Bloat (gas, fungal infestation, distension of the belly)

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Anecdotal Observations by John Thomas

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Bloat: refers to abdominal distension and/or pressure and discomfort from gas trapped in the intestine. Bloat is a ‘red flag’ condition that must not be ignored.

Gas: a general term used to refer to production and passing of intestinal gas. Excess and foul smelling  gas are early warning indicators that should not be ignored.

Why Gas & Bloat Occur

Gas is produced in the small intestine as part of normal metabolism.  However, excess gas or ongoing flatulence, especially following meals, indicates an out of balance condition involving mold and fungus take-over of the intestinal tract and body.

Gas and bloat occur with sluggish bowels and poor digestion. By sluggish bowel, I mean a bowel movement less than three times a day. The Enema Protocol trains the body to release the bowels three times a day, but mold and fungus issues must also be resolved.

To learn more, see the May Edition, 2017 of Special Insights entitled: The Missing Diagnosis, Jill’s Story: Case Study #1 in the Archive Link, above or below.

Poor digestion is a given for anyone suffering from gas and bloat with body odor and bad breath close behind. Poor digestion means: inability to break-down dietary proteins, assimilate fats and process carbohydrates.

Foul smelling gas is confirmation of intestinal putrefaction. Discomfort from intestinal gas generally occurs after meals in people age 35 and older.

Male & Female Manifestations

Bloat is  more prevalent in females than males for many of the same reasons as bladder infections are primarily a ‘female’ issue. Emotional stress and anxiety help drive gas and bloat problems in women and to a lesser degree, men. See Special Insight, Bladder & Prostate in Archive link above or below.

In males, gas and bloat are a good indicator of gut and intestinal inflammation and if ignored, eventually manifests as inflamed prostate i.e. prostatitis, which is just a fancy Latin term for inflamed prostate without any reference or idea what is causing it. See Special Insights, Bladder & Prostate in Archive Link below.

Bloat usually occurs at night because, by evening, the intestinal tract is sufficiently backed-up, stress has taken its toll and digestion suffers.  Night is also when molds and fungus release their mycotoxins.  Examples are: cardiovascular issues, asthma, acid reflux and peripheral neuropathy.

The following factors profoundly influence gas and bloat: not drinking enough water, eating sweets (sugar, fruit and juices) and carbohydrates, incomplete digestion, sluggish bowel, overgrowth of yeast, unbalanced intestinal bacteria, use of antibiotics and NSAIDS, anxiety and emotional stress and a damaged/compromised intestinal gut wall i.e. think leaky-gut!

Gas and bloat are side effects of the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle and the Autoimmune Attack Cycle.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

Each individual has their own set of problems and must be guided accordingly.

Also, read the 6th edition of my book, Young Again! It is available free, here.

See Colon, Inflammation, Cravings, Acid Reflux, and Gut in Glossary link below and take note of previously published issues of Special Insights by using the Archive link below.

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