[Bye, Bye Fatty-Liver Dis-ease!]
∙ Anecdotal Observations ∙
Fatty-liver is an ongoing problem for people in their fifties and beyond. However, health and vitality can be yours if you DEGREASE your liver! This report is about fatty-liver dis-ease: what it is, why it happens, and how saponins can restore liver function. To learn more, read on.
Liver Physiology &Diabetes Physiology
People with fatty-liver suffer from Metabolic Syndrome. People with diabetes suffer from fatty-liver and Metabolic Syndrome. The common denominator for these metabolic comorbidities is insulin/leptin-resistance and the remedy is biologic saponins.
Insulin/leptin-resistance, fatty-liver, diabetes, and Metabolic Syndrome are metabolic disorders, NOT clinical diseases. Early-stage fatty-liver is called steatosis, and late-stage fatty-liver is called cirrhosis. Saponins help metabolic disorders and Essential Elements help sugar metabolism.
Dis-ease is NOT disease! Fact is fatty-liver is central to all metabolic disorders, INCLUDING cancer, arthritis, cardiovascular and diabetes. Steatosis and cirrhosis are NOT necessarily about alcohol consumption. Fact is people develop metabolic disorders because of neglect and abuse of their terrain, meaning build-up of acidic waste, age-related maldigestion of food.
Obesity and belly fat are tell-tale symptoms of fatty-liver, Metabolic Syndrome, and insulin/leptin-resistance. Saponins PURGE grease and sludge from fatty-liver. Herbal supplements DO NOT degrease fatty-liver, and age-related maldigestion limits hydrogen conversion of food energy in the citric-acid cycle within cellular mitochondria.
For example, as goes digestion so goes the pH of your terrain, meaning accumulation of acidic, unburned hydrogen ions in tissues and organs. By age 24, maldigestion is in-progress. By age 35, weight and waistlines grow. By age 50, digestive efficiency is HALF of age 24 and the aging process accelerates. Digestion falls 50% every five years after age 50, and by age 70, digestion is less than 3% of age 24, and symptoms of degenerative dis-ease are painfully obvious.
[Young Again Club and Special Insights is about understanding Applied Human Physiology and resolving symptomatic dis-ease. Key words used herein are linked to glossary and protocol tabs of YoungAgainClub.com website. To assist understanding, click on blue, underlined words.]
Your Miraculous Liver
No other organ comes close to matching your liver! Did you know that the liver can regrow to normal size in twelve months following 75% surgical removal of the organ? The good news is that biologic saponins dissolve sludge and grease from the liver!
Dis-ease and symptoms of dis-ease go with a compromised liver! Fatty-liver dis-ease is misunderstood by practitioners because they were never taught Applied Physiology. Proof is millions of people withmissing misdiagnoses and useless lab tests.
Neither practitioners nor patients understand maldigestion or the significance of glyphosate poisoning as it relates to obesity, fatty-liver, diabetes, arthritis, parasites, and sluggish bowel. Biologic saponins neutralize glyphosate poisoning of the terrain.
The Glyphosate Connection
Glyphosate [aka Roundup] is ubiquitous in the food chain and cannot be avoided! Eating organic does NOT protect against glyphosate invasion of your liver and terrain. Worse, glyphosate destroys the hepatocytes [the functional cells] of the liver and promotes systemic inflammation.
Obesity haunts the populace and is CONFIRMATION of ongoing Metabolic-Syndrome and insulin/leptin-resistance. Maldigestion prevents the body from harvesting hydrogen ions in food. Hydrogen is the body’s primary source of energy, and essential elemental ions are primary substrates for regeneration of compromised organs.
Maldigestion drives dysfunctional metabolism as demonstrated by the meteoric rise of dietary miseries like leaky gut syndrome and gluten intolerance; serious symptoms practitioners commonly and wrongly mislabel as autoimmune! [The body NEVER attacks itself!]
Maldigestion plunges urine pH into the 6’s and 5’s; cancer occurs BELOW pH 5. pH stands for potentialhydrogen, meaning unburned hydrogen ions that drive body acidity. Reduce the acidity of your terrain and fatty-liver disappears, too! [You can control the acidity of your terrain for FREE with the Terrain pH Protocol.]
Aging is about acidity, maldigestion, insulin-resistance and accumulation of glyphosate residues in tissues and organs. In other words, dysfunctional metabolism. Glyphosate CRIPPLES the liver and KILLS the hepatocytes [functional cells of the liver].
The body has ONLY two ways to protect against glyphosate residues, and if these opportunities are missed, glyphosate will DESTROY the liver and cripple metabolism. They are:
- Incoming food must be fully digested and glyphosate residues broken-down and neutralized BEFORE residues traverse the gut and enter the bloodstream, and
- Through apoptosis [the process by which three-million, worn-out cells die each day]; cells that RELEASE glyphosate residues that previously traversed cell membranes, and lodged in cells, and caused metabolic havoc.
Glyphosate residues are broken-down using the Digestion Trio, and by using saponins to clear organs and tissue. The Digestion Trio is far superior to common digestion products in every way. Best of all, the TRIO reduces cumulative, ongoing risk to the liver that glyphosate imposes! [Details of the Digestion Trio are here; benefits of biologic saponins follow.]
Saponins For Good Health & Clean Terrain
Yucca Blend debuted in 1994 as a component of the Young Again Tissue & Liver Protocol. Gluten intolerance and leaky-gut syndrome became epidemic by year 2015, but was [and continues to be] mislabeled ‘autoimmune’! Maldigestion and fatty-liver are symptoms of GLYPHOSATE POISONING. Neither the public nor practitioners understand Applied Physiology.
Yucca Blend contains biologic surfactants [saponins] that PURGE GREASE from fatty-liver. Saponins are extracted from 100-year-old yucca roots at 400 degrees pressure and 450 degrees temperature to extract and concentrate them. Molecular foot-printing is the final step.
Yucca Blend is taken straight or in hot water as a tea. John Thomas has used saponins for 28 years and are central to his health and vitality. [Thomas is now 78 years of age!]
Caution! Pharmaceuticals drugs destroy liver structure and function! Saponins clear the body of excess drugs, parasites, chemicals, and sludge so the liver can regenerate! Yucca Blend is a do-it-yourselfregimen for dissolving grease and sludge from your liver, breaking-down hepatic scarring, and stimulating the hepatocytes [functional cells of your liver] to regenerate!
Saponins are amazing! Many lives have been saved and thousands of people are alive today because of biologic saponins and the Tissue & Liver Protocol. Experience the benefits for yourself. One quart of Yucca Blend saponins lasts about two months.
Email or Call John Thomas, today!
[email protected] or 509 465-4154
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