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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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 Exciting New Product!


Improve Your Vitality, Energy & Health 

ReCharge improves vitality and energy by boosting oxygen delivery to the cells.

Oxygen: more oxygen means better cardiovascular health, improved liver function, stable blood sugar, deeper sleep and the ability to repair and regenerate a worn out body. 

Carbon Dioxide: carbon dioxide is vital for transport and delivery of oxygen to the cells.   More carbon dioxide and better blood flow means more available oxygen and more life-force. 

Acidity: causes inflammation, acidity deprives cells of oxygen, acidity steals your energy.

Acidity and low oxygen cause our cellular bacteria [the mitochondria] to sicken and die!  The mitochondria are responsible for energy production we associate with youthfulness and good health.   

Improved circulation and more oxygen helps convert glucose into usable energy.  When cellular oxygen levels are low, glucose conversion stalls, causing increased FERMENTATION in the cells.

Fermentation, low oxygen and elevated acidity are key factors behind cardiovascular problems, diabetes, arthritis, cancer and kidney issues.

ReCharge is great for age-related and premature health issues.  ReCharge is a winner!

ReCharge will help you look younger, feel better and have more energy. 

ReCharge is great for many of today’s health challenges, such as:

  • Great for neuropathy type complaints.
  • Age related skin issues respond well.
  • Excellent for repair & regeneration.
  • Boosts energy & metabolism.
  • Assists circulation to brain & limbs.
  • Inflammation control the natural way.
  • Useful for curving alcohol/drug cravings.
  • Eases brain fog & sharpens memory.
  • Promotes deep, restful sleep.
  • Promotes hair growth and thickening.
  • Assists blood sugar management.
  • Eases digestion, gas and bloat.
  • Promotes healthy eyes and ears.
  • Great for female & male health issues.
  • Helps metabolism of excess body fat.
  • Eases moodiness and depression.
  • Useful for hyperactivity and poor focus.
  • Helps the thyroid work more efficiency.

ReCharge improves energy and quality of life.  Call today about the introductory offer.

John Thomas, Author (509) 465-4154 or email: 

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