Neck & Upper Spine Tension

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Anecdotal observations by John THomas

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Neck & Spine Tension (N&ST): is a low-grade inflammatory response that is often blamed on stress and anxiety which are contributing factors; however, the primary culprit is consumption of dietary sweets.

N&ST is condition generally involves the toxic waste of Candida albicans.  It is also symptom of early OR late stages of ‘chicken neck’ and breakdown of the connective tissues of this region of the body.

N&ST is easily remedied with dietary changes, correction of poor digestion, use of Biogenic Spine Roller and detoxification of the body terrain.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

See Special Insights: Belly Flap & Chicken Neck in Glossary link below.

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