Ground Hog Season Is Upon Us! Grow Real Food The Easy Way ∙ Anecdotal Observations ∙

Today, you will learn how to grow superior quality food; food you can’t buy; food that mocks the word, ‘organic’; food that incorporates the energetic principles and practices of biodynamic agriculture.

Ground Hog Season is the perfect time to emerge from your hole and realize that the food chain is severely compromised, and if you want vibrant food, you must grow it yourself.  Food is the most important factor of health and longevity and the simplest way to maintain and restore, well-being. 

People & Plants

Plants need the same things humans need: clean water, a healthy [root/terrain] environment, lots of cellular energy, biologically-active bacteria and an ongoing source of charged, mineral ions.   

Know that gardening books and magazines are written by authors with primitive comprehension of plant/soil physiology and zero understanding of biodynamic food production; the same type of institutional ignorance that dominates conventional and alternative medical thinking in year 2020.

Healthy plants and healthy people have healthy terrains.  Sick plants and sick bodies are confirmations of dysfunctional terrains and body physiologies that are unable to resurrect for lack of cellular ENERGY.

Garden Bucket Recipe

Most readers will choose to grow food in pots.  Simple, inexpensive, readily-available, five-gallon buckets from Lowes or Home Depot.  Some may choose to  garden in a flower bed or a dedicated garden plot.  For most, patio and deck gardening will be the practical choice. 

You want to grow non-hybrid plants in buckets from non-hybrid seeds, because they are superior to hybrid, root-bound and stressed nursery plants.  You want to grow Russian-red KALE with big, dark green leaves, NOT common varieties!  [Get your seeds from Amazon, seed catalogs or local suppliers.]

You will need a bag of composted, chicken manure,  a bag of common sand, a big bag of potting soil and some gypsum [these are available from local garden supply stores].  MOST IMPORTANTLY, you will need biologically charged, soil ion tablets if you want vibrant, disease-free plants bursting with life-force.  [GardenMagic ion soil tablets are available from John Thomas and Young Again Club.]

If you are growing food in flower beds or a dedicated, garden plot, dig 12” X 12” holes and back-fill them as outlined below with one additional step: place GardenMagic ion soil tablets in garden bed as you build it; place them 6” inches deep and 6-12” off-center where plants will be located. [For garlic, potatoes and bulbs, place half a soil ion tablet under each seed along with a teaspoon of bone meal and pinch of BioCarbon Complex.  Plant garlic cloves in Fall for Summer harvest.]


Russian-red kale and non-hybrid tomatoes are perfect choices.  It is near impossible to find biodynamically raised food at farmer’s markets or stores.  ‘Organic’ has little value because soils are depleted and biologically dysfunctional of the ions plants need to produce high energy, life-force food. 

This discussion focuses on the green leafy vegetable called, KALE, because kale is the easiest and most nutritious food you can grow [collards are next best].  [BTW: the correct way to eat greens is to gently cook them in water before adding vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper added.  Make sure and drink the juice!  Vinegar is CRITICAL to digestion of greens which should NEVER be eaten raw or made into smoothies!  Greens are loaded with oxalates!  Kale has the least oxalates and chard and spinach have the most oxalates.  Oxalates are difficult to digest and very inflammatory to the digestive tract [think gluten, leaky-gut, irritable bowel, celiac and Crohn’s].  Oxalates are just one reason that people who eat raw salads and greens suffer from low-grade, systemic inflammation!

Kale is FIVE TIMES better for you than other greens.  Kale fuels nitric oxide [NO] production by endothelial cells lining blood vessels and capillaries, resulting in superior blood and oxygen delivery to your heart and brain and restoration of compromised body physiology.  [There is nothing kale can’t cure!]

Russian-red kale is very hardy, prolific and easy to chop and freeze in small, portion-sized sandwich bags for winter-time use when your body needs kale the most.

How To Build Patio Buckets & Garden Beds

  1. Drill three 1/2“ holes in the outer perimeter of bucket bottoms.  Cover holes with old stocking or window screen so excess water can drain. 
  2. Fill bottom half of bucket with a blended mix of common, soil, potting preparation and sand, and add a few handfuls of composted, chicken manure compost at the half-full level.
  3. Fill bucket with soil mix, adding a handful of gypsum to the top 2” of soil.  Leave 2” of space above soil; don’t overfill.  Then, place three ion soil tablets just below soil surface and water bucket gently several times until water emerges from the bottom.
  4. Next, place six seeds on soil and cover lightly with potting mix.  [Do NOT water again until plants emerge; then water gently until plants gain some size and are well established.]. Thin plants to ONE PLANT PER BUCKET, using scissors to trim excess plants at soil level Do NOT pull plants and disturb soil bed.  Or, simply start plants and transplant them when they are ready.  [In the garden, seed a 12” square and transplant plants to pre-marked locations later for even spacing.]
  5. When final plant is well established [2” tall], scratch two handfuls of composted, chicken manure into topsoil along with some BioCarbon Complex and a teaspoon of table sugar to catalyze bacterial activity.  [Wear gloves and DO NOT breath dust]. Drainage indicates plant/soil hydration needs are adequate.  [You may need to improvise a catch-pan for drainage.]
  6. In Spring and during cool weather, give plants full sun and water daily.  In HOT weather, reduce sun exposure and flood water 2x/day.  WHEN GOING AWAY, bury an inverted liter water bottle with a ‘loose’ cap and excised bottom in each bucket; fill with water and allow water to slowly release into soil.  Dehydration stresses plants the same way it stresses the human body.
  7. Allow kale to grow big, full-sized leaves.  Over-harvesting and dehydration stifles growth and cause plants to bolt and become woody.  Plant multiple buckets for best harvests.  Kale is very, frost-hardy.
  8. Bugs and disease don’t bother Russian-red kale.  These plants are tough and sweeten with cold.
  9. When growing non-hybrid, heritage tomatoes, go easy on the chicken manure and put a support pole in bucket as you fill it to avoid doing damage to the plant’s roots later.  Tomatoes are best when picked full-red and allowed to ripen inside for a few days before eating.


Plants need ENERGY to transform sunlight into food-bound, life-force, just as humans need ENERGY to grow, heal and repair.  Inability to make enough cellular ENERGY is why we age and die.

Plants make ENERGY from essential ions mediated by symbiotic bacteria that enable ion traversal at the plant’s root-hair level.  Humans make cellular ENERGY from essential ions that traverse cell membranes so mitochondria orchestrate creation of our cellular energy molecule, Mg-ATP.

Biodynamically grown food is powerful food; nothing else compares.  [FYI: John Thomas, now age 75, works 40+ hours a week, six months a year besides his regular duties doing hard labor, without power equipment, in his one-acre garden and orchard.  Hard work keeps John Thomas in shape and powerful food keeps him healthy and nourished.]

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John Thomas, Author Young Again!


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