Sepsis (aka blood poisoning)

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Sepsis [aka blood poisoning]: extreme toxic poisoning of the blood stream and a major cause of death.

Septic Shock: a terminal condition of systemic poisoning of the body and vital organs by fungi that results in takeover of metabolism and loss of homeostasis.


The common medical definition of sepsis is: blood poisoning.

But the core question is poisoning by what?

And, the answer is: by  mycobacterial invasion of body.

Sepsis is a medical marker of complete destruction of immune function. What is missing are the words: by molds and fungal invasion.

Sepsis is the EFFECT of mycotoxin control of body metabolism.

Sepsis of the respiratory system [lungs and ability to breath, loss of cellular respiration, acidosis] is commonly mistaken for and labeled pneumonia and/or pneumonia-like respiratory sepsis.

Septic shock is the final stages of LATENT TUBERCULOSIS resulting from mycobacteria that morphed from latency to virulence and destroy the ability to exchange oxygen at the cellular level.

Please read: Toilet Paper Paranoia, Virus Insanity & Medical Fictions by clicking hyperlink.

Cancer is an example of takeover of body functions and organs by fungi.


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