Today’s Special Insight spotlights mineral ion depletion and the ongoing threat of wi-fi radiation that is crippling our mitochondria and weakening our vital organs. To learn more, read on.
As you read this letter, you will get a new understanding of suffering and disease. And, if you are reading between the lines, you will come to the realization that disease and so-called, genetic disorders are fictions of sick-care medicine and medical misdiagnosis. MIsterpreted SYMPTOMS that have everything to do with depletion of the body’s elemental ions and exposure to wi-fi radiation.
Young Again Club’s mandate is identification of health-related risks, protection of health and well-being, and providing solutions. Sadly, fear of the unknown and unwillingness to make simple changes in diet and lifestyle prevent most people from improving their lives. Money is the most common [and least valid] reason given for failure to act. The real problem, however, is lack of understanding and attitude.
Depleted Soils, Depleted Bodies & Wi-fi Radiation
Our soils are completely depleted of essential, elemental ions humans need for health and maintenance of body, mind and spirit. Proof is everywhere around us: in the mirror, at the doctor’s office and in the surgery room. Ion depletion IS THE ESSENCE OF DEGENERATIVE DISEASE, and exposure to wi-fi radiation is accelerating depletion of the body’s reserves and compromising cellular mitochondria.
Twelve elemental ions are required for healthy physiology, and the Young Again Club Essential Elements Protocol supplies these spark plugs that cannot be obtained from food, REGARDLESS of the kind of food or how it was produced, including, organic food. [FYI: organic food is about chemicals and fertilizer and has absolutely NOTHING to do with food’s ion composition or the composition of the soil matrix.]
Announcement! You can now overcome food chain shortfalls and improve your health, regardless of age, state of health, medical history or medication profile with an elegant solution without a downside; something you can use to regenerate your body, mind and spirit. Interested? You should be!
Common supplements ARE NOT viable sources of biologically-active, elemental ions because they are riddled by poor absorption, dismal assimilation and failure of elemental ions to traverse cell and mitochondrial membranes. [Translation: mineral ions that can’t traverse membranes are, useless!]
FACT! The molecular charge that ion carry determines the body’s ability to utilize them. Liquid formats are meaningless unless ALL OF ESSENTIAL IONS ARE PRESENT and the energy footprints are bio-compatible with cells and mitochondria. [Young Again Club elemental ions have 100% bio-compatibility.]
Lack of bio-compatibility causes metabolism to stall and mitochondria production of our fundamental energy unit [Mg-ATP] to dwindle. Lack of elemental ions means low energy, poor tissue repair, inability to get healing sleep and systemic, low-grade inflammation throughout the body. [Translation: if you are over age 35 and have health issues, you are suffering from ion depletion. It’s as simple as that!]
Common food supplements can’t [and don’t] traverse cell and mitochondrial membranes and therefore, are worthless and a waste of money! Worse, they end-up in the toilet or the joints, breasts, prostate pancreas and liver. Examples are: arthritis, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hundreds of lesser miseries that plague the populace; disorders that require elemental ions to tame and correct.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [NAFLD] and pre-diabetes affect roughly 80% of the population, and depletion of mineral ions drives them. NAFLD is medical speak for a stagnant, dysfunctional, inflamed liver, and statin drugs people are using to FOOLISHLY drive down their cholesterol is fueling liver cirrhosis and misery. [One day, statins and thousands of other medications will be outlawed!]
In the meantime, AVOID ALL DRUGS and know that your body naturally corrects health issues when supplied with essential ions. Use them and you won’t be concerned about heart, brain, hormones, sexual dysfunction, arthritis, bone spurs, stenosis or neuropathy because you won’t have any of them!
Young Again Club elemental ions are charged, liquid formulations that offer 100% absorption and assimilation so vital organs can REGENERATE AND FUNCTION as designed. These essential ions are in drop form and are taken together in water twice daily; no pills are involved!
The Essential Elements Protocol causes a SHIFT IN POSITIVE ENERGY METABOLISM so your body’s own lifeforce energy can neutralize the crippling side-effects of wi-fi, non-ionizing radiation on cells and mitochondria. The protocol is a two-prong approach, and it’s a VERY BIG DEAL because, it works!
Young Again Club essential elements help the body mitigate compromised physiology and immunity. The effects are instant, but 90-days are needed for the vital organs to load-up so the body can recover.. Time, patience and commitment are prerequisites for restoration of health.
Dysfunctional metabolism is medical speak for genetic mal-expression, meaning genes that can’t express correctly for lack of elemental ions. Genetic mal-expression has EVERYTHING to do with epigenetics and NOTHING to do with doctor fabricated disease and DNA mutations. [DNA is structural; genes are not.]
Genetic mal-expression self-corrects when elemental ions are supplies. Meaning, so-called, genetic defects reverse because they are NOT FIXED as popularly believed and taught.
Elemental ions orchestrate gene response through epigenetics. Conditions such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes and heart disease are NOT diseases, they are genetic mal-expressions of an ion-depleted terrain. Family histories and genetic predisposition are MEDICAL FICTIONS used to justify misdiagnosis and disguise ignorance of physiology on the part of ill-trained practitioners and gullible patients.
Children born to ion depleted mothers suffer live compromised lives, and medications and vaccinations add to their challenges terrains and further burden their fragile immune systems. By age 35, body stores of essential ions are exhausted. Proof is to be found in the forms of: accelerated aging dysfunctional metabolism and medicine’s latest cons called, mitochondrial disease and bogus, biologic medications.
Health issues, dysfunction metabolism, loss of muscle mass, weight-gain and sexual dysfunction are shadows of metabolic syndrome that is correctable with essential, elemental ions.
The human body needs all twelve essential elements to maintain homeostasis and healthy metabolism. Youthful vigor and vitality are impossible without a daily supply of biologically active, mineral ions. [BTW: as ion levels deplete, sac fungi take dominance and FEED UPON sexual and regulatory hormones they need for completion of their life cycles and merger with human DNA, making humans hybrid creatures.
It took 25 years for John Thomas to fully grasp the role of ions in human physiology. Little is taught in conventional/alternative school curriculums about these, and practitioners understand next to NOTHING of cellular energy generation and the side-effects of non-ionizing radiation on mitochondria.
The Essential Elements Protocol is everyone’s opportunity to rewind their biological clock at the cellular level where mitochondria live and function and where genetic expression is reality. Even the telomeres [end caps on every strand of DNA in all three million of our cells] respond and regenerate when essential, mineral ions are included in your daily routine. So much for medicine’s genetic pre-disposition, baloney!]
Regeneration counts more than survival, and these days, survival in sick-care medicine is defined by misery and perpetual enslavement to big-pharma’s pantry of poisons. The way to neutralize medicine’s siren song of deception is to avoid involvement, PERIOD! [If you need guidance and can circumvent UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS, you will experience wonderful effects for decades to come.
Interestingly, there is not a single health issue that does not respond favorably to elemental ion therapy. The best part: the protocol is easy to follow you will never have to play your God Card with doctor.
Elemental ions are the basis of vital organ function, regardless if your: liver, heart, brain or thyroid are involved. Modified applications of the Essential Elements Protocol, such as the Thyroid, Digestive, Liver, Pancreatic and Obesity/Weight programs are available.
Metabolic syndrome may seem less threatening than the big four killers, but it should NEVER be ignored because it provides early-warnings of serious trouble in the making. Read about it, here.
Each of the essential elements is listed below in alphabetical order along with their associated deficiency diseases and symptoms. As you review them, John Thomas hopes readers will come to the realization that sick-care medicine LIVES AND FEEDS on bodies depleted of elemental ions. You can change that!
Disease is NOT what readers have been taught and disease is NOT what doctor says it is, either. Medical misdiagnosis is cover for pharma-control of doctor and patient through ignorance of human physiology and the role elemental ions in mitochondrial metabolism. [Translation: you are responsible for yourself!]
Wide-scale implementation of 5G [fifth-generation] wi-fi technology is a medical game changer and few people understand the side-effects that wi-fi radiation imposes on the body. [The only viable way to defend your living tissues from 5G radiation is with the Essential Elements Protocol. More on 5G, here.]
Christmas Announcement! Watch for the Christmas issue of Special Insights where I will announce an exciting product that will be FREE; no purchase will be required! It will increase cellular energy production without forcing the body into pre-diabetic insulin resistance and low-grade inflammation.
Young Again Club essential elements are biologically-active, energy-enhanced elements with a 100% absorption and assimilation profile. Meaning, ions that traverse cell and mitochondrial membranes. All formulations are footprinted for maximum effect and value. Ions are taken in drop form, together in a glass of water, two-times daily. No pills are involved! All offerings are formulations of John Thomas and Young Again Club. Expect good things from them.
As you read further, pay attention! Everyone you know on the list for all the wrong reasons.
Boron [B]: an essential element of widespread deficiency in humans, essential to all living organisms, and animals with antiviral, antiseptic and anti-fungal qualities, essential for bone metabolism and efficient use of magnesium and calcium utilization, proper function of ovaries, testes and adrenal glands. Needed for normal maintenance of estrogen and testosterone, dramatically reduces loss of calcium, magnesium and phosphorous and prevents loss of bone density in females and older men, stabilizes and manages estrogen and testosterone levels in menopausal and post-menopausal women and men. Boron deficiency diseases and symptoms: Poor bone development and metabolism, hormone dysfunctions [sexual, adrenal and thyroid, mold and fungal yeast takeover of metabolism, hair and nail issues, sexual dysfunction [male and female], loss of magnesium reserves. Boron functions as a biologic catalyst and metabolic cofactor for healthy metabolism and for reduction of hundreds of deficiency disorders.
Copper [CU]: an essential element of widespread deficiency in humans, essential to all living organisms, has a broad, functional role in the electron transport chain of the Krebs cycle, important for oxygen transport, required for aerobic respiration, required in conjunction with iron for reduction of oxygen, plays a role in super oxide dismutase. Essential for all living organisms and a cofactor in hundreds of metalloenzymes. Needed for DNA and RNA metabolism, hair and skin melanin [color/pigment], elasticity of skin and connective tissue fibers, especially elasticity of blood vessels and vertebral discs. Copper Deficiency diseases and symptoms: aneurysms, anemia, hypo and hyper thyroid, juvenile arthritic spurs in growth plates of long bones/abnormal plate development and damage ], bulging discs, liver cirrhosis, MS, Kawasaki Disease, violent behavior [violent anger, explosive behavior, criminal attributes], learning disabilities, cerebral palsy [think demyelination of cerebellum and spinal cord tissues], high blood cholesterol, brain hyperplasia, hemosiderosis, hypoglycemia [blood sugar metabolism] and neutropenia [low white blood cell count]. Copper plays a part in mad cow disease, and Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, retarded growth in infants, low body temperature and deterioration of brain tissue [think dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s]. concentrated in the brain, liver, heart and kidneys with large amounts in bone and muscle.
Calcium [Ca]: widespread deficiency in humans, essential to all living organisms, structural component of all calcareous tissues [bones, teeth], cofactor in biologic, electrochemical reactions such as neurotransmitter release and muscle contraction, electrical conduction of the heart, cell depolarization. Required for release of energy when H on separated from NADH and releases our energy molecule [Mg-ATP] and converts to ADP; important for heartbeat regulation, muscle tone, nerve stimulation and communication. Most abundant mineral in the body. Bones contain 99% of calcium reserves; not the cause of kidney or gallbladder stones or the formation of breast tumors; responsible for breast hot spots detected by thermography and mammograms, that are wrongly blamed on genetic cancer. Loss of calcium related to acidification of waste in the tissues. Lack of vitamin D and inability to make stomach acid causes calcium deficiency, where fungal yeast mycotoxins and lack of biologically active magnesium causes calcium to settle out of circulation and form tumors, spurs and give rise to spinal stenosis and nerve dysfunction to the joints. Calcium deficiency diseases and symptoms: osteoporosis, receding gums, arthritis, hypertension, insomnia, spurs, restless leg, cramps, twitches, PMS, low back issues, neuropathy, panic attack, poor clotting time of blood, colorectal cancer, intestinal issues.
Chromium [Cr]: widespread deficiency in humans, essential to all living organisms, activates phosphoglucosonetase and other enzymes associated with GTF [glucose tolerance factor], very little chromium is stored in the body [must be constantly replenished], concentrations higher in newborns and steadily decreases with age, an active component of blood glucose and insulin metabolism, Chromium insufficiencies lead to a variety of clinical diseases and shortened life expectancy, chromium shortfalls are aggravated by concurrent vanadium deficiency and excess consumption of carbohydrates and sugars. Chromium deficiency diseases and symptoms: hypoglycemia, reactive hypoglycemia, bed wetting, pre-diabetes, diabetes types II and III, hyperinsulinemia, hyperactivity, learning disability, ADD/ADHD, hyper irritability, depression, manic depression, bi-polar disease, violent temperament swings, impaired growth, peripheral neuropathy, muscle loss , coronary artery disease, aortic cholesterol plaque, infertility [anovulation/low sperm count] and shortened life span.
Iodine [I]: widespread deficiency in humans, essential to all living organisms, causes goiter and hypothyroidism due to dietary copper deficiency without which iodine utilization is poor, critical for thyroid hormone production, regulation of digestion, heart rate, body temperature, sweat gland function, nerve function, reproductive system, general metabolism and body weight. In females, iodine is store in the thyroid, ovaries and beasts. In males, iodine is stored in the thyroid, testicles and prostate. Iodine deficiency diseases and symptoms: cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular, disorders. Iodine insufficiency affects all metabolic functions, including gluten intolerance, pituitary problems [TSH] and general deficiencies. Fatigue, cold intolerance, muscle aches/pains, heavy/overly frequent menstrual periods, low sex drive, brittle nails, weight gain, hair loss, muscle cramps, depression, constipation, elevated blood cholesterol, puffy face, dry skin and hair, inability to concentrate, poor memory, goiter, infertility and congenital birth defects and Cretinism, insomnia, heat intolerance, excessive sweating, light/less frequent periods, hand tremors, rapid pulse, bug eyes, weight loss, increased appetite, muscle weakness, over-active bowel movements, irritability, nervousness and goiter. NOTE: Potassium iodide is the least effective form of iodine supplementation. Absorption and utilization of iodine requires simultaneous presence of biologically active zinc and selenium, all of which are available in enhanced, bioactive liquid form for effective supplementation.
Manganese [Mn]: widespread deficiency in humans, essential to all living organisms, activates enzyme systems including that of glucose metabolism, energy production, super oxide dismutase, a major constituent of metalloenzyems, hormones and proteins, critical to development and restoration of joint cartilage and fragile ear bones. Manganese deficiency diseases and symptoms: congenital birth defects, asthma, convulsions, retarded growth, skeletal defects, disruption of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, joint problems in children, [ligament and tendon degeneration, TMJ, carpal tunnel, repetitive motion syndrome, cardiomalacia, infertility [anovulation, testicular atrophy, miscarriage, loss of libido, shortened long bones.
Potassium [K]: widespread deficiency in humans, essential to all living organisms, a major cation in cellular cytoplasm with a wide variety of electrochemical/catalytic functions, participates in maintenance of fluid balance, osmotic equilibrium and interacts with calcium in regulation of neuromuscular activity. Potassium deficiency diseases and symptoms: muscular weakness and mental apathy hypokalemic cardia failure. Potassium is so important to homeostasis and well-being with widespread interaction in all metabolic, chemical reactions either directly or indirectly.
Magnesium [Mg]: widespread deficiency in humans, essential to all living organisms, electrochemical, catalytic and structural functions, major enzyme activator, a constituent of chlorophyll in plants and hemoglobin metabolism in humans, involved in over 10,000 biochemical reactions in humans, required for production and transfer of energy for protein synthesis, muscle contractibility and nerve excitability, acts as a cofactor in myriads of enzyme systems, plays an antagonistic role in muscle contraction opposite of calcium. Magnesium deficiency diseases and symptoms: asthma, anorexia, menstrual migraines, ECG changes, neuromuscular issues, convulsions, depression, depression, muscular weakness, muscle cramp, charley horse, tremors, vertigo, calcification of small arteries and capillaries and malignant calcification of soft tissue [tumors].
Strontium [Sr]: widespread deficiency in humans, essential to all living organisms, can replace calcium when in a deficiency state, prevents receptor attachment of strontium 90 [the man-made radioactive isotope and product of nuclear fission]. Strontium deficiency diseases and symptoms: associated with certain calcium and boron resistant osteopenia, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and degenerative arthritis [rheumatoid].
Selenium [Se]: widespread deficiency in humans, essential to all living organisms, most efficient antioxidant , involved in glutathione production, prevents cellular lipid peroxidation, useful for ‘age pigment’ issues of the skin, helps collagen formation in connective tissue, prevents development of immune deficiency diseases and management of them, infertility in men and women, infant mortality and crib death, scoliosis, cardiomyopathy, muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, anemia, hypothyroidism, lowered immunity, chronic fatigue, myalgia, muscle tenderness, fibromyalgia, lupus, pancreatitis, anorexia nervosa, irregular heart beat [arrhythmia], cataracts, cancer, cardiomyopathy, liver cirrhosis, cancer, SIDS syndrome, improves genome stability and maintenance of telomere function and length, protects cellular and organelle bi-lipid membranes from oxidative damage. Selenium deficiency diseases and symptoms: HIV [AIDS], anemia , age spots and liver spots, fatigue, muscular weakness, myalgia [fibromyalgia, muscle pain and soreness], Rhyabdomyalisis [muscle wall breakdown following exercise], scoliosis, muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, mulberry heart disease, multiple sclerosis, blindness, heart palpitations, cirrhosis of liver, pancreatitis, pancreatic atrophy, ALS [Lou Gehrig’s], Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s infertility, low birth weight, infant mortality, miscarriages, SIDS [sudden infant death syndrome], cancer, sickle-cell anemia and hypothyroidism.
Vitamin B-12: widespread deficiency in humans, essential to all living organisms, critical for utilization of essential elements and vitamins, required for synthesis of DNA and RNA responsible for carrying the human genome, required for bone marrow function and production of myelin [nerve fiber sheath], folate metabolism and uptake of folic acid. Cyanocobalamin is a common supplemental form that is poorly absorbed. Sublingual forms are better, but without sufficient intrinsic factor of little benefit. Racemized/enhanced, methylated from Young Again Club provides maximum absorption and utilization of this critical molecule. Vitamin B-12 deficiency diseases and symptoms: pernicious anemia [macrocytic and megaloblastic], dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, neuropsychiatric behavior, neuropathy, brain, spinal cord, optic nerve, and peripheral nerve demyelination, sore tongue, general weakness, liver disease poor digestion, lack of intrinsic factor, lack of stomach acid.
Zinc [Zn]: widespread deficiency in humans, essential to all living organisms, provides a wide range of protection against myriads of clinical diseases, a cofactor in enzyme systems and hormone production and management, critical for strong immune system and utilization of iodine and selenium, participates in metabolism of nucleic acids and proteins. Zinc deficiency diseases and symptoms: Down’s syndrome, cleft lip and palate, brain defects, spina bifida, clubbed limbs, webbed fingers and toes, missing limbs, digits and teeth, hiatal hernia, heart and lung defects, urogenital defects and issues, pica, profuse sweating [think menopause], lost sense of smell and taste, infertility, miscarriage, birth defects, failure of wounds to heal, immune system failure, short stature, infant mortality, hypogonadism, perpetual prepuberty, anemia, hair loss, psoriasis and eczema, gluten intolerance, celiac disease, frizzy hair, diarrhea, depression, paranoia, oral dermatitis, anorexia, bulimia, gluten issues, BHP [benign prostate hypertrophy] and severe body odor.
In year 2020 coming up, additional essential elements will become available. They are Sulphur [S], Molybdenum [Mo], Vanadium [V], Silica [Si], Lithium [Li], Cobalt [Cu], Tellurium [Te] and everyone who is already using the essential twelve, will get them at greatly reduced prices, as they are introduced.
Conclusion & Solutions
The Essential Elements Protocol is a universal answer for thousands of maladies tormenting people worldwide. If you suffer from one of the big four [cancer, diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular or you want to avoid them], the Essential Elements Protocol is your ticket for a better tomorrow.
Rollout of 5G wi-fi communication is massive and full implementation is scheduled for year 2020. With it will come suffering and side-effects of electrical interference with mitochondrial metabolism; things patients will not understand, but sick-care medicine will use to justify use of biologic medications.
No one will be able to avoid 5G, non-ionizing radiation because it will be ubiquitous over the entire planet and will make 4G radiation seem, tame. Protection of brain, mental faculties and immune function depends on body’s reserves of essential, elemental ions. WARNING: don’t get suckered by worthless devices that cannot defend living tissue from electrical interference at the mitochondrial level.
Use the Essential Elements Protocol to protect body, mind and spirit. It’s as simple as that!
For guidance, call or email John Thomas.
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To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author Young Again!
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