Pets (dogs/cats)

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Dogs and cats are mammals and, in general, respond well to similar care afforded humans.

Areas to focus on are: avoidance of pre-diabetes and diabetes, iron poisoning from iron fortified pet foods, compromised liver function; toxic terrain, bowel disorders and feeding of commericially prepared pet foods loaded with additives and antibiotic residues.

The brand of pet food is less important than the ingredients which are difficult to ascertain and generally meaningless.  The best pet food you can buy is a problem because it is ‘prepared’ food and loaded with undesirable ingredients.

Obviously, use of antibiotics is NEVER a good idea and the best way to avoid the need to resort to their use is to keep you pet in good shape.

Avoidance of water city chlorinated, fluoridated water should be obvious.  Use of pet probiotics desirable.

Animals should eat real food; meaning, healthy meat, fish etc. and the food should be RAW and uncooked meat.

Limit pets to only one modest meal a day and NEVER feed them human junk foods.  If you pet is overweight (they should be skinny), change your feeding habits.

See Special Insights, How Iron Toxicity Affects Your Health Parts 1 & 2 by clicking Archive link below.

See Blood Iron Protocol for iron management by clicking Programs & Protocols link below.


  1. Change your pets lifestyle and diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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