Nucleic Acids & Cyan-Blue Pigments
The Ultimate 21st Century Super-Food
∙ Anecdotal Observations ∙
The dilemma of sick-food is upon us! Nutrient deficient and genetically altered food is undermining people’s health. Fake food is slow-motion-poison. Fake food violates the meaning of food. Real food sustains life. Real food cures dis-ease and rids the body of symptoms patients and practitioners mislabel as disease.
This report is about the new super-food Ultra-Blue that is named for benefits that come from cyan-blue pigments and bioactive nucleic acids. Ultra-Blue adds meaning to food supplementation.
Ultra-Blue is a timely offering considering the miserable state of the food chain. Ultra-Blue supplies energy frequencies common supplements and organic foods lack. Ultra-Blue manages waste and protects against environmental toxins and downstream effects of vaxx mania. To learn more, read on.
Ultra-Blue is a perfect super supplement; a potent formulation of cyan-blue pigments and nucleic-acids the body needs. Below is a review of Ultra-Blue benefits that make it a cornerstone of every dietary regimen. [BTW: readers can get a FREE BOTTLE of Ultra-Blue with this limited-time BOGO OFFER. Details below.]
Nucleic Acids & Cyan-Blue Pigments
The colors of the rainbow ARE the visible light spectrum. Cyan-blue is particularly important because it vibrates at 490-570 nanometers wavelength; the frequencies where photosynthesis transforms sunlight into nucleotides we need for health and longevity. Cyan-blue is about lifeforce!
Cyan-blue is in the band-width of light spectrum where nucleic acids form living proteins that compete against spike proteins associated with so-called viruses and mRNA vaxxes. Nucleic acids promote healthy blood-oxygen levels to defend against spike-protein-driven capillary clotting and low-grade inflammation that accompanies chimeric DNA alterations of body physiology. [Cross-specie hybridization of human physiology is scary stuff!]
mRNA vaxxes and monoclonal antibody drugs contain cross-specie proteins that alter DNA and corrupt God’s handiwork! Worse, they create trans-humans. Trans-specie proteins antagonize common comorbidities and provoke autoimmune reactions! Use Ultra-Blue to defend against chimeric modification, limit corruption of DNA and lessen susceptibility to dis-ease variants, VED [vaxx-enhanced dis-ease] and shedding to others.
Ultra-Blue is the ultimate super-food of the 21st Century!
Promotes vibrant metabolism.
Supports healthy innate immune system expression.
Protects against effects of 5-G radiation.
Protects against spike-protein, chimeric dis-ease.
Provides nucleic acids for regeneration.
Boosts lifeforce & the perfect real-food supplement.
Fuels mitochondrial output of ATP.
Promotes healthy liver and blood-oxygen levels.
Provides cyan-blue related energy.
Unlimited shelf-life & the perfect super-food supplement.
Contains no inflammatory oxalates.
Crisis nourishment for both good times and bad.
This BOGO [buy-one get-one] offer is a one-year supply at 50% off!
Get your FREE BOTTLE of Ultra-Blue [300 capsules] when you order one bottle at the regular price. That’s two bottles [a one-year supply] at half-off. Or order three bottles and save even more.
Take advantage of this limited-time offer today! You will be glad you did. or (509) 465-4154
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