The Time Is Now!

You have Options

∙ Anecdotal Observations ∙

  • 1. Your best defense is a physiologically strong terrain and a strong offense.
  • 2. What is coming is unlike anything any of us have ever faced before.
  • 3. Self-defense is possible, but good food and common supplements will not do it.
  • 4. Delay and worry are useless; immediate action is necessary.
  • 5. You have viable options; be willing to take-action on your own behalf.
  • 6. Ignore silly backyard remedies for dealing with the vaxx.  There is much to know.
  • 7. People have neither the time nor background to comprehend human physiology.
  • 8. Time is of essence!  Reach out and learn how to prepare for war.
  • 9. We are in a war against God and humanity.
  • 10. May God help all of us. 

If you need guidance, I am happy to help.

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John Thomas, Author Young Again!
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