Special Insight #1
∙ Anecdotal Observations ∙
You have achoicewhen it comes to sick-care medicine. Just say, “Yes!”
“Yes!” is about self-care. “Yes!” is how to prosper within the sick-care system. “Yes!” means, “I take care of myself; I read Special Insights and I understand Applied Physiology.”
Relying on sick-care medicine is like swimming without a swimsuit at high tide. When the tide goes out, those without a suit are found vulnerable and naked!
The Young Again Club Lifestyle invigorates the body and reverses aging so you enjoy good health and avoid becoming a sick-care statistic, no matter your health challenge.
I am not speaking of emergency room and trauma events, but I am suggesting people take control of their health and avoid all possible involvement with sick-care medicine.
Aging and dis-ease are anomalies; good health should be the norm!
Aging and dis-ease have NOTHING to do with your genes and EVERYTHING to do with diet, digestion, bowels, stress, sleep, water, and systemic low-grade inflammation.
As for excess body fat, dry skin, gray/thin hair, ringing ears, vision issues, dementia and Alzheimer’s along with asthma, irritable bowel, arthritis, diabetes, and fibromyalgia, your symptoms are not what they appear, and doctor’s diagnosis is likely a misdiagnosis.
At age 77, John Thomas has outlived nine death calls! Here is a recent photo and proof the body can [and does] heal itself. Our job is to help it by getting out of the way.
Consultations are FREE! The choice is yours.
To learn more, send an email to: johnthomas@youngagainclub.com or 509 465-4154
A Better Way
Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours. Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life. To learn more, click here.
If you have not read Young Again! you should. If you would like a copy of the book, click here.
John Thomas, Author Young Again!
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