I am thrilled readers enjoyed the 25th Anniversary edition of Special Insights on the health secrets of post-Viking, Iceland, and their exciting legacy. If you haven’t read it, you should.
The Icelandic Magic story and development took 200 YEARS to come, together!
It’s a great story with priceless, information you will find nowhere, else! Information that will make your life better and help you avoid involvement with sick-care, medicine. Learn, more.
Here are a few topics covered in the, report: cellphone radiation, drug resistance, medical misdiagnosis, gene expression, vaccinations, wasting syndrome, statin drugs, heart disease [arrhythmia, A-fib, blood pressure and mitral valve], dementia, brain tumors, cholesterol, heart attack, diabetes, Lyme disease, fatty liver, Alzheimer’s, MTHFR, epigenetics, DNA, methylation and a lot, more. Read the whole story, here.
To get your FREE bottle of Icelandic Magic:
First: let me know you want a FREE, bottle! [Send an email; I need to hear from you!]
One bottle of Icelandic Magic is one-month supply and it’s, FREE!
Priority mail in USA: $15; Canada $22; worldwide $28.
A 90-day supply is needed to experience the full benefits of Icelandic Magic.
Get a second FREE bottle of Icelandic Magic:
Get a second bottle FREE when you order one bottle at the regular price of: $100.
That’s 66% off the regular price and no extra shipping for THREE bottles!
Total cost for three-month supply is only: $115 [USA.]
Please, tell me…
Do you want one FREE bottle or two FREE bottles?
This is a limited-time offer, and supplies are disappearing, fast! [Next shipment: 8 weeks!]
Get your FREE bottle[s] of Icelandic Magic while supplies, last.
John Thomas, Author
Young Again Club.com
P.S. Liquid sulfates to avoid stroke and heart attack and protect against cellphone and wi-fi radiation are now, available. [5G technology is coming, soon!] Learn more, here.
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To Good Health,
John Thomas, Author Young Again!
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