Back-Together Again
[A Tale Of Inspiration & Reality]
∙ Anecdotal Observations ∙
When individuals express interest in Young Again Club and Young Again Protocols, they receive a reply and a copy of Special Insight, Unrealistic Expectations.
Unrealistic Expectations was written to awaken people to the reality of their circumstance and encourage them to take personal responsibility for their health and well-being.
Young Again Club consultations are provided without cost. Generally, consultations are one-hour, one-on-one conversations about terrain physiology and issues of concern.
Occasionally, an individual doesn’t like hearing the truth and rejects observations and information discussed. Sadly, the suffering will continue until the attitude improves.
People get caught-up with symptoms because they don’t understand cause. Sick-care medicine gets caught-up with symptoms because they don’t understand the terrain. Central to the confusion is the Germ Theory of Disease.
Germ Theory has most everyone confused because disease is NOT dis-ease. Symptoms are the effects of dysfunctional metabolism and a sick terrain. Restore your metabolism and physiology and your terrain and symptoms will resolve themselves.
Fact is all health challenges involve dysfunctional physiology and a compromised terrain. Health issues are NEVER single issues and symptoms are never cause. Sick-care is a fraudulent model.
Applied Physiology teaches how the body works versus how we are told that it works. Practitioners suffer from their own version of medical myopathy because Applied Physiology is NOT taught at university. Worse, practitioners must comply with Standard of Care.
Healing is a natural process and quick fixes are NOT part of that process. Fact is it takes 90-days to change course and get moving in the right direction. Symptoms resolve themselves with cooperation and guidance. Cure has nothing to do with any of it.
Symptoms of dis-ease follow neglect and abuse, and unrealistic expectations are out of touch with the healthy metabolism, the terrain and Applied Physiology.
It takes time to undo the damage we do to ourselves. Aging slows the healing process, so perseverance and patience are ongoing requirements of Young Again Club Protocols.
Putting Humpy back-together Can Be challenging!
Older bodies respond more slowly than younger bodies.
It just takes ‘older’ bodies a bit longer to get there.
Are you ready?
Guidance is available without cost!
Email or Call John Thomas, today! or 509 465-4154
A Better Way
Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours. Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life. To learn more, click here.
If you have not read Young Again! you should. If you would like a copy of the book, click here.
John Thomas, Author Young Again!