Compromised (challenged)

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Compromised: is a term used to describe limited, less than ideal, not up to a state of normalcy.


Compromised organ function is NEITHER genetic or hereditary, but self imposed; and a trade-off in body function where an organ is unable to function as designed.

For example, a scarred, fatty liver suffering from cirrhosis, fibrosis or inflammation is a liver that cannot filter blood or perform the thousands of processes the liver was designed to do.

Inflammation is the common denominator and major contributing factor to a compromised system.  Systemic inflammation is greatly influenced by a compromised small intestine and porous gut wall (leaky-gut).

Inflammation is also driven by regulatory hormone imbalance of: leptin, insulin, adrenaline and glucagon. Please read, Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking link.

People live in various states of inflammation and compromised organ function involving various body systems (blood, lymph, liver, bowels, digestion etc.) that do not or are incapable of performing as designed.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open t new ideas.

Also, see inflammation, Germ Theory of Disease and anabolism in Glossary link below.

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