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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Genome: is the totality of genetic material carried by an organism consisting of DNA and RNA.  DNA is the acronym of for dioxyribonucleic acid.


Until recently, it was believed that DNA was a fixed mechanism over gene expression and was considered “settled” science.

Epiginetics has overshadowed and completely challenged the field of genetics.  In other words, that which has been taught and believed, and upon which medical theory and the practice of medicine was based in not and never was valid. Like so many things in the medical field, little is true and most is theory taught as fact.

Students and patients must guard against and challenge so-called settled science.  Historically, the most perceptive observations and progressive thinking has come from outside the halls of academia and the thinking of credentialed experts.

Young Again Club strives to teach members a different way of thinking and understanding so they will not fall prey to the medical fictions of the day.

The factors that govern genetic expression are: diet and dietary habits, water, exercise, sleep, digestion, elimination and lifestyle.

Pay attention to the fundamentals and  you need not be concerned about genetics.  The body knows how to restore itself and regenerate. Your job is to help make it happen.

Here is a tip to help you get a handle on things: Bio-active PolyFlavonoids.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

See DNA, epigenetics and epigenome in Glossary by clicking link below.

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