semblance of control over their sexuality and their health as they age.

Biologically, both women and men ‘peak’ around age 24, but the effects are less noticeable until after age 32-35 when the body ‘slows down.’  Skin issues, waistline, belly fat and cellulite, less energy, brain fog, poor sleep, slowing sex drive, changes in the hair, eyes and sleep; these are the issues that haunt women.

For women, the issue is how do you slow and reverse theprocess? Many factors are involved, such as: stress and anxiety management, diet, sugar intake, bowel issues, hormone resistance of insulin and leptin, digestion, insufficient intake of dietary fats, liver function.

The liver is the key organ for conversion of fat to hormones. Women who burn fat as their primary energy source weather better than women who depend on carbohydrates as their primary energy source.

Alcohol in general, and especially wine (because it is a ‘fruit’ sugar alcohol), is extremely inflammatory to female slowing metabolism and female physiology. Women MUST think in terms of systemic INFLAMMATION as the primary driver of female issues before, during and after menopause.

Table sugar (sucrose) contains 50% fructose and fructose drives inflammation. Fresh fruit should be avoided and certainly foods that contain fructose, such as: soft drinks, agave, fruit smoothies and all alcohol.  Rum and tequila are two of the worst hard liquors; fruit juice is every bit as bad for different reasons.

Fructose inflames the small intestinal wall where the immune system is located. A compromised gut wall and poor digestion feeds both the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle and the Autoimmune Attack Cycle playing havoc in women in their mid 30s and beyond.


There are many things a woman can do to moderate and restore their systems and ease and reverse the effects associated with menopause. Please read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking hyperlink.

Guidance is available. Ask if you would like more control of your life and your health. See Female Protocol by clicking hyperlink.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

See Hormones, Digestion, Bowels, fats, Inflammation in Glossary by clicking link below.

Ask for guidance. Everyone is different.

Read the 6th edition of the book, Young Again!

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