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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Calorie: is a unit of food energy; a small unit called a calorie with a small c and a large unit is called a Calorie with a large C or a kcalorie (meaning 1000 calories).  Officially Calorie has been officially replaced by the term joule , meaning kilojoules which has a more precise meaning.


For purposes of discussion, we will use the term “Calorie”.

Please keep in mind, the amount of heat given off by ‘firing’ food is NOT representative of the amount of usable energy provided by metabolism, meaning the NON-THERMAL BURNING OF HYDROGEN contained in food and water molecules.

Food energy must be either burned for production of energy, or the energy must be saved by conversion into stored energy form, as in body fat.  Stored food energy complies with the Law of Conservation of Energy which says, energy is never lost, it merely changes form.

Calorie restriction, as a means of weight control, has very little meaning or use.  Better to learn how to use dietary fats and control resistance to the hormones leptin, insulin and adrenaline.

The challenge for people is this: What is the body going to do with the food consumed? The answer to that question is determined by the body’s regulatory hormones, insulin, leptin and adrenaline and the glands, pancreas, liver, adrenals and thyroid.

Loss of regulatory function affects close to 100% of humans.  Dysfunction can occur because of emotional events, such as ongoing stress, traumatic stress/trauma as well as from use of antibiotics, medications, alcohol, immunization overload and of course, dietary abuse/neglect.

Back to leptin.  Leptin is made by the fat cells and tells the brain to either make energy or make more body fat.  At mealtime, brain receptors must read and respond one way or the other.

If leptin levels are not accurately read or are misinterpreted, the brain automatically goes into fat production mode leading to a condition known as leptin resistance.

Carbohydrate dependence, as well as insufficient dietary fat, are HUGE factors in leptin and insulin resistance.  Stress and anxiety affect and are affected by leptin resistance as well as adrenaline and cortisol issues.

leptin resistance leads to insulin resistance, fatty liver, obesity, and poor brain (memory) function.  Cognitive disorders such as Alzheimers, Parkinson’s Asperger’s, autism, ADD, ADHD, and senility are classic examples of brain receptor dysfunction involving low-grade inflammation and poor blood circulation to the brain.

Cognitive disorders are “disorders”, they are NOT disease in the classic sense and they have nothing to do with genes or DNA.

Instead, think in terms of TERRAIN which is a Young Again Club foundation concept.  Specifically, think of mental disorders in terms of diabetes of the brain or type 3 diabetes.

When given the opportunity, the body automatically corrects cognitive dysfunction and it does it with changes in dietary choice, dietary habits and individual guidance.

Central to this discussion is aging in general, but more specifically WHAT causes people to age.  The answer is systemic, low-grade inflammation driven by hormonal resistance, a condition affecting everyone, young and old alike.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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