Cravings (food cravings)

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Food Cravings: the abnormal desire to eat sweets and/or eat often.


Food cravings are the ‘effect’ experienced by people who have trained their bodies to rely on junk food and carbohydrates/sweets as their primary energy source.

All sweets are bad for body; table sugar is the best of the worst, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) being the worst. Other sugars, like agave, invert, and natural fruit sugars inflame the body and damage the small intestinal wall (gut) and lay the foundation for colon/bowel problems i.e. cancer etc. along with incessant food cravings.

Food eaten too often (less than every 4-6 hours) creates an unhealthy internal environment for the gut microbiome (so-called friendly bacteria).  Poor dietary habits drive the body into hormonal resistance of the regulatory hormones: leptin, insulin, adenaline and glucagon.

Sweets and carbohydrates fuel growth of yeast (candida albicans) causing it to spread and grow throughout the body and produce systemic inflammation, gas and bloating.

Food cravings are CONFIRMATION that your body is dependent on the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle and the Autoimmune Attack Cycle.  Please read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life here.

Here are a few common symptoms and side effects of dietary habits driven by food cravings: plaque tartar build-up on the teeth, foggy brain, obesity, bi-polar behavior, cardiovascular issues, diabetes, arthritis,  acne, eczema and psoriasis, low energy, ringing in ears, eye/vision problems, sinus congestion, asthma, chronic, systemic inflammation, graying of hair, fungus under the nails, poor hearing, bloating, irritable bowel, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, etc.

When your body is hormonally balanced and digestion and inflammation is eliminated, you will experience deep sleep and boundless energy while your clothes size shrinks.

CRAVINGS CAN MUST BE ADDRESSED BY DIETARY CHANGES, TERRAIN MANAGEMENT, RESTORATION OF THE INTESTINAL GUT WALL and by restoring balance to the regulatory hormones insulin and leptin to avoid hormonal resistance.

See Special Insights, Pre-Diabetes & Aging for the rest of the story by clicking the Archive link below.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open t new ideas.

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