Glyphosate Trio
∙ Anecdotal Observations ∙
The Glyphosate Trio is a game changer for people who want to avoid toxic, ongoing, side-effects of glyphosate, the agricultural poison known as RoundUp!
Glyphosate exposure cannot be avoided because the food chain is loaded with it. But you can protect yourself and avoid assault from glyphosate invasion with the Glyphosate Trio!
Fact is anyone who eats food in the 21st Century suffers glyphosate exposure and accumulation of residues in their tissues and organs.
Eating organic food does NOT avoid glyphosate invasion. Cleanses will NOT save you.
Glyphosate is unique! The molecule crosses cell membranes and the only way to get it out of your body is to wait for burdened cells to be replaced through apoptosis and to MAKE CERTAIN that glyphosate [already in cells] DOES NOT create future dis-ease by resorption into healthy, new cells during transit of the intestinal lumen. Please read again!
Two ways to halt glyphosate invasion of your terrain:
- Release residues from cells by using the Glyphosate Trio to promote apoptosis.
- Prevent resorption of residues from exiting cells and from incoming food.
The Glyphosate Trio Is a Game Changer!
The Glyphosate Trio includes GlyphoLock [enhanced glycinates to avoid receptor attachment by glyphosate], GlyphoFlow [dismantles glyphosate residues in food and old cells trying to exist the body, and Yucca Saponins [to degrease, flush, and clear the liver of glyphosate residues].
Food disorders are metabolic disorders with names like Metabolic Syndrome, subclinical scurvy, obesity, age-related maldigestion, and insulin/leptin-resistance.
Food disorders always involve compromised liver and often need support of the Digestion Trio. For example, gluten intolerance is a liver/digestion problem, NOT an autoimmune disorder, and contrary to myth, the body NEVER attacks itself!]
For more on the glyphosate story, click this link.
Introductory Offer!
[Buy One Trio & Get Second Trio Free!]
[GlyphoLock, GlyphoFlow & Yucca Blend]
Email or Call John Thomas today! or 509 465-4154
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