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Systemic: means applying to the entire body terrain


A systemic condition exists when present throughout the body or in multiple locations and is often SUB-CLINICAL and cannot be verified by normal testing methods.

Sub-clinical means the problem or condition is BELOW radar, and from a clinical perspective does not exist i.e. it is in the patient’s head (imagined).

Signs are obvious and measurable vs. symptoms are not.  A low-grade condition is below-radar and cannot be confirmed.

Regardless if a problem is clinical or sub-clinical, whether it gets a medical label elevating it to a condition of dis-ease or whether it is called a condition, syndrome or disorder, inflammation is involved.

Pain, suffering and fever are obvious confirmations of inflammation, but NOT necessarily confirmation of a clinical condition and may or man not be limited by location, organ or tissue.

Some examples of inflammation are: arthritis, cardiovascular, diabetes or cancer. But there are thousands of low-grade inflammatory conditions that are misnamed or ignored and they get the name syndrome, disorder, condition to placate the patient without a solution to the non clinical nature of the symptoms presented.

The primary driver of inflammation in the body almost always involves regulatory hormone resistance (insulin/leptin).

Know, if you have an issue, hormonal imbalance is part of your story. Please read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking hyperlink.

Know, that the Autoimmune Attack Cycle and Sugar/Alcohol Cycle are active ingredients in people’s health issues. You can read about them by clicking hyperlinks.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

You will find key terms, such as: Low-grade, Inflammation, Sweets, Hormones (regulatory) in the Glossary link below.


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