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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Pellagra: a so-called disease that turned out to be a vitamin B-3 deficiency.


Pellagra killed multiple tens of thousands of people worldwide and in the USA over a one-hundred year period.

Pellagra [and it’s sister condition, Beriberi [called, Black Tongue in dogs] is a classic study in misguided medical idiots chasing after a supposed ‘germ’ that supposedly spread the so-called, dis-ease.

in the end, the bright boys were DEAD WRONG!  Pellagra had absolutely NOTHING to do with communicable disease.  It was a vitamin B-3 deficiency, plain and simple.

The pellagra story is exactly what is occurring today [years 2020-2021] with the NON-DISEASE called Corona virus that has the bright boys and girls in medicine chasing after a non-existant pathogen in the form of a virus.

Fact is there is NO SUCH THING AS A VIRUS!  No one has ever seen or isolated a virus and therefore, the supposed pathogen cannot and DOES NOT satisfy Koch’s Postulates for identification of transmittable agents of disease.

Pellegra was NOT a disease and Corona virus is NOT a disease, opinions to the contrary not withstanding, especially opinions of medical professionals who are trained BEYOND their intelligence.

See Chapter 34 in the book Young Again for more information and the rest of the story.


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