Autoimmunity, Mental Decay & Saliva pH
[Dentistry’s Ongoing Fall-From-Grace!]
∙ Anecdotal Observations ∙
Teeth are supposed to last a lifetime, but they seldom do. Did God mess-up? Fact is, the longer you live, the more important are your teeth. Readers who embrace this report will keep their teeth longer and avoid suffering and unnecessary expense. To learn more, read on.
[Key words herein are linked to the glossary and protocol tabs of website to assist reader comprehension. For expanded information, click on blue, underlined words.]
This Special Insight is a candid look at an industry that refuses to clean-up; an industry that will never change until forced to do so by knowledgeable patients who understanding Applied Physiology.
THIS REPORT IS AN INDICTMENT OF DENTISTRY! The only exceptions are holistic dental practitioners [who are hated by their so-called, peers and represent less than 1% of dentists] and competent emergency room doctors and holistic doctors who do amazing things when allowed to do their job. These professionals deserve, applause. The rest deserve, scorn!
As this report unfolds, readers will learn how to protect themselves and their families from the predatory practices of the dental industry. Before we begin, however, consider the mysterious world of autoimmunity and dis-ease misdiagnosis within the frames of dentistry and medicine.
The Imaginary World Of Autoimmunity
The terrain is the CENTRAL THEME of Special Insights and my book, Young Again! [published in April 1994]. By year 2010, the medical landscape changed, radically. The problem: glyphosate [Roundup] contamination of the food chain. Symptoms were misunderstood and misdiagnosed by practitioners who only think in terms of Germ Theory and the medical model.
Practitioners needed answers, and out of desperation, they embraced pharma’s baloney hypothesis called autoimmunity. Autoimmunity provided medical cover for chronic dis-ease phenomena for which practitioners had NO training, NO understanding, and NO solutions. Medicine operated without a compass because they were medically ignorant of metabolic dis-ease. [More below.]
Autoimmunity is a diagnostic wild-goose-chase! The label, autoimmunity hints of the body attacking itself, but this is both a pharma narrative and a bald-faced, lie! The body NEVER attacks itself and God is not stupid! However, the body REACTS when drugs and foreign proteins invade blood! When invasion occurs, symptoms of chronic dis-ease appear out of nowhere!
Autoimmune reactions are EFFECTS of foreign invasion of blood. Autoimmune reactions are immune system OVERREACTIONS to protein and drug invasion and immune assault. Autoimmune is NOT disease, rather pharma flimflam to confuse patients and practitioners and milk the sick-care system! Autoimmune has NOTHING to do with the body turning on itself! [Please read again.]
Applied Physiology teaches how the terrain functions, rather than propagating false academic theories like Germ Theory and Virology. Applied Physiology is about INFORMED CHOICE in all things dental and medical. Master Applied Physiology and readers will escape 1600 YEARS OF MEDICAL SKULLDUGERY and put an end to dental and medical racketeering.
Applied Physiology [AP] teaches better health, less suffering, and elimination of unnecessary dental and medical involvement. AP is learned with the ColorSmart Learning System and by studying the contents of each issue of Special Insights. [FYI: the less formal, medical education you have, the easier it is to learn! For individualized guidance, contact John Thomas.]
Dentistry: A Misguided Profession
Dentistry is a very misguided profession, a profession that employs shameful practices, such as mercury-amalgam fillings, fluoride, root canals, implants, bone cavitation and overuse of x-ray. [Culpability in the name of good-dentistry with FULL-KNOWLEDGE of it’s shameful ways.]
Acidic pH is central to dental and medical dis-ease. Fact is dental dis-ease is medical dis-ease with dental labels. Dentistry is sick-care medicine’s fraternal twin, and BOTH disciplines embrace Pasteur’s bogus Germ Theory of Disease. Neglect and abuse fuel dental dis-ease, but so does failure to comprehend the effects of saliva and urine pH on teeth and gums.
Dentistry and medicine drink from the same trough! Both are suckers for the other’s baloney because both embrace the fraudulent Germ Theory of Disease taught to them at university. Failure to proclaim the obvious is why medicine failed to advance for over 1600 YEARS!
Germ Theory prevents otherwise intelligent people from proclaiming the obvious, meaning, how the terrain functions versus fraudulent, academic, medical physiology! Worse, practitioners are forced to comply with rules of Standard of Care, no matter what is best for patients. Think 1600 YEARS!
Dentistry: A Predatory Lobby
Dentistry is a predatory trade that takes advantage of patients regardless if they are rich, poor, laborers, medically credentialed, engineers, or lawyers. Every patient is fair game!
Predatory dentistry is about perception and conditioning so patients are receptive to professional slight-of-hand. Doctor NEVER discusses fees because money is unprofessional and taboo! Money is only discussed at the front desk.
Perception is everything and dentistry knows it, manipulates it, and lobbies it! Of all professions, none approach the under-handed practices of dentistry! Not physicians, not lawyers, not engineers, not educators, not contractors, not veterinarians! Dentistry is a high-end, quasi-medical mafia for fleecing patients of their money.
There is no way to explain why the paradox called dentistry is so utterly corrupt and tainted. Oddly, there is plenty of honest money to be made without predatory tactics and practices. The dental lobby is like no other! A pack of wolves in sheep’s fleece. The Golden Fleece!
Dentistry’s FAILURE to clean-up perpetuates dentistry’s fall from grace! Dentistry is about professional ego, greed beyond avarice, and failure to comprehend body physiology in terms of the terrain vs. Germ Theory. Holistic dentists are the only saving-grace of the profession.
Renegade Dentist Appears!
In the late 1930’s, a forward-thinking dentist named, Weston Price scoured the world for insights on the causes of dental carries (cavities) and malformation of the dental arch in Western Societies versus healthy teeth and properly formed dental arches of primitive cultures.
Price’s conclusions were ignored by dentistry AND medicine, but his observations were spot-on! [Unknown at the time was the influence saliva pH, maldigestion and Essential Elements play in the development and manifestation of teeth and gum dis-ease.]
Price concluded that diet makes all the difference, and that a healthy diet can reverse genetic carry-over from parent to offspring. In other words, genes and DNA are epigenetic effects imposed on the terrain rather than design defects of God’s handiwork.
Price’s observations preceded present-day genetics and the discovery of the DNA molecule by almost two decades! His observations and conclusions continue to challenge medicine’s blind allegiance to Germ Theory. [FYI: virology and virus theory are knock-offs of germ theory. So is the fraudulent science behind the COVID Pandemic!]
Price concluded that protein plays a key role in gestational development of teeth and the dental arch, that breast milk and unpasteurized milk are superior to formula and pasteurized milk, and simple carbohydrates accelerate demise of teeth, gums, and terrain. [FYI: maldigestion and sweets rob the body of essential elements and turn urine and saliva pH, acidic.]
Sidebar. John Thomas was born in 1944. Back them, those who survived beyond age 35 had either dentures or capped teeth, and most people died from dental-related cardiovascular dis-ease [infected teeth, bone and gums and an endless flow of toxins to the heart muscle via blood returning from the head]. Cavities and bone infections [cavitation] from rotting fragments of lost teeth was extremely common back then, and they are extremely common today for EXACTLY THE SAME REASONS. Know that teeth, bone, and gum infections progressively weaken the terrain and sabotage the immune system. [Post WW II dentistry was very crude, and clinical understanding of saliva pH and depletion of essential elements on vital organ function was unknown.]
Maldigestion, Sluggish Bowels & Faulty Hydrogen Metabolism
Incomplete digestion [maldigestion] drives dental dis-ease MORE than any other single factor. Maldigestion and sluggish bowel fuels terrain acidification and faulty hydrogen metabolism.
Youthful digestion and youthful metabolism release hydrogen in food and water. Hydrogen is the body’s PRIMARY source of energy, not ATP [adenosine triphosphate] as popularly believed. The ATP energy molecule only fuels Intercellular metabolism. ATP energy output is tiny compared to the energy released through non-thermal burning of the hydrogen ion.
Hydrogen is a high energy element that participates in all chemical reactions. Hydrogen is the essence of life. [To quote Einstein, “After hydrogen, the most common thing is stupidity.”]
FAILURE to burn hydrogen in food and water allows hydrogen ions to accumulate and turn saliva, and urine pH, acidic. pH is a measure of circulating, unburned, hydrogen! The more efficient is digestion the less unburned hydrogen in circulation, the less terrain acidity, and the MORE energy that is released from food and water. [Read about HydrogenMagic here.]
Peak digestion is needed for release of hydrogen from food and water. HYDROGEN DEFICIT causes less energy, more body fat, muscle loss, and premature aging. Blood invasion by undigested protein [and drugs] triggers what people wrongly call, allergy. Allergies are CONFIRMATION of maldigestion and Leaky-gut Syndrome. Allergy Theory is just another medical wild-goose-chase!
Elevated blood sugar [90+] and acidic urine and saliva pH are symptoms of pre-diabetes and insulin/leptin-resistance. No matter what version of dis-ease a person suffers from, know insulin-resistance and pH are in-play! [Instead, think Metabolic Syndrome.]
RECOGNIZED SYMPTOMS of Metabolic Syndrome and maldigestion are cardiovascular dis-ease, insulin/leptin-resistance, diabetes, kidney/pancreatic dysfunction, fatty-liver, high serum triglycerides and excess weight [more than 10 lbs. over high school weight].
SHADOW SYMPTOMS of Metabolic Syndrome and maldigestion are intestinal putrefaction, constipation [less than 3 bowel movements/day], gas and bloating, poor sleep, diverticulitis, colitis, hemorrhoids, belly-fat, PROSTATE PROBLEMS, bladder leakage, UTIs, colon polyps, colon cancer, and failure to make [your own] B-vitamins [in the colon] as the body was designed to do.
Dis-ease and acidic pH are reflections of faulty, hydrogen metabolism. Long before people realize something is wrong, hydrogen levels rise while urine pH drops into the 6s, 5s and 4s. Acidic pH is dis-ease in-progress, no matter if symptoms appear as clinical dis-ease. Practitioners routinely issue misdiagnoses because THEY WERE NEVER TAUGHT and DO NOT UNDERSTAND, Applied Physiology.
FLUORINE: Hard Teeth, Hard Bones, Hard Heads
Dentistry LOVES fluoride, and so does pharma and sick-care medicine. Both LOVE fluorine because it feathers their nest! The public knows fluorine only by bogus claims and the moniker, FLUORIDE! Fluorine is the ACTIVE ingredient in 50% [or more] of all medications. [Please read again!]
[FYI: fluorine is a gaseous element that assumes crystal [salt] form when combined with an alkaline earth metal, such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc. Fluoride is fluorine in salt form.]
Fluorine shuttles toxic drugs across cell membranes into cells WHERE DRUGS SHOULD NEVER BE! Fluorine FORCES the terrain to accept poisonous substances! Cipro [the medication] is such a substance, and it is LOADED with fluorine! Cipro is famous for causing tendons to TURN BRITTLE and SNAP, especially in people over forty years of age. Cipro destroys liver function, too!
Fluorine destroys brain function! It is a known neurotoxin that promotes the ADD and ADHD in children. Fluorine causes degenerative eye dis-eases such as cataract, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. Oddly, fluoride does permanent damage to tooth enamel cells, yet it is promoted with the false claim of cavity prevention.
Fluoride DOES NOT prevent cavities, and it has NO KNOWN FUNCTION in human physiology. There is nothing good about fluoride! Paradoxically, tooth decay is NOT even defined as a fluorine deficiency dis-ease. [Get fluorine OUT of your body, now!]
Fluoroquinolone medications and toothpaste disassociate in body fluids and release fluorine gas. Lymph, blood, and stomach secretions are body fluids. Fluorine is known as the wildcat of halogens and is EXTREMELY reactive and unstable, chemically speaking. [See Chapter 16 in Young Again!]
Fluorine HARDENS teeth, bone, and connective tissue [ligaments, cartilage, tendons, skin, muscle, gums]. It SLOWS blood-flow to the brain and cripples mental function, too! Fluorine FUELS neurologic dis-eases, such as neuropathy, dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. Fluorine is the stuff of old age! [Clear fluorine from your receptors and get it OUT of your body, now!]
Fluorine locks-up thyroid receptors and interferes with sexual metabolism and hormones because it is so chemically, REACTIVE! Fluorine promotes calcification of the pineal gland, loss of flexibility, plaque in blood vessels and scar tissue formation. [Fluorine can be DISLODGED from body receptors using bio-active, essential elements. [FYI: receptor lock-up is hypothyroidism in women.]
Purging the terrain of fluorine requires bio-active essential elements. Common supplements [pill or liquid] DO NOT DO THE JOB because they are chemically bound and a waste of money.
Loose teeth, Receding Gums & Osteoporosis
Loose teeth are acidification of gums. Loss of bone mass is acidification of bone. Gum recession is acidification of the jaw and skull. Periodontal dis-ease is acidification of saliva. [Please read again!]
Osteoporosis is NOT about bone densityas claimed by sick-care practitioners; iit’s about loss of bone mass! They are NOT the same thing! Osteoporosis is FAILURE to build, healthy new bone as fast as old bone disappears. [Bone regeneration is a MULTI-YEAR PROCESS! It takes one year just to get the body moving in the right direction. Check-out the solution here.]
Osteoporosis of hips, legs and jaw in women has NOTHING to do with lack of dietary calcium. Worse, osteopenia is a FAKE condition that DOES NOT EXIST! Women are being scammed!
Osteoporosis occurs because of maldigestion and acidification of the terrain, meaning minerals exit bone to deacidify waste and buffer acidify. When you hear the label osteoporosis, think of a terrain that has been highly acidic for decades! [Details of the Terrain pH Protocol here.]
Essential Elements & Dental Health
Essential Element depletion and cancer of ovaries, uterus, prostate, and testicles are INTERDEPENDENT issues! The elements are crucial for repair and maintenance of teeth, gums, jaw, and connective tissues. Element depletion is WHY sex drive goes south after age 35 and WHY aging accelerates and WHY menopause/andropause are the official beginnings of old age.
Know iodine, selenium, and zinc ions are STORED in thyroid, ovaries, testicles, and prostate. These elements have sexual overtones. Pill forms are generally useless, non-bioactive forms with poor assimilation, and meaningless ion levels. Essential Elements drive Metabolic Syndrome, insulin/leptin-resistance, and overweight/obesity are issues of faulty metabolism.
Cancer LOVES acidic terrain, waste overload, compromised liver, bowel dysfunction, and insulin/leptin-resistance. Failure to comprehend the meaning of pH is costing people their health and their lives. [BTW: symptoms of the so-called viruses are pH driven.] [Please read again!]
Proton Pump Inhibitors & Hydrogen
Maldigestion, terrain acidification and urine/saliva pH are kissing cousins! Urine pH is your best measure of terrain acidity [urine pH is a measure of unburned hydrogen ions in circulation.]
Urine pH in the 6s, 5s, and 4s accompanies mental decline and neurologic disorders such as neuropathy, dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. [Ask for guidance.]
Readers MUST NOT confuse acidic pH with the myth of an alkaline terrain. pH is NOT about eating and drinking alkaline food and water. For example, natural apple cider vinegar is highly acidic, yet it boosts metabolism while reducing acidity. pH MANAGEMENT IS ABOUT LESS ACIDITY, NOT MORE ALKALINITY! [Please read this paragraph several times!]
Tums and Rolaids are mild antacids compared to PPIs [proton pump inhibitors]. People are TERRIBLY CONFUSED about acid indigestion and acid-reflux. Neither condition is about excess stomach acid!
PPIs shut-down protein digestion. Then maldigestion dominates! Shut-down hydrogen proton production and the reader can better understand starvation on a full belly! Undigested protein putrefies and poisons the liver and STOPS fermentation of food and B-vitamin production.
Leakage of undigested proteins and drugs into blood ignites a firestorm of adverse reactions that are mislabeled as allergy, leaky-gut, and GERD [acid reflux]. Worse, medications STRIP the terrain of magnesium ions needed for healthy metabolism, hormone management and nerve function.
PPIs fuel low-grade inflammation, pH acidification, fatty-liver, insulin-resistance, cardiovascular stress, poor energy metabolism, Metabolic Syndrome, and dysfunctional bowel. PPIs are pharma’s recipe for misery and maldigestion in people over 35 years of age. [Please read again!]
Dental Facts & Useful Suggestions
Useful suggestions: brush teeth within 5 minutes of eating, brush gum margins gently, NEVER brush gums, avoid sweets and junk carbohydrates, do not snack or eat between meals [coconut fat & Lauric are the only exception], eat only two meals/day, floss immediately after meals, use a magnetic dental irrigator, wipe teeth surfaces with a cloth after brushing, flush with moderately-hot water after meals if you can’t brush, practice oil-pulling with coconut fat/oil, have teeth cleaned by hygienist 2x/year, avoid all x-rays [especially in children between 6-18 years of age.
Know improper tooth extractions leave-behind root fragments that develop into jaw/head infections called cavitation. Know that failure to burr-out tooth sockets after extraction results in ongoing infection of the jaw and head. Know Holistic dentists correctly identify compromised tooth sockets as bone infections that dump toxins into blood returning to the heart [weakening heart muscle and valves]. Know periodontal dis-ease and inflamed gums indicate of insulin/leptin resistance, acidic pH, toxic terrain and compromised circulation.
Know fluoride is POISON! Do not use fluoridated tooth paste or mouth wash, and do not drink fluoridated water. Know your bowels should move 3 times/day, every day. Sluggish bowels force the body to store acidic waste that eventually destroys teeth, gums, and brain.
Know gum grafts are a scam; tissue from roof of mouth is DIFFERENT than gum tissue. Know implants and root canals are terrible substitutes for what could have been avoided, and both procedures create a never-ending cycle of infection and systemic inflammation. [If you have implants already, there are things you MUST do to avoid trouble and misery. [Ask for help.]
Know healthy gums and teeth require generous secretion of non-acidic saliva which depends on drinking 6-8 glasses of water daily with bio-active sea mineral ions. Know saliva volume affects ability to swallow food. Know loose teeth and inflamed/bleeding gums are deadly, serious issues.
Know that the more often you eat, the greater the risk of dental dis-ease and insulin/leptin-resistance. Know lauric acid capsules curb food cravings, ease gas and bloating, manage yeast overgrowth, reduce terrain pH, burn-off excess body fat, and boost energy production.
Know the Enema Protocol reduces terrain acidity and eases teeth and gum issues. Know enemas help you feel and look better, sleep more soundly, have more energy, and suffer less inflammation. Know excess metabolic waste destroys teeth, gums, and terrain.
Know x-rays DAMAGEteeth and DESTROY enamel cells that renew teeth surfaces. X-rays on children should ONLY be for emergencies, NEVER at dentist discretion. Know dentists use so-called symptoms of dying teeth to justify root canals that could be setttled by restoring blood and lymph circulation and clearing infection from the nerve and pulp chamber of teeth.
Know poor circulation, cavities, bone cavitations, leaky fillings, toxicity and insulin/leptin resistance cause good teeth to become infected and die. Know pain associated with a potential root canal can be STOPPED cheaply and quickly so the tooth/nerve can heal. Ask for guidance. Know common 3% hydrogen peroxide is a good, inexpensive teeth whitener that neutralizes problematic bacteria.
Know there are simple, highly-effective ways to REDUCE tooth pain, AVOID root canals and HELP dying teeth survive and return to health. GumMagic does wonders on sick gums and loose teeth. Know John Thomas knows of three dentists who committed suicide because of mercury poisoning!
Know amalgam dental fillings [so-called, silver fillings] are 60% mercury. Get them OUT of your head before senility and neurologic disorders [dementia and Alzheimer’s] take you down. NEVER allow a dentist to put mercury into your body, and NEVER allow a dentist not trained in holistic dentistry to remove mercury fillings. Improper removal is extremely dangerous with ugly, long-term consequences such as immune collapse, cancer and latent tuberculosis. [Ask for guidance.]
Know bone cavitation, inflamed gums and infected root canals are VERY COMMON and can be detected by an elevated CRP score. CRP accurately measures low-grade inflammation and sub-clinical infection that slithers under medical radar. A score above -0- is trouble-in-progress, but physicians and labs tell patients below 1.0 is normal and fine! It’s not! Know x-rays are a misused diagnostic with long-term consequences. Know dental issues compromised liver function, and the Tissue & Liver Protocol is very effective against weak liver function. Ask for guidance.
Conclusion & Afterthoughts
Peak health is yours IF you avoid maldigestion, manage pH and maintain your Essential Elements.
Know that popular digestive aids DO NOT HAVE energy profiles needed for correcting faulty digestion [especially in people over 50 years of age!] Know all-in-one, single-pill digestive aids [regardless of brand] fail, miserably! Aging bodies and human suffering are living proof!
The Digestive Trio maximizes assimilation of food and supplemental nutrients. Use the Trio to resurrect youthful digestion NO MATTER your age, diet, or circumstance! The Digestive Trio is used for AS LONG AS you eat food and want to enjoy good health. [Please read again!]
The body is made to live, and it knows how to renew itself! Make it happen by getting out of the way, by embracing Applied Physiology and studying Special Insights. Everything is a cinch, inch-by-inch! Ask for guidance.
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John Thomas, Author Young Again!
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