[Dynamics of Weight Metabolism]
∙ Anecdotal Observations ∙
Overweight and obesity are epidemic, but not for the reasons people think or for the reasons experts claim. This report identifies core issues that sabotage metabolism and cause people [of all ages] to put -on weight and grow their waistlines.
Now, for the first time, the physiology of weight-gain metabolism is presented. Weight physiology is not taught in schools and universities [as an applied science] and popular myths are hopelessly misguided.
Overweight and obesity are epidemic because compromised metabolism is epidemic! Ten pounds or two sizes over high school says metabolic issues are in-play. Diet, exercise, and genes are factors, but they are NOT what is driving the weight-gain epidemic. To learn more, read on.
Metabolism Controls
Thin or overweight, METABOLISM CONTROLS. Weight gain and bone and muscle loss are side effects of slowing metabolism. Dysfunctional metabolism is code for insulin/leptin-resistance, Metabolic Syndrome, and terrain acidity. No matter the issue, metabolism controls!
[Young Again Club and Special Insights is about understanding body physiology and resolving symptomatic dis-ease. Key words used herein are linked to glossary and protocol tabs of YoungAgainClub.com website. To assist understanding, click on the blue, underlined words.]
Metabolism refers to vital organ efficiency, such as heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas, thyroid, liver, bladder and bowels, lungs, and brain. Compromised metabolism slows vital organ activity, causes waste to accumulate, and eventually manifests as symptoms of dis-ease rather than symptoms of disease. The body makes fat to store acidic waste. Thin bodies also suffer waste overload, minus excess fat.
Applied Physiology views how the body works versus academic nonsense taught in schools and universities; academic myths steeped in 1600 YEARS OF MIASMIC MEDICINE that gave birth to the sick-care/pharma system of today that goes under the banner of Germ Theory of Disease.
Maldigestion is INCOMPLETE digestion, meaning failure to fully process food and water, failure to process hydrogen ions in food and water, and accumulation of acidic waste throughout the terrain. Age-related maldigestion affects everyone over age fifty. Failure to process food-derived hydrogen causes the body to make body fat to store excess hydrogen waste. Maldigestion feeds acid-based sub-clinical inflammation and symptoms like arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular, and so-called osteoporosis.
Maldigestion floods blood with undigested proteins that SHOULD NEVER enter the bloodstream. Leakage of proteins into blood through a porous leaky-gut wall triggers immune system OVERRESPONSEthat is mislabeled autoimmune. Autoimmune theory is a medical hoax; a condition brought-on by maldigestion and terrain acidity. Women turn acidic by age forty and suffer measurable bone loss by age 50; males follow about ten years later. [The Terrain pH Protocol helps control the process.]
God is NOT stupid! The body NEVER attacks itself! Today, we are plagued with experts educated beyond their intelligence; the ones who run the sick-care racket. Maldigestion FUELS acidification of the terrain and acidification FUELS faulty fat metabolism. An alkaline pH is NOT a deacidified terrain, and understand the biochemistry of living systems is different than pH lab chemistry. Don’t confuse them.
Slowing metabolism precipitates pre-mature aging. Weight/inches and belly fat are IRREFUTABLE SIGNS of terrain acidity, waste accumulation, metabolic slowdown, and hormone imbalance. In other words, dis-ease in the making which the body will undo if given the opportunity. Choose which you want!
As goes digestion so goes terrain pH, meaning accumulation of unburned waste hydrogen in the tissues. By age 24, maldigestion is in-progress. By age 35, weight and waistlines grow. By age 50, digestive efficiency is HALF of age 24 and aging is in full swing. Digestion FALLS by 50% every five years after age 50. By age 70 digestion is 3% of age 24, and symptoms of degenerative dis-ease are in full-swing.
Healthy digestion benefits from hydrogen ions derived from food and water. Hydrogen is energy CURRENCY and the body’s primary source of metabolized energy. Fully digested food does NOT go to fat, does NOT cause protein leakage into blood, and does NOT trigger immune over-response practitioners wrongly call autoimmune! The goofy idea that the body attacks itself is medical nonsense!
Weight and waistline issues are ALWAYS accompanied by pre-diabetic insulin/leptin-resistance. These go together. Thin people are also at-risk. Metabolic Syndrome occurs BELOW MEDICAL RADAR without clinical symptoms until dis-ease is in full swing. [FYI: blood glucose over 90 is the PREDIABETIC STATE no matter what doctor or labs tell you. Worse, A1c is a worthless metric! Ask for guidance!
Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas for managing blood glucose regardless if glucose derives from dietary sweets or from maldigested food. Leptin is a hormone made by fat cells. Leptin tells the brain to shut-down insulin production. Leptin control appetite and satiety so we don’t overeat. Leptin helps manage insulin-resistance, Metabolic Syndrome, and diabetes types II & III. Leptin is how you avoid cancer! [BTW: vaxxes destroy pancreatic islet cells that bring-on diabetes type I. Believe it!
When brain receptors glycate [become glazed with excess sugar (think over 90!), receptors fail to regulate blood insulin levels. Essentially, obesity is starvation-on-a-full-belly driven by maldigestion and ongoing insulin/leptin-resistance. Diabetes type II comes first, followed by total pancreatic exhaustion and diabetes type I. Type III diabetes is pre-diabetic insulin-resistance, a state that affects EVERYONE who has [not yet] been diagnosed clinical diabetes. Type I diabetes is caused by vaxxes. Believe it!
A1c: Not What You Think
A1c measures glycation of red blood corpuscles [RBC’s]. Corpuscles are RBCs without a nucleus. Glycation limits oxygen carrying capacity of hemoglobin. As glycation increases, metabolism slows, and acidification accelerates. Lung infections, such as pneumonia/sepsis/and so-called COVID, are conditions of extreme terrain acidity. An A1c score under 7 is no assurance you will avoid diabetes. Fact is Insulin/leptin-resistance PRECEDES ALL degenerative dis-ease and symptoms of dis-ease. Diabetes is one of the four major dis-eases.
People with low A1c scores are at greater risk because they fail to recognize the subtle effects of ongoing insulin/leptin-resistance! Cancer, arthritis, and cardiovascular issues are symptoms, NOT diseases! Metabolic Syndrome is universal to everyone, but few people understand it. Please read again!
Insulin-resistance and terrain acidity fuel loss of vision and hearing, cardiac irregularities, kidney dysfunction, neuropathy, teeth/gum issues, tendon/ligament and cartilage issues, muscle and bone loss, promote fungal invasion and systemic, low-grade, sub-clinical inflammation.
Cancer is PREFERABLE to diabetes! Insulin/leptin-resistance is slow-motion diabetes that will eventually manifest as cancer. Diabetes destroys vital organ function slowly. Ignore your A1c score! Blood sugar should maintain between 75 and 90. Leptin management is critical to insulin management. Believe it!
The Fungal-Yeast & Weight Connection
Fungal-yeasts are opportunistic [plant] organisms that invade and manipulate metabolism and hormones. Antibiotics create the perfect environment for spread of fungal-yeasts beyond the GI tract. Fungal-yeasts feed on acid waste and promote inflammation, arthritis, and fat and inches.
Bodies burdened by excess acidity don’t burn-off fat and inches. Bodies with elevated terrain acidity develop comorbidities. Low-acid bodies regenerate quickly and don’t injure easily, regardless of one’s chronologic age! Acidity FORCES the body to demineralize bones and go into osteoporosis.
Yeasts are fungi, and fungi are molds, and all of these life forms feed and breed in acid-burdened terrains due to maldigestion of food, antibiotics, low-fat, high carb diets, depletion of Essential Elements, alcohol [especially wine], inability to make your own B-vitamins, and dysfunctional bowels.
Myco is the Latin prefix for yeast/fungi/molds. Mycoplasmas are myco-created toxins. Mycotoxins manipulate and control body chemistry, hormones, and terrain acidity. Urine pH is a measure of [unburned] hydrogen ions in-solution. Think acidic pH, NOT alkalinity. Rid your body of waste hydrogen ions stored in your tissues and joints with the Terrain pH Protocol. It’s FREE! Check it out.]
The Sluggish Bowel Connection
Sluggish bowels set-the-stage for premature aging in all its various forms: obesity, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular, arthritis, loss of flexibility, inflammation, and Metabolic-Syndrome.
Six-hours between meals slows pancreatic burn-out and eases insulin/leptin-resistance. Yo-yo dieting and poor digestion drive food cravings. Sluggish bowels means less than 3x/day and is confirmation of maldigestion, lack of water, terrain acidity, magnesium insufficiency, inability to make your own B-vitamins, insulin/leptin-resistance, sub-clinical inflammation, lack of fermentable fiber, and eating more than two meals/day [including snacks]. LESS THAN SIX-HOURS BETWEEN meals causes insulin and leptin resistance to occur. Hunger and lack of satiety are flip-side issues of diabetes type III in progress.
Contrary to urban myth, normal and regular bowel activity is a meaningless idea! Sluggish bowels go with dysfunctional metabolism and maldigestion, and the healthier your colon, the lower your risk of cancer. [Use the Enema Protocol to help your body unload excess acid from the terrain.] Believe it!
Essential Elements, Dietary Fats & Hormones
Declining vitality and excess body fat follow depletion of essential ions [the spark plugs of your vital organs]. As for dietary fats, begin meals with a tablespoon of coconut fat, but UNDERSTAND you need a big supply of activated magnesium ions to transform dietary fat into homemade steroidal hormones.
There are three useful dietary fats: coconut, butter, and lard. Oils are lipids, but lipids are NOT fats. Olive is the only acceptable oil; avoid other oils and think acrylamides. [FYI: coconut is called oil because it’s liquid at 76 degrees F, but coconut is a fat NOT an oil. The Digestion Trio helps fat metabolism.
Excess body fat UPSETS hormone balance and is CONFIRMATION of unopposed estrogen dominance [UED] and insulin/leptin resistance. Overweight men develop modified breasts because of UED and failure to make enough testosterone which also has a role in [male/female] hormone imbalance.
Unopposed estrogen dominance (UED) means there is insufficient OPPOSING HORMONES to offset the effects of estrogen dominance. Antibiotics and alcohol mess with hormones, and hops [think beer) are ESTREMELY estrogenic and cause the body to grow body fat. Now you know! Correlation is causation.
UED drives adrenal overload, thyroid issues, fungal invasion, and depletion of essential elements. Contrary to urban myth and medical folklore, estrogen is NOT the source of female cancers. Adrenal over-response, magnesium insufficiency, and terrain acidity drive cancer. BTW: medications and OTC drugs SEVERELY DEPLETE magnesium reserves and sabotage adrenal/thyroid function. BEWARE!
INSULIN-RESISTANCE IS CENTRAL TO ALL HORMONE ISSUES. Elevated testosterone and PSA [prostate specific antigen] are NOT responsible for low libido or male prostate issues. Insulin-resistance, not genes, fuels aging and precipitates symptoms of dis-ease. Please read again!
Your liver transforms dietary fat into steroid hormones. Fact is endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, fibroids, prostate issues, ED, thyroid, obesity and low libido involve fatty-liver and Metabolic Syndrome! Menopause and andropause are issues of faulty metabolism, NOT hormone issues. Please read again!
Belly Fat, Alcohol & Wine
Belly-fat and steatosis [non-alcoholic fatty-liver dis-ease] are CLASSIC symptoms of Metabolic-Syndrome, and these days they are common to all age groups. [Here the COMPLETE list of symptoms.]
Metabolic-Syndrome affects 99% of the population and sheds light on the obesity epidemic [10 pounds/two sizes over high school weight]. Insulin-resistance always accompanies Metabolic-Syndrome; consider them flip-side issues. Now you know!
Alcohol WRECKS women’s livers, MESSES with female hormones, and FEEDS fungal-yeast takeover of the female terrain! Wine is the worst followed by tequila and rum. Fungal dominance of female physiology follows antibiotics, alcohol, birth control, and the insidious, dietary effects of glyphosate. [Rid your body of glyphosate residues for control over belly-fat, weight and inches, and fungal yeast.]
Anxiety, Thyroid, Breast Cancer & Estrogen
Dysfunctional thyroid metabolism affects weight, and so does adrenal overload, maldigestion of food, and depletion of essential ions. Adrenal overload DISRUPTS thyroid metabolism and fuels brain fog, memory, and weight issues. Stress depletes women of elemental ion reserves and denies them the deep sleep they need. During deep sleep the body RELEASES acid waste from organs and tissues so the body can regenerate. Excess acidity blocks hydrogen metabolism and blocks anabolism.
Bio-active iodine, selenium, zinc, and copper are ABSOLUTELY CRITICALfor weight-metabolism. Women store their reserves of these elements in the thyroid, ovaries, and breasts, men in their thyroid, testicles, and prostate. The Essential Elements Protocol replenishes critical elemental ions.
When you think BREAST CANCER think calcium, NOT genes and family history. Mammograms are about calcium hot spots in breast tissue from excess body acidity and misuse of calcium supplements. Mammogram reports usually include the word ‘suspicious’ but for misunderstood reasons! Calcium supplementation for osteoporosis is female insanity. AVOID IT! Ladies, now you know!
Did you know 50% of mammograms are false positive? Worse, biopsies are misleading! So, tell me, does fear generated by sick-care medicine save or destroy women’s lives? IGNORANCE IS THE PROBLEM AND CANCER IS THE SYMPTOM! Fungal-yeast invasion, calcium, terrain acidity, obesity, and maldigestion disrupt female metabolism and makes life difficult for women in the forties and beyond. Ask for help.
ALL RADIATION AND CHEMOTHERAPY IS DEADLY! So, explain how doctor recommendations to kill and destroy immune function saves people’s lives? Cancer diagnosis is confirmation of ongoing, metabolic issues driving insulin/leptin-resistance. CANCER IS THE SYMPTOM! Don’t forget it!
Weight-gain, brain fog, hair loss, vision and hearing issues, neuropathy, low energy, and low body temperature are fueled by stress, anxiety, and compromised metabolism. These conditions BLOCK deep sleep and cripples the deacidification process that occurs during deep sleep.
Fat & Inch Burn-Off
Weight and inch management requires discipline! Burn-off of excess body fat takes time. Bio-active magnesium ions and transport molecules to move ions into cells to boost energy and metabolism is an ongoing process. Fat burn-off comes with ion saturation in the mitochondria inside the cells!
Please DO NOT assume your magnesium levels are fine because you take magnesium oxide, carbonate, malate, citrate, taurate, glycinate, and threonate. These molecules don’t supply enough usable ions across cell membranes where the mitochondria convert hydrogen into energy.
This report is about Applied Physiology of excess fat and inches. Key take-aways are: avoiding the curse of age-related maldigestion, magnesium ion insufficiency and ion transport into cells, essential elements, deacidification, adrenal/thyroid metabolism, and managing insulin-resistance and Metabolic Syndrome.
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[email protected] or 509 465-4154
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