Make your sweetie’s Valentine’s Day [and your own] the best ever with perpetual good health and resurrected immunity. To learn how to make these things happen in your life, read on.
Observation: Sick-care is collapsing and people need guidance and valid information when self-care is their only option. Good doctors are shackled and they are in short supply! The medical system is rigged and corrupt; long lines are coming. Knowledge and guidance will serve you well.
Mission: I write because I see what we are told does not match-up with, truth. I mock sick-care because it deserves to be, mocked. My mission is to deliver truth and perspective on matters of health and longevity. Truth will prevail and people deserve to know truth for their personal and family well-being.
Forward: Special Insights to people you care about! Key words herein are linked to updated Glossary and Protocols Sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion. To use links, click on the blue underlined words.
‘Tis The Sick Season 24/7/365
The official sugar season begins on Halloween, continues unabated through Christmas and New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day and finally, Easter. But it doesn’t stop there!
The next six months of the year are the unofficial season for grazing on sugar, alcohol [including wine] and excess fruit. Add assault by vaccination for anything and everything [real or imagined] and it’s no wonder people’s immune systems are upside-down and sweetie and yourself are suffering unnecessarily and aging prematurely. For example…
Diabetes, was once called sugar diabetes because people who ate too many sweets saw their blood sugar levels rise to dangerous levels. Today, 35% of the population is officially diabetic and the remaining 65% is pre-diabetic
Sweets definitely play a role in the aging process and Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to understand why your sweetie [or yourself] are suffering the sugar blues even if none are eaten.
When you think sweets, think of carbohydrates, such as sugar, candy, fruit, agave, high fructose corn syrup, fruit juice, pasta and of course, wine and alcohol.
Sweets fuel the growth of molds and yeast that destroy immune function with their potent mycotoxins, and it all begins with the innocent, one-time-exposure to antibiotics, use of birth control pills and steroidal medications. [See Jill’s Story.]
Consumption of sweets and endless cravings haunt the population and Valentine’s Day is no reason to celebrate with sweets. Better to break the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle once and for all Real change comes from following the Mold & Fungus Protocol and freeing the body of perpetual enslavement from merger of fungal DNA with your own human DNA.
Real health comes when the immune system resurrects itself with help from endospheric MASTER bacteria; dormant, specialized bacteria NOT available via the food chain or probiotics. [Probiotics don’t survive the stomach; besides, they do NOT contain endospheres.]
Poisons made by bad bacteria are called endotoxins; poisons made by molds and yeast are called mycotoxins. When absorbed by the intestinal tract, these systemic poisons cause 99.999% of people’s so-called autoimmune complaints from asthma and cardiovascular problems to cancer, diabetes and arthritis. [Know, if you have health issues, your immune system is dysfunctional and your metabolism is under the control of molds and fungus.]
Sweet Valentines For Your Sweetie!
People associate sweets with fun, satisfaction and memories. Nothing wrong with any of these things except that sweets are degenerative, a source of systemic inflammation, moodiness, premature aging because sweets fuel the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle.
Valentine’s Day and chocolate are associated with love. Good chocolate contains fats that are the basis of women’s [and men’s] hormones, but the sugar aspect of chocolate is not so nice.
Sucrose (table sugar) is 50 % glucose which temporarily boosts energy. The other 50% is fructose. The body removes fructose from blood and converts it to body fat, especially at the waistline and cellulite on the thighs [which you can eliminate if you will ask for guidance.]
Excess fat building is controlled by fungal yeast and molds every bit as much as by diet and consumption. See Special Insights, Belly Fat Phenomenon.
Fructose does not provide the body with usable energy and it severely disrupts the intestinal microbiome. Yeast infections [women] and prostate issues and testicular swelling [men] are classic examples of mycotoxin dominance. So is gout and cardiovascular disease.
The population is hooked on carbohydrates. People have trained their bodies to burn carbohydrates as their primary energy source instead of fats. [Dietary fats supply up to 80% of total energy needs without compromising health like carbohydrates do.]. For your information, excess protein over 6% of total calories consumed]drives-up blood sugar levels and creates the state of pre-diabetes and prevents people from losing weight.
Sweets, Allergies, Sensitivities & Fat Metabolism
Healthy fats such as coconut oil are very useful for breaking carbohydrate dependence. Moreover, fats ease food cravings! But to convert fats to energy, you need bio-active bile in the form of Pro-Ox which doubles to break-down toxins in the intestinal tract before they cause autoimmune responses along with gas and bloat.
Contrary to medical myths about fats [and the absurd food pyramid dieticians and food experts love to crow about] fats are every bit as critical for good health and longevity as green vegetables and whole plant foods. See Eat Fats to Be Healthy & Happy.
Proteins present a serious dilemma for all of us because high stomach acidity is needed to breakdown proteins before they enter the intestinal tract. Incomplete protein digestion and leaky-gut fuel inflammatory responses, such as allergies and food sensitivities because of hyphal invasion of the gut wall. [These conditions are condition is epidemic and reversible!]
Undigested proteins do not belong in the intestinal track and NEVER in the blood stream. Foreign proteins trigger immune system reactions described best as the Autoimmune Attack Cycle. [FYI: insect bites and stings along with snake bite reactions are caused by foreign proteins.]
Gluten intolerance is CONFIRMATION of failure to digest wheat protein. It’s also confirmation of an inflamed and porous small intestinal wall and unrestricted admission of foreign proteins into the blood stream.
Gluten intolerance is a REAL problem for millions of people. Sadly, the label misleads by focusing on the effect rather than the cause of this intestinal dilemma. Many people are forced to rely on the GAPS diet to survive. Gluten is a problem, but an inflamed, leaky-gut from systemic invasion by fungal hypha and the total absence of endospheric, master bacteria are at the center of suffering. Better answers are available. To learn more, click here.
People who suffer with intestinal issues [and gluten intolerance in particular] MUST avoid foods containing gluten until they have regenerated their small intestinal wall and resurrected their microbiome with EndoBiotica.
The reader knows symptoms of the Autoimmune Attack Cycle by names such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, diabetes, irritable bowel, yeast, gout, rosacea, psoriasis and eczema, acne, brain fog, thyroid, tinnitus (ringing in ears), eye problems and Alzheimer’s. These conditions are classic examples of autoimmune attacks by the body against the body. Sweets, fungal invasion, mycotoxin dominance and incomplete protein digestion all play their part in these conditions.
No discussion of sweets is complete without mention of the body’s regulatory hormones leptin, insulin and adrenaline. A complete review of diabetes and insulin resistance is offered in Special Insights, Blood Sugar, Inflammation & Diabetes.
A New Valentine’s Day Tradition & Flowers for Your Sweetie
Valentine’s Day is the perfect occasion to go sweet-free, resurrect your immune system and escape the burden of fungal dominance of your body. Guidance is provided FREE!
Flowers on Valentine’s Day avoids sugar blues. Flowers do not gray hair or fog the brain or cause gas and bloat. Flowers do not drive depression, cravings, poor sleep, yeast outbreaks, bladder infections, prostate flare-ups, neck and back tension and bowel irregularities.
Sweets confuse the immune system, weaken the body and inflame everything. Give your Sweetie
the sweetest gift of all this Valentine’s Day. GOOD HEALTH!
Solutions & Conclusions
Aging and suffering have no place in anyone’s story. Isn’t it time to give yourself and your sweetie the Valentine’s gift of good health?
If you have issues or suffer from poor health, understand your terrain needs tending and you need guidance. Be grateful guidance is available for FREE!
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John Thomas, Author Young Again!
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