Inflammation & Your Future [Special Edition!]

Inflammation is a side-effect and a forerunner of aging and degenerative dis-ease.  And behind inflammation is a condition unknown to the public and medicine, alike.  To learn more, read on.

Everyone is subject to invasion by fungus; no one is exempt, regardless of age.  Fungal infestation drives dis-ease and aging.  The solution is called the Mold & Fungus Protocol. 

Mission: I write because I see that what we are told does not match up with the truth.  My mission is to deliver truth and perspective on matters of health and longevity.  Truth will prevail and people deserve to know truth for their personal and family well-being. 

Observation: Sick-care is collapsing and people will need guidance and valid information when self-care is their only option.  Good doctors are shackled, and they are in short supply!  The system is corrupt and long lines are coming.  Knowledge and guidance will serve you well.

Forward Special Insights™ to people you care about!  Key words herein are ‘linked’ to the revised Glossary and Protocols Sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion.  To use links, click on the blue, underlined words.

A Critically Important Story 

This case study is a partial overview of a woman’s life journey, but it APPLIES TO MEN, EQUALLY!  This story may seem incredible; yet, it is widespread.  Why people suffer needlessly is important to identify; what can be done about it is even more important.

From the time Jill was a child, she suffered recurring sinus infections, earache, colds and flu.  Doctor’s prescription was always the same: antibiotics!

Sugar, soda and sweets played a significant role in Jill’s diet along with cereal grains, rice and potatoes.  Jill craved sweets, snacked constantly and ate often.  She was always, cold, as well.

Constipation, gas and bloat were common for Jill.  As puberty approached [age 12], asthma-like symptoms began to present, but the trigger(s) were never identified.  Instead, Jill was told to use an inhaler and was given steroids.

When Jill’s menstrual cycle began, she suffered amenorrhea [irregular periods] sometimes skipping several months.  When they did occur, heavy cramping and severe pain were accompanied by extended bleeding of 7-14 days.

At age 15, Jill had a bad flu and was given broad spectrum antibiotics.   This time, however, acne erupted on her face, back and chest.  Mood swings, depression and migraine headache followed, along with bladder infections, allergies and chemical sensitivities. [Jill’s system was under siege!]

The dermatologist put Jill on the usual treatment of tetracycline for acne.  Jill saw improvement, but after a few months, the problem returned followed by a persistent bronchial cough low energy and weight gain.  Soon thereafter, Jill’s menstrual cycle included problematic, tender, lumpy breasts [fibroid tumors] and occasionally, cysts on her ovaries.

It should be noted that Jill’s test results were within range; nothing abnormal.  Doctor told her, “It’s all in your head!” and recommended psychiatric care to address her mental confusion, depression and emotional anxiety [roller-coaster temperament.]

In her senior year of high school, Jill lost interest in school and her grades tumbled.  Also, she suffered from explosive anger and did NOT get along with her parents.  Instead, she found comfort among those with similar problems.

Jill’s behavior became a serious problem made worse by unpredictable anxiety attacks.  Her mother took Jill to a psychiatrist who diagnosed her, schizophrenic and bi-polar and put her on psychotropic drugs.  Now, Jill suffered the social stigma of being a mental case.

At age 18, Jill became sexually active and began using birth control pills.  She attended community college for a while, did poorly, was unhappy and drank regularly.

Birth control pills caused Jill’s menstrual and hormonal issues to compound in the form of chronic bladder and vaginal infections [so-called], heavy depression, imaginary voices and intense anxiety.  Jill was given more antibiotics and additional drugs for her problems.

Jill married at age 20 and became pregnant soon after.  The pregnancy was difficult.  [When her daughter was born, the child suffered from oral thrush, colic, and earache.  The child was given antibiotics.  Vaccinations made matters worse.  Like Jill, the little girl had learning problems at school and suffered from so-called, attention deficit disorder (ADD).

Jill’s diet was heavy in carbohydrates and sugar; sodas and fruit juice were staples.  Both Jill and her husband drank.  Jill favored wine; she had been told [wrongly!] that it was healthier.

Jill’s husband had his own share of health problems, and he had no idea how to help Jill who was difficult most of the time.  [The marriage suffered accordingly.]

Doctor prescribed corticosteroid medications to ease Jill’s arthritis-like symptoms.  Birth control pills were prescribed to help manage Jill’s hormones.  [Things got worse.]

Jill miscarried twice during her twenties.  Endometriosis followed and she underwent hysterectomy at age 35.  Doctor prescribed hormone therapy.  [Bladder and vaginal infections worsened, becoming chronic!]

By age 40, Jill was overweight, depressed and on occasion, suicidal.  She was always sick, her energy was poor and she suffered from constant brain fog and poor memory.  Ringing ears [tinnitus] was ongoing and nighttime urination interfered with Jill’s sleep.

By age 48, Jill’s health was in shambles.  Jill had been betrayed!

Women will identify with Jill’s story.  Men should identify because hormone issues affect boys and men, as well.  [Fungal infestation and mycotoxin interfere with male hormones is common!]

Symptoms NOT recognized for what they are become THE MISSING DIAGNOSIS.  Jill’s story is a classic example of defective medical models that are based on symptoms instead of cause!

Had Jill’s UNDERLYING issues been correctly diagnosed, her life could have been VERY different.  Jill suffered from misdiagnosis and lack of guidance.  FUNGAL INFLAMMATION ruled Jill’s life!

Let’s Review Jill’s History

  1. A recurring theme in Jill’s story is systemic inflammation and antibiotics.
  2. Sugar and sodas antagonized Jill’s problems. [Sweets and alcohol are inflammatory!]
  3. Bowel disorders, gas and bloat are side effects of yeast infestation and leaky-gut.
  4. Jill’s asthma and respiratory issues are side effects of mycotoxin produced by fungus. [Persistent bronchial cough is confirmation of mold infestation.]
  5. Jill’s Candida issues worsened at puberty because her ovaries were making hormones [fungus needs fuel to grow and spread; acne and difficult periods are two side effects.]
  6. Jill made the mistake of seeking professional skin care for her teenage acne. The tetracycline she was given literally set the stage for Jill’s health and life to spin out of control.  [Jill already had a history of antibiotic usage; now tetracycline completely destroyed her system, allowing mold and fungus to GROW and SPREAD producing mycotoxin interference with normal, healthy body functions.  Side effects include: thyroid, depression, body fat, anger, brain fog [poor memory] and ovarian dysfunction.]
  7. Psychiatric drugs turned Jill’s system upside down. Sleep became difficult; night was day and day was night.  [Jill had been betrayed by well-meaning professionals; first by her doctor, then by the psychiatrist.]
  8. Jill’s use of alcohol exaggerated her Candida problem. [Alcohol is a powerful mycotoxin that feeds fungal growth second only to hormones, and Jill had plenty of both!]
  9. Jill’s difficult pregnancy and her miscarriages were side effects of fungal manipulation of her hormones. [Perhaps the reader now understands why these problems are epidemic!]
  10. Birth control pills were the final straw needed for MASSIVE mold and fungus invasion.
  11. Jill’s childhood exposure to antibiotics took its toll by age of 20. She was acidic.  Candida yeast had merged with her DNA.  Jill had become a hybrid being.  Fungi were using Jill’s body to complete their lifecycle.  [This condition is common in the population.]

Jill’s Betrayal Is Our Betrayal, as well!

  1. The medical system betrayed Jill [and the rest of us!] Their model is defective partly because of “standards of care” that shackle practitioners and limit freedom of choice.
  2. Mycology [study of mold and fungus] was dropped from medical curriculums almost 70 years ago. Practitioners do not think beyond ring worm, toe nail fungus, bladder and vaginal infections [so-called!]; they have not been trained in,
  3. Sadly, molds and fungi are viewed as a nuisance only, and under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are they recognized as primary agents of dis-ease and inflammation. [Unfortunately, nothing is further from the truth!  If you suffer ongoing, chronic health challenges, you can bet mold and fungus invaded your system long ago.  No one escapes fungal infestation.]
  4. Jill’s problematic pregnancy and miscarriages were predictable given her history of early and ongoing exposure to antibiotics. [Jill’s problems had their origin in childhood, but it was her teen years that completed her metamorphosis.]
  5. Jill’s struggle with weight and acne, depression, acid reflux, brain fog [poor memory], mental confusion, allergies, hair loss, chemical sensitivities and low energy were driven by systemic take-over by molds and fungi; particularly, Candida albicans.
  6. Without knowledge and guidance and a valid medical model, Jill could not help herself. Her betrayal is an example of sick-care at its best.  The mold dilemma confronts all of us. Either, we self-educate or we get in line.  You must choose.

Announcing!  The Case Study Model

The Case Study Model is a great way to learn.  I will be using this model extensively in future issues of Special Insights on various topics of interest to readers.  Each case will profile, identify and analyze the controlling factors behind people’s health issues and needless suffering. 

Most health problems manifest over time; some present all at once.  Regardless, when they announce, the ability to identify and understand the contributing factors is invaluable.

Most health challenges are preventable and reversible.  What is missing is a valid model of body physiology [how the body actually works!] along with the ability to analyze symptoms and determine, cause.  [To avoid more of the same, you must change the way you think.]

First: identify the controlling factors.  Second: understand how the problem came to be [trauma, iatrogenic [doctor/medication induced], progressive degeneration, etc.]  Third: stop the problem from progressing further.  Fourth: reverse the process.

You will need ASSISTANCE with the Case Study approach whether a layman or a practitioner.  The medical model is incomplete and problems cannot be solved when CA– USE [etiology] is misunderstood.

Health issues that repeat over and over in a population, translate, Cause Unknown!  Proof is all around us.  Diagnosis based on symptoms [arthritis, gout, cancer, kidney and liver issues, asthma, fibroids, thyroid, etc.] is useless because symptoms are effects, NOT cause.

The Case Study Model requires your active involvement.  Self-help is one of few remaining freedoms we have left.  I trust the reader will exercise this freedom, as opposed to getting in line for more of the same, otherwise known as, sick-care. 

Observations & Musings

Fungi were the causative agents behind most, if not all, of Jill’s symptoms.  And, behind them are the pharmaceutical drugs that promote fungal growth and take-over.

Fungal invasion of the body’s vital organs is predictable considering the ubiquitous nature of CHEMICAL TRIGGERS such as antibiotics, birth control pills, hormone replacement and corticosteroids.  Mold spores are in water, food and air.  While unavoidable, they only pose a threat when they activate, hatch and reproduce.  Otherwise, spores are DORMANT.

Alcohol is a mycotoxin activator.  Alcohol [including wine!] feeds growth of fungal spores in the body.  Autoimmune symptoms are side-effects of mycotoxin made inside the body by fungi.  Autoimmune problems are confirmation of fungal infestation and mycotoxin activity.

[Antibiotics should ONLY be used for legitimate medical crises; and few are! You have NO CHOICE during surgical procedures, but you can implement the Mold & Fungus Protocol to avoid fungal infestation BEFORE, DURING and AFTER antibiotic usage.]

The delay between exposure to biologic TRIGGERS and manifestation of systemic, fungal take-over can be weeks or decades.  A fungal crisis only occurs AFTER spores have hatched, grown and spread throughout the body.  [Biologic triggers are the match that lights the fire.]

Fungi [and their mycotoxin] compromise immune function via merger of their DNA with human DNA.  Once merged, the immune system sees fungi as YOU, not as a foreign agents.  Mycotoxin-induced inflammation signals trouble, with hundreds of different responses!  [Patients MUST realize sick-care only categorizes: bacterial, viral or unknown.  Fungi are NEVER identified as causative agents of infection; rather, they are considered harmless, opportunistic life forms!]

Intestinal leakage occurs when fungi sink their roots (hyphae) into the intestinal wall.  [Gluten intolerance and chemical sensitivity are side effects; so are bowel disorders of every stripe.  Once fungi dominate, autoimmune problems multiply as mycotoxin take control of the system.

Would probiotics have solved Jill’s intestinal issues? No!  Her gas and bloat issues, allergies, chemical sensitivities and leaky-gut problems have their origin in hyphae invasion of the mucous membrane lining of Jill’s intestinal, gut wall.

Would a better diet have benefited, Jill?  Yes, but diet will NOT reverse fungal invasion of the system; diet DO NOT restore a compromised immune system, and neither do probiotics.  [Candida diets manage misery, but they do not address, cause.  You must address, CA– USE!]

What about diagnostics, such as: mammogram, prostate biopsy, colonoscopy and physicals unsuspecting patients volunteer for?  Sick-care treats test results, NOT PATIENTS!  Defective tests are behind the word, misdiagnosis.  Without identifying cause, cure is impossible.

[It appears modern medicine is designed to produce a false sense of health.  Misdirection cannot be blamed on ignorance, doctor or science.  People are being gamed to ensure there is enough dis-ease to treat with a parade of nasty, medications.  Emergency care is the exception.]

Review & Perspective

Mold and fungal invasion of the body must be reversed or problems grow progressively with age.  Once fungus and human DNA merge, humans assume a hybrid existence in a perpetual state of autoimmune crisis.  A compromised immune system is a side effect of fungal infestation.  Molds and fungi destroy healthy body physiology.  [Consider them causative agents in every way.]

Your author cannot think of a single condition of dis-ease that is untouched by fungal take-over and mycotoxin control of vital organs and hormones.  To put these thoughts in perspective, know that fungal infestation of the body is called, CANCERRead it again!

Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize in science in 1931 for his discovery that the fungus called, cancer thrives on sugar [both dietary and metabolic] in an acidic, terrain environment.

Warburg’s discovery preceded antibiotics, steroids, hormone replacement and birth control pills by 20-30 years.  Cancer is a drug induced crisis that is unrelated to your genes.  Medications and poor lifestyle choices compound fungal disruption of body metabolism.

Sugar and alcohol played a role in Warburg’s era just as they do, today.  However, it was ANTIBIOTICS that created the GROWTH INDUSTRY CALLED, CANCER!  And, it happened in only 10 years (1950-1960).  [FYI: the crisis did not occur by happenstance; it was orchestrated.]

To better understand our fungal dilemma, review Special Insights, Cause Unknown!, as well as, Cancer, Acidity, Fermentation & pH and the Mold & Fungus Protocol.

Suggestions & Solutions

The MOLD & FUNGUS PROTOCOL is a novel way of addressing mold and fungus.  Use it to invigorate immune function and avoid secondary fungal take-over when antibiotic usage is unavoidable [as in emergencies or necessary restorative surgery.]

Reversion of fungi to their dormant, [non-active!] spore forms, requires understanding of the dynamics involved.  Fungal infestation is a component of everyone’s life.  Do not ignore it!

You must ask for guidance! 

Woe be unto anyone who cannot discern symptoms from cause.  Ignorance is the basis of fear, and understanding is the basis of health and happiness.

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

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To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

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The Missing Diagnosis! Case Study #1

Diagnosis is often not what it appears.  Symptoms are never cause and diagnostic labels mislead.   You will find the case study below illuminating and useful.  To learn more, read on.

In This Issue:

The Missing Diagnosis: Case #1

Patient History & Missing Diagnosis

Patient Betrayal & Our Betrayal

Announcing! The Case Study Model

Observations & Musings

Review & Perspective

Suggestions & Solutions

Woe be unto anyone who cannot discern symptoms from cause.  Ignorance is the basis of fear, and understanding is the basis of health and happiness.

Mission: I write because I see that what we are told does not match up with the truth.  My mission is to deliver truth and perspective on matters of health and longevity.  Truth will prevail and people deserve to know truth for their personal and family well-being.

Observation: Sick-care is collapsing and people will need guidance and valid information when self-care is their only option.  Good doctors are shackled, and they are in short supply!  The system is corrupt and long lines are coming.  Knowledge and guidance will serve you well.

Forward Special Insights™ to people you care about!  Key words herein are ‘linked’ to the revised Glossary and Protocols Sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion.  To use links, click on the blue, underlined words.

The Missing Diagnosis: Case Study Number One

This case study is a partial overview of a woman’s life journey, but it APPLIES TO MEN, EQUALLY!  This story may seem incredible; yet, it is widespread.  Why people suffer needlessly is important to identify; what can be done about it is even more important.

From the time Jill was a child, she suffered recurring sinus infections, earache, colds and flu.  Doctor’s prescription was always the same: antibiotics!

Sugar, soda and sweets played a significant role in Jill’s diet along with cereal grains, rice and potatoes.  Jill craved sweets, snacked constantly and ate often.  She was always, cold, as well.

Constipation, gas and bloat were common for Jill.  As puberty approached [age 12], asthma-like symptoms began to present, but the trigger(s) were never identified.  Instead, Jill was told to use an inhaler and was given steroids.

When Jill’s menstrual cycle began, she suffered amenorrhea [irregular periods] sometimes skipping several months.  When they did occur, heavy cramping and severe pain were accompanied by extended bleeding of 7-14 days.

At age 15, Jill had a bad flu and was given broad spectrum antibiotics.   This time, however, acne erupted on her face, back and chest.  Mood swings, depression and migraine headache followed, along with bladder infections, allergies and chemical sensitivities. [Jill’s was under siege!]

The dermatologist put Jill on the usual treatment of tetracycline for acne.  Jill saw improvement, but after a few months, the problem worsened followed by a persistent bronchial cough low energy and weight gain.  Soon thereafter, Jill’s menstrual cycle included problematic, tender, lumpy breasts [fibroid tumors] and occasionally, cysts on her ovaries.

It should be noted that Jill’s test results were within range; nothing abnormal.  Doctor told her, “It’s all in your head!” and recommended psychiatric care to address her mental confusion, depression and emotional anxiety [roller-coaster temperament.]

In her senior year of high school, Jill lost interest in school and her grades tumbled.  Also, she suffered from explosive anger and did NOT get along with her parents.  Instead, she found comfort among those with similar problems.

Jill’s behavior became a serious problem made worse by unpredictable anxiety attacks.  Her mother took Jill to a psychiatrist who diagnosed her, schizophrenic and bi-polar and put her on psychotropic drugs.  Now, Jill suffered the social stigma of being a mental case.

At age 18, Jill became sexually active and began using birth control pills.  She attended community college for a while, did poorly, was unhappy and drank regularly.

Birth control pills caused Jill’s menstrual and hormonal issues to compound in the form of chronic bladder and vaginal infections [so-called!], serious depression, imaginary voices and intense anxiety.  Jill was given more antibiotics for the infections.

Jill married at age 20 and became pregnant soon after.  The pregnancy was difficult.  [When her daughter was born, the child suffered from oral thrush, colic, and earache.  The child was given antibiotics.  Vaccinations made matters worse.  Like Jill, the little girl had learning problems at school and suffered from so-called, attention deficit disorder (ADD).

Jill’s diet was heavy in carbohydrates and sugar; sodas and fruit juice were staples.  Both Jill and her husband drank.  Jill favored wine; she had been told [wrongly!] that it was healthier.

Jill’s husband had his own share of health problems, and he had no idea how to help Jill who was difficult most of the time.  [The marriage suffered accordingly.]

Doctor prescribed corticosteroid medications to ease Jill’s arthritis-like symptoms.  Birth control pills were prescribed to help manage Jill’s hormones, making things, worse.

Jill miscarried twice during her twenties.  Endometriosis followed and she underwent hysterectomy at age 35.  Doctor prescribed hormone replacement therapy.  [Again, bladder and vaginal infections worsened, becoming chronic!]

By age 40, Jill was overweight, depressed and on occasion, suicidal.  She was always sick, her energy was poor and she suffered from constant brain fog [poor memory].  Ringing ears [tinnitus] was ongoing and nighttime urination interfered with Jill’s sleep.

By age 48, Jill’s health was in shambles.   She had been betrayed!

Women will identify with Jill’s story.  Men should identify because hormone issues affect boys and men, as well.  Fungal infestation and mycotoxin interfere with male hormones is common!

Symptoms NOT recognized for what they are become THE MISSING DIAGNOSIS.  Jill’s story is a classic example of the defective medical model that is based on symptoms instead of cause!

Had Jill’s UNDERLYING issues been correctly diagnosed, her life could have been VERY different.  Jill suffered from misdiagnosis and lack of guidance.  FUNGAL INFLAMMATION ruled Jill’s life!

Let’s Review Jill’s History

  1. A recurring theme in Jill’s story is systemic inflammation and antibiotics.
  2. Sugar and sodas antagonized Jill’s problems. [Sweets and alcohol are inflammatory!]
  3. Bowel disorders, gas and bloat are side effects of yeast infestation and leaky-gut.
  4. Jill’s asthma and respiratory issues are side effects of mycotoxin produced by fungus. [Persistent bronchial cough is confirmation of mold infestation in everyone.]
  5. Jill’s Candida issues worsened at puberty because her ovaries were making hormones [fungus needs fuel to grow and spread; acne and difficult periods are two side effects.]
  6. Jill made the mistake of seeking professional skin care for her teenage acne. The tetracycline she was given literally set the stage for Jill’s health and life to spin out of control.  [Jill already had a history of antibiotic usage; now tetracycline completely destroyed her system, allowing mold and fungus to GROW and SPREAD producing mycotoxin interference with normal, healthy body functions.  Side effects include: thyroid, depression, body fat, anger, brain fog [poor memory] and ovarian dysfunction.]
  7. Psychiatric drugs turned Jill’s system upside down. Sleep became difficult; night was day and day was night.  [Jill had been betrayed by well-meaning professionals; first by her doctor, then by the psychiatrist.]
  8. Jill’s use of alcohol exaggerated her Candida problem. [Alcohol is a powerful mycotoxin that feeds fungal growth second only to hormones, and Jill had plenty of both!]
  9. Jill’s difficult pregnancy and her miscarriages were side effects of fungal manipulation of her hormones. [Perhaps the reader now understands why these problems are epidemic!]
  10. Birth control pills were the final straw needed for MASSIVE mold and fungus invasion.
  11. Jill’s childhood exposure to antibiotics took its toll by age of 20. She was acidic.  Candida yeast had merged with her DNA.  Jill had become a hybrid being.  Fungi were using Jill’s body to complete their lifecycle.  [This condition is common in the population.]

Jill’s Betrayal Is Our Betrayal, as well!

  1. The medical system betrayed Jill [and the rest of us!] Their model is defective partly because of “standards of care” that shackle practitioners and limit freedom of choice.
  2. Mycology [study of mold and fungus] was dropped from medical curriculums almost 70 years ago. Practitioners do not think beyond ring worm, toe nail fungus, bladder and vaginal infections [so-called!]; they have not been trained in,
  3. Sadly, molds and fungi are viewed as a nuisance only, and under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are they recognized as primary agents of dis-ease and inflammation. [Unfortunately, nothing is further from the truth!  If you suffer ongoing, chronic health challenges, you can bet mold and fungus invaded your system long ago.  No one escapes fungal infestation.]
  4. Jill’s problematic pregnancy and miscarriages were predictable given her history of early and ongoing exposure to antibiotics. [Jill’s problems had their origin in childhood, but it was her teen years that completed her metamorphosis.]
  5. Jill’s struggle with weight and acne, depression, acid reflux, brain fog [poor memory], mental confusion, allergies, hair loss, chemical sensitivities and low energy were driven by systemic take-over by molds and fungi; particularly, Candida albicans.
  6. Without knowledge and guidance and a valid medical model, Jill could not help herself. Her betrayal is an example of sick-care at its best.  The mold dilemma confronts all of us. We must either self-educate or get in line.

The Case Study Model

The Case Study Model is a great way to learn.  I will be using this tool extensively in future issues of Special Insights on topics of interest to readers.  Each case will profile, identify and analyze the controlling factors behind people’s health issues and needless suffering.

Most health problems manifest over time; some present all at once.  Regardless, when they announce, the ability to identify and understand the contributing factors is invaluable.

Most health challenges are preventable and reversible.  What is missing is a valid model of body physiology [how the body actually works!] along with the ability to analyze symptoms and determine, cause.  [To avoid more of the same, you must change the way you think.]

First: identify the controlling factors.  Second: understand how the problem came to be [trauma, iatrogenic [doctor/medication induced], progressive degeneration, etc.]  Third: stop the problem from progressing further.  Fourth: reverse the process.

You will need ASSISTANCE with the Case Study approach whether a layman or practitioner.  The medical model is incomplete; issues cannot be solved when CA– USE [etiology] is misunderstood.

Health issues that repeat over and over in a population, translate, Cause Unknown!  Proof is all around us.  Diagnosis based on symptoms [arthritis, gout, cancer, kidney and liver issues, asthma, fibroids, thyroid, etc.] is useless because symptoms are effects, NOT cause.

The Case Study Model requires your active involvement.  Self-help is one of few remaining freedoms we have left.  I trust the reader will exercise this freedom, as opposed to getting in line for more of the same, otherwise known as, sick-care.

 Observations & Musings

Fungi were the causative agents behind most, if not all, of Jill’s symptoms.  And, behind them are the pharmaceutical drugs that promote fungal growth and take-over.

Fungal invasion of the body’s vital organs is predictable considering the ubiquitous nature of CHEMICAL TRIGGERS such as antibiotics, birth control pills, hormone replacement and corticosteroids.  Mold spores are in water, food and air.  While unavoidable, they only pose a threat when they activate, hatch and reproduce.  Otherwise, spores are DORMANT.

Alcohol is a mycotoxin activator.  Alcohol [including wine!] feeds growth of fungal spores in the body.  Autoimmune symptoms are side-effects of mycotoxin made inside the body by fungi.  Autoimmune problems are confirmation of fungal infestation and mycotoxin activity.

[Antibiotics should ONLY be used for legitimate medical crises; and few are! You have NO CHOICE during surgical procedures, but you can implement the Mold & Fungus Protocol to avoid fungal infestation BEFORE, DURING and AFTER antibiotic usage.]

The delay between exposure to biologic TRIGGERS and manifestation of systemic, fungal take-over can be weeks or decades.  A fungal crisis only occurs AFTER spores have hatched, grown and spread throughout the body.  [Biologic triggers are the match that lights the fire.]

Fungi [and their mycotoxin] compromise immune function via merger of their DNA with human DNA.  Once merged, the immune system sees fungi as YOU, not as a foreign agents.  Mycotoxin-induced inflammation signals trouble, with hundreds of different responses!  [Patients MUST realize sick-care only categorizes: bacterial, viral or unknown.  Fungi are NEVER identified as causative agents of infection; rather, they are considered harmless, opportunistic life forms!]

Intestinal leakage occurs when molds sink their roots (hyphae) into the intestinal wall.  [Gluten intolerance is a side effect; so are bowel disorders of every stripe.  Once fungi dominate, autoimmune problems multiply as mycotoxin take control.  [Chemical sensitivity is an example!]

Would probiotics have solved Jill’s intestinal issues? No!  Her gas and bloat issues, allergies, chemical sensitivities and leaky-gut problems have their origin in hyphae invasion of the mucous membrane lining of Jill’s intestinal, gut wall.

Would a better diet have benefited, Jill?  Yes, but diet will NOT reverse fungal invasion of the system; diet CANNOT restore a compromised system, and neither can probiotics.  [Candida diets manage misery, but they do not address, cause.  You must address, CA– USE!]

What about diagnostics, such as: mammogram, prostate biopsy, colonoscopy and physicals unsuspecting patients volunteer for?  Sick-care treats test results, NOT PATIENTS!  Defective tests are behind the word, misdiagnosis.  Without identifying cause, cure is impossible.

[It appears modern medicine is designed to produce a false sense of health.  Misdirection cannot be blamed on ignorance, doctor or science.  People are being gamed to ensure there is enough dis-ease to treat with a parade of nasty, medications.  Emergency care is the exception.]

Review & Perspective

Mold and fungal invasion of the body must be reversed or problems grow progressively with age.  Once fungus and human DNA merge, humans assume a hybrid existence in a perpetual state of autoimmune crisis.  A compromised immune system is a side effect of fungal infestation.  Molds and fungi destroy healthy body physiology.  [Consider them causative agents in every way.]

Your author cannot think of a single condition of dis-ease that is untouched by fungal take-over and mycotoxin control of vital organs and hormones.  To put these thoughts in perspective, know that fungal infestation of the body is called, CANCERRead it again!

Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize in science in 1931 for his discovery that the fungus called, cancer thrives on sugar [both dietary and metabolic] in an acidic, terrain environment.

Warburg’s discovery preceded antibiotics, steroids, hormone replacement and birth control pills by 20-30 years.  Cancer is a drug induced crisis that is unrelated to your genes.  Medications and poor lifestyle choices compound fungal disruption of body metabolism.

Sugar and alcohol played a role in Warburg’s era just as they do, today.  However, it was ANTIBIOTICS that created the GROWTH INDUSTRY CALLED, CANCER!  And, it happened in only 10 years (1950-1960).  [FYI: the crisis did not occur by happenstance; it was orchestrated.]

To better understand our fungal dilemma, review Special Insights, Cause Unknown!, as well as, Cancer, Acidity, Fermentation & pH along with the Mold & Fungus Protocol.

Suggestions & Solutions

The MOLD & FUNGUS PROTOCOL is a novel way of addressing the mold and fungi issue.  Use it to invigorate immune function and avoid fungal take-over when antibiotic usage is unavoidable.

Reversion of fungi to their dormant [non-active] spore form, requires understanding of the dynamics involved.  Fungal infestation is a component of everyone’s life.  Do not ignore it!

I trust the reader will choose self-care over sick-careYou must ask for guidance!

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interestingforward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

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 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103

Cause, Unknown!” Diagnostic Roulette

When the CA– USE is unknown, treatment of symptoms is all a patient can expect because that is all the sick-care system has to offer.  There is a better way.  To learn more, read on.

In This Issue:

Roller Coaster Medicine

Diagnostic Charades & A Secret

Confusion Reigns

Don’t blame, doctor!

We Don’t Know?” (But, the patient should!)

Real Solutions For A Healthy Future

Woe be unto patients who cannot discern between symptoms and cause.  Ignorance is the basis of fear, and understanding is the basis of health and happiness.

Mission: I write because I see that what we are told does not match up with the truth.  My mission is to deliver truth and perspective on matters of health and longevity.  Truth will prevail and people deserve to know truth for their personal and family well-being. 

Observation: Sick-care is collapsing and people will need guidance and valid information when self-care is their only option.  Good doctors are shackled, and they are in short supply!  The system is corrupt and long lines are coming.  Knowledge and guidance will serve you well.

Forward Special Insights™ to people you care about!  Key words herein are ‘linked’ to the revised Glossary and Protocols Sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion.  To use links, click on the blue, underlined words.

Rollercoaster Medicine

Nothing is more frightening than a false medical diagnosis except, of course, treatment for a condition that does not even exist.

The best defense against false diagnosis, unnecessary surgery and dangerous medications is a clear understanding of what is wrong, how it came to be and what can be done about it.  [Understanding the problem is the responsibility of the patient, not the doctor.]

Understanding requires guidance and discernment of human physiology [how the body actually works!]  Without guidance, self-directed care disappoints and alternative approaches fail.  Without guidance, patients have no choice but to submit to the sick-care system!

Think about this.  When intelligent, credentialed people suffer like their patients, it’s obvious their model is defective and they don’t understand the problem.  Lack of guidance is the layman’s dilemma.  Guidance is one reason why exists.

Diagnostic Charades & Secrets

Everything about cancer is a delusion!  Cancer is NOT what people think it is and cancer is NOT what the experts [both conventional and alternative] say it is, either.  Proof is $60,000,000,000 [BILLION] squandered dollars and 67 years LOOKING for the cure.

We are trained, by repetition, to think of symptoms, never CA– USE.  But, you can’t find the CURE when you don’t know the CA– USE.  The experts do not understand because their model is defective.  How else can you explain zero progress and billions of dollars looking for a cure?

Want to know a secret?  They tell us, “First, cancer weakens the body and immune system, then, it is followed by “secondary” fungal infections.  Dead wrong!  Symptoms are NOT cause!

Cancer is a fungal condition that has NOTHING to do with viruses and bacteria and EVERYTHING to do with your terrain and your lifestyle.  The microbes follow fungal takeover.

First, we become systemically infested with mold [and fungus], then chemotherapy and radiation destroy our immune system and finally, the body dies!  Cancer therapy is a total disaster because cancer is a systemic fungal takeover NOT a disease!  The experts have it backwards!

Cancer [and cardiovascular dis-ease] kills most of us, preceded, of course, by an endless string of degenerative problems.  And, the search for the CURE drags-onThis is lunacy!

Fact is, the words disease and cancer are misnomers; they do not belong in the same sentence!  Cancer is a coup and MOLD is the agent.  This applies to most, if not all, health challenges.

When doctor says, “You condition is rare, very rare!” don’t believe it!  You may have symptoms, and your test results may confirm diagnosis, but your problem is your, terrain!

How about diabetes?  Same story!  Symptoms are not cause!  People suffering with diabetes makes up 35% of the population, with the remaining 65% categorically, pre-diabetic.  Diabetes and cancer have the exact, same cause.  MOLD!

How about cardiovascular problems.  Same story!  Cardiovascular symptoms are NOT what people think and most certainly, not what they have been told.  Symptoms are not cause!

What about men tricked into prostate biopsy?  Or, women who are told mammograms deter breast cancer?  And, what about those gallbladder surgeries when the problem is the liver?  And, what of hearing aids when the problem is head/sinus inflammation from MOLD?

What if sick-care is nothing more than an elaborate charade?  What if those wonderful studies are bogus and based on myths disguised as truth?  What if, indeed?

Confusion Reigns

Confusion reigns throughout the sick-care system because people have little understanding of body physiology.  People need guidance so they can separate facts from medical myths.

People blindly accept diagnosis.  They respect their doctor and trust the system because they do not understand the nature of the racket called, sick-care.

What you don’t know you don’t know is a huge disadvantage!  Often, doctor does not know either, or is gagged by the rules called ‘standards of care’ that prohibit doctor from speaking out or offering better alternatives.  Don’t blame, doctor!

Doctor’s job is to diagnose a condition of disease.  Then, doctor is REQUIRED to prescribe drugs and recommend surgery REGARDLESS of what is best for patients.  The sick-care system is a self-perpetuating racket and both patients and doctors are held hostage by it!

Failure to inform patients of all their options is a sorry state of affairs.  Misleading patients with bogus options adds insult to injury.  Either way, patients suffer and die for lack of knowledge and lack of choice and understanding.  It does not have to be this way.

With sick-care, cause is of not the issue.  Doctor knows symptoms, not cause!  Diagnosis based on symptoms is a disaster for patients.  It is the patient’s responsibility to understand the causative factors behind their dilemma.  Symptoms are NOT cause!

Professionals believe what they are taught.  But what if doctor is not taught the whole story?   How else do you explain 1400 years of arrogance and medical ignorance by the best and brightest from Galen to Pasteur?  [Claudius Galen’s absurd teachings RULED medical thinking for 1400 years and everyone went along with it because of peer pressure and human nature.]

Pasteur’s Germ Theory of Disease replaced Galen’s fantasies.  Today, we delude ourselves with technology and accept degenerative dis-ease as genetic.  We have it wrong, again!

To protect yourself, first, you must understand and then learn how to measure and maintain the integrity of your body’s terrain so you never assume the role of, PATIENT!

“We Don’t know!” (But, you, the patient should know!)

Lucky is the person denied diagnosis and told, “We don’t know!” or sent home to die.  Freedom of choice allows patients to discover the CA– USES behind their problems.  Only then can patients end their misery and resume their lives.

Incorrect diagnosis is rampant; surgical error is rampant, and iatrogenic death [doctor/medication induced] is responsible for 150,000 dead people a year!  I trust the reader gets the point?

Poor health and dis-ease have NOTHING to do with your genes.  Inheritance is convenient cover for the sick-care racket!  Manage your terrain and correct your lifestyle you will see your so-called genetic predisposition disappear!  The ancestor blame-game is a tragedy!

Behind chronic inflammation and suffering is, systemic mold infestation.  The population is infected with MOLD, and most people, systemically.  Did you know mold DNA is a very close facsimile of human DNA?  And, when two different species of DNA merge, the body malfunctions and the immune system malfunctions and we assume a hybrid existence?

Meaning, your immune system sees mold DNA as ‘you’ because mold has merged with ‘your’ DNA.  The word AUTOIMMUNE should come to mind.  Symptoms of dis-ease are autoimmune effects of a body systemically infected by, MOLD and the mycotoxins they secrete.

A leaky-gut wall and immune system failure are at the very center of people’s health issues.  Symptoms are wrongly used for diagnosis of heart, pancreas, kidneys, brain, thyroid, bowels and bladder problems.  Symptoms are not cause!

By the way, gluten intolerance, acne, chemical sensitivities and candidiasis [chronic Candida] are confirmations of systemic mold infestation!  Candida diets help manage the misery, but when a DNA merger has occurred on a systemic level, the usual, faddish Candida approaches fail miserably.  [See the link for Mold & Fungus Protocol at the end.]

When the immune system cannot detect a take-over by a foreign agent [such as Candida albicans yeast], these foreign agents continue to grow and spread!  The havoc they wreak is called, degenerative dis-ease.  [Mold infestation is generally invisible to your immune system and the perfect Trojan horse for systemic take-over!] 

Cancer is a Trojan horse condition, as are most, if not all symptoms, syndromes and disorders, and MOLD is central to all of them!

Questions?  What if you cleared your terrain of acid waste and shut-down mold and fungus secretion of mycotoxins?  Do you think you would stand a better chance than foolishly DESTROYING your immune system with chemotherapy and radiation based on fear of the non-disease called, cancer?  Do you think the fear would ease?  What if skin cancer would go-away by using a simple bathing protocol?  [Just thinking out loud, mind you.]

Today, humans exist mostly as a HYBRID specie.  Understanding how fungi shift normal body functions and produce symptoms of dis-ease is a game changer for everyone!

Candida yeast, the curse of women (bladder infections) and men (prostate issues) is driven by MOLD infestation.   Mold likes an acidic terrain and molds control the body by making acid waste and mycotoxins to create an environment favorable to their growth!

Everyone’s body terrain is, acidic; that is why everyone is aging.  You may wish to know that you can correct your terrain acidity problem by following the Terrain pH Protocol.

Real Solutions For A Healthy Future

Cancer, cardiovascular, diabetes, obesity and arthritis are epidemic, but there are hundreds of degenerative ailments haunting people, and mold infestation is central to all of them.

You will not hear these things from doctor because doctor was not schooled in mycology [the study of molds and fungi].  Mycology was REMOVED from curriculums almost 70 years ago!

It was NO ACCIDENT that antibiotics appeared and mycology simultaneously disappeared from medical curriculums in the very early 1950s.  [Antibiotics were supposed to be a leap forward, but instead they became our undoing.]

Today, steroids are used as band-aids to ease suffering and hide patient symptoms without addressing the CA– USE.  And, just like antibiotics, steroids promote systemic growth of mold and fungus [think, Candida!] making matters perpetually worse for those who use them.  [Ditto for use of birth control pills and acne medications

Soon, Special Insights will explore the mold dilemma facing all of us.  The format will use real life examples, so readers will better understand.  You will like the new platform.

In the meantime, peruse the Mold & Fungus Protocol.

And remember, your first step, regardless of age or condition, is to implement the Terrain pH Protocol.  You can read about it here, here, and here.

Call for guidance as needed.  There is no cost of any kind.

When the CA– USE is unknown, treatment of symptoms is all a patient can expect because that is all the sick-care system has to offer.  There is a better way.  To learn more, read on.

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interestingforward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103



What You Don’t Know About me! My Recent Story Of Illness & Recovery

Body pH, and its relationship to overall health, must not be underestimated.  Here is my personal story.  I trust you will find it, inspirational.  To learn more, read on.

In This Issue:

Every Dog Has Their Day

Baking Soda To The Rescue? Not Exactly!

And, You Are Wondering…?

Roller Coaster Ride & Then Some

The Balance Of My Story

Acidity & pH Are Not the Same Thing

Benefits You Can Look Forward To

Acidity: Everyone’s Dilemma

Mission: I write because I see that what we are told does not match up with the truth.  My mission is to deliver truth and perspective on matters of health and longevity.  Truth will prevail and people deserve to know truth for their personal and family well-being.

Observation: Sick-care is collapsing and people will need guidance and valid information when self-care is their only option.  Good doctors are shackled, and they are in short supply!  The system is corrupt and long lines are coming.  Knowledge and guidance will serve you well.

Forward Special Insights™ to people you care about!  Key words herein are ‘linked’ to the revised Glossary and Protocols Sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion.  To use links, click on the blue, underlined words.

Every Dog Has Their Day

Two weeks before Christmas [2016], I noticed something was going on.  My system was talking to me, but I had no idea of the storm I would enter on Christmas Eve.  Nor did I have any idea of the blessings that would come from the experience.  Here is my story.

[Up front, I want everyone to know John Thomas does his best to live his life according to the principles and lifestyle he writes about.  Regardless, every dog has their day and every day offers a lesson.  This lesson is the story of how the Terrain pH Protocol came to be.]

When acid waste builds-up in the body’s terrain, it provides the perfect environment for illness and dis-ease to express.  For me, it began as the worst ‘cold’ in 40 years; a cold with all the typical symptoms, except fever.  I was sick, but NOT from a viral or bacterial condition!

Readers must understand the Young Again Club concept called, THE TERRAIN.  For example, bacteria and viruses only take over AFTER fungi have weakened and inflamed the, terrain.  Bacteria and viruses are NOT root causes; they are effects!  MEDICINE HAS IT BACKWARDS!

After four days of misery, and while doing research on another topic, I came across the letters, pH and decided to check mine to see where it was at.

I used pH strips to test my urine, only to discover I was approaching pH 4.0.  No wonder I felt horrible; no wonder nothing helped!  [FYI: below pH 5.0 is cancer territory!]

Insight:  CANCER IS A FUNGUS and fungi need three things to grow and spread: 1. low pH, 2. high acidity, and 3. fermentation of glucose sugars.  Know, the longer one remains below pH 5.0, the sooner cancer will come knocking at your door!  It’s as simple as that!

Insight: pH 7.0 is neutral.  pH 6.0 is 10 times more acid than is 7.0,.  At pH 4.0, I was 1000 X too acid!  At pH 5.0, Candida yeast [a fungus!] takes over, producing MASSIVE amounts of acidic mycotoxins that drive pH into a death spiral.  [That was my condition!]

Once I determined my pH, it was obvious what was going on!  The question, of course, was “What was I going to do about it?”

Baking Soda To The Rescue?  Not Exactly!

So, I reached for bicarbonate [baking soda] and began dosing it in a large glass of water every three hours to raise my pH.  Nothing changed!  [The problem was acidity, not pH!]

[Bicarbonate therapy is not new, but no one ever compiled a procedural protocol that is easy to follow and MOST IMPORTANTLY, explains bicarbonate chemistry as it relates to body physiology.  Thus was born, the Young Again Club Terrain pH Protocol.]

After 24 hours, I realized something was missing.  That something was common, vitamin-C tablets.  [Vitamin-C tablets are crushed in the mouth prior to drinking water and bicarbonate.  I will explain why, below.  Read on.]

Now, the party was on!  My body released large amounts of acid waste in my urine.  You could tell by smell and color!  My pH began to rise, but it took a week to damp the yeast and get my pH above 5.0; and another week to reach pH 6.0.  [In total, it took a month to reach pH, 7.0 neutral.]

And You Are Wondering…?

How could this be happening to John Thomas [Mr. Health?]  The answer goes back 72 years; meaning, too much sugar and antibiotics for 30 years, followed by decades of ongoing, leaky-gut issues; and of course, the older you are, the more acidic your body.

I was LOADED with acid waste!  Not the type of waste that clogs your liver, but the type that is stored in the body’s TERRAIN and sooner or later, every dog has their day! 

For John Thomas, December 24, 2016 was the day.  I was the dog, and it was time to pay!  It seemed to be the beginning of my worst cold in 40 years.  Wrong!  [I had no idea of the benefits that would come from my misery for those who are open to this message.]

Roller Coaster Ride & Then Some

Two weeks after the onset of my so-called cold, I began to feel better, but my pH would only stay elevated for a few hours, before it would fall again.  Up it went, and down it came!

Why does pH rise and fall?  The answer involves simple chemistry and physiology.

FYI: bicarbonates are the body’s primary buffer for neutralizing acid waste; waste circulating in body fluids [as measured by urine pH] and waste BURIED in tissues.  Restore your bicarbonate reserves and health improves because you have given the body has a way to neutralize acidity.

FYI: pH rises when bicarbonate and vitamin-C are taken together, and pH declines following meals [and as the body releases acid waste from the tissues.]  When vitamin-C reacts with bicarbonate, the ascorbate is neutralized and carbon dioxide [CO2] enters the blood stream.

CO2 boosts hemoglobin’s ability to transport and deliver oxygen to the cells.  Disease cannot tolerate oxygen and pH above 7.0.  [For example: inside cancer cells and tumors, bicarbonate dis-associates and raises oxygen levels and pH.  This is the physiology of repair and healing.]

So, how long will your pH roller coaster up and down?  That depends on YOU, the amount of acid bound in your tissues, your diet, digestion, water consumption and stress levels.  [BTW: the sooner you curtail your intake of carbohydrates, the faster acidity improves!]

To release acid waste from the tissues, you MUST continually push your pH up to 8.0; then, let it fall below 7.0 and repeat the process.  The process is repeated over and over! [Ask for guidance.]

It is a MISTAKE to assume you are fine because your pH is 7.0.  You are not fine!  Everyone is at risk!  Health oriented people suffer cancer and degenerative dis-ease because of acids STORED in their tissues.  YOU MUST ACT!  That is the point of this message.

You will be drinking lots of water, so expect to urinate, often.  If circumstances do not allow for interruptions, then do the Terrain pH protocol on weekends or on your days off.

Sound like too much trouble?  You will think otherwise when faced with the expense and misery of the sick-care system and premature old age.  You must take action!

NO MATTER how well you care for yourself, by age 50 the body is LOADED with acid waste as bicarbonate reserves become exhausted.  Worse, older bodies produce more waste, causing the terrain to grow ever more acidic.  Aging is an ongoing process.

[John Thomas learned his lesson the hard way!  Now that the pH/acidity riddle has been solved, there is no reason for others to suffer and age prematurely.]

Acidity & pH Are Not The Same Thing

As the acidity level of your terrain falls, oxygen levels and energy rise, setting the stage for improved health and disappearance of age related symptoms of degenerative dis-ease.

Acidity is often confused with pH, but they are NOT the same thing.  pH infers acidity/alkalinity levels, but it does NOT measure them.  pH is a GUIDE only.  pH is NOT your goal!

pH is how you monitor terrain acidity  today, and for as long as you wish to be truly healthy.  pH helps you associate how you feel with lifestyle and diet.  pH is your personal guide for evaluating the doctor’s opinion and bogus test results.  pH gives you control of your life!

The Balance Of My Story

It took a month for me to recover from my 40 year, ‘cold!’  I don’t visit doctors and I refuse antibiotics, except for life or death situations.  Doctors should not prescribe antibiotics [except under dire circumstances] and people should not use them.  There are better and safer choices.

Ninety-nine percent (99%) of symptoms associated with dis-ease have little to do with bacteria, viruses, genes or DNA.  These are foolish myths!  Bacteria and viruses are NOT cause!  [Symptoms are fungus driven and drugs and antibiotics only make matters, worse.]

I am happy to report wonderful results!  Acid levels have greatly diminished.  The Terrain pH Protocol did exactly what it is designed to do.  I feel [and look] the best I have in many years!

Now, my pH ‘low’ is 6.5–7.0, but I continue to take bicarbonate daily to further reduce systemic acids.  The past three months required commitment.  It was well worth the effort.

Benefits Of The Terrain pH Protocol

  1. Skin glows and texture improves. Part of response comes from the Bath Protocol, and part comes from the Oral Protocol.  [Below, I provided a link for details you will need.]
  1. Sleep improves as INFLAMMATION from acid waste in the tissues is reduced. Over many months, sleep becomes absolutely, wonderful!  [BTW: reduction of acid waste does more for sleep than a special pillow or a new bed.  Poor sleep means: INFLAMMATION!]
  1. Bowel activity improves; and bowels issues normalize. Gas and bloat settle-down as leaky-gut issues, diminish!  [FYI: bicarbonate boost production of digestive enzymes, pancreatic juices and liver secretions.  You MUST rebuild your bicarbonate reserves.]
  1. Arthritis and teeth and gum issues moderate. And as blood oxygen levels improve, so do stamina and that feeling of youth.  [Athletes need oxygen for more endurance!]
  1. Obesity and weight issues resolve themselves when acidic waste is cleared from the system. [Inch and pound reductions are the effects of efficient metabolism!]
  1. Cancer and diabetes need an acidic terrain. Contrary to medical myth, both are fungal conditions and neither has anything to do with bacteria or viruses.  Clean-up your terrain you can delete the words: cancer and diabetes from your vocabulary.
  1. Blood and oxygen to the brain increases, ears and eyes improve. Bicarbonate dissolves waste and reduces head congestion while removes heavy metals.  [Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and dementia are terrain issues, not brain dis-eases.]

To feel better, live longer and avoid the sick-care system, you must reduce your body’s acidity levels.  The Terrain pH Protocol is how you do it.  It is FREE!

Details of the Terrain pH Protocol are available from  Everyone can afford this protocol because it is FREE!  The Protocol is my gift to you.

This Special Insights tells how the Terrain pH Protocol was developed, what it did for John Thomas and what it can do for YOU!  These links [here and here] will help you understand more.

Acidity: Everyone’s Dilemma

Acidity is everyone’s dilemma; pH management is how you solve your dilemma.  Aging and an acidic terrain go hand in hand.  So, act now if you wish to avoid seeing them in the mirror.

Young Again Club’s solution to terrain acidity is called, TERRAIN pH PROTOCOL  It is easy to follow and helpful for hundreds of syndromes, disorders and health challenges.

For more information about TERRAIN pH PROTOCOL, call for assistance.  There is no cost of any kind for guidance.  You will need instruction.

John Thomas (509) 465-4154 or email:  

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interestingforward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103

Exciting New Product! ReCharge™ Improve Your Vitality, Energy & Health

ReCharge improves vitality and energy by boosting oxygen delivery to the cells.

Oxygen: more oxygen means better cardiovascular health, improved liver function, stable blood sugar, deeper sleep and the ability to repair and regenerate a worn out body.

Carbon Dioxide: carbon dioxide is vital for transport and delivery of oxygen to the cells.   More carbon dioxide and better blood flow means more available oxygen and more life-force. 

Acidity: causes inflammation, acidity deprives cells of oxygen, acidity steals your energy.

Acidity and low oxygen cause our cellular bacteria [the mitochondria] to sicken and die!  The mitochondria are responsible for energy production we associate with youthfulness and good health. 

Improved circulation and more oxygen helps convert glucose into usable energy.  When cellular oxygen levels are low, glucose conversion stalls, causing increased FERMENTATION in the cells.

Fermentation, low oxygen and elevated acidity are key factors behind cardiovascular problems, diabetes, arthritis, cancer and kidney issues.

ReCharge is great for age-related and premature health issues.  ReCharge is a winner!

ReCharge will help you look younger, feel better and have more energy. 

ReCharge is great for many of today’s health challenges, such as:

  •  Great for neuropathy type complaints.
  • Age related skin issues respond well.
  • Excellent for repair & regeneration.
  • Boosts energy & metabolism.
  • Assists circulation to brain & limbs.
  • Inflammation control the natural way.
  • Useful for curving alcohol/drug cravings.
  • Eases brain fog & sharpens memory.
  • Promotes deep, restful sleep.
  • Promotes hair growth and thickening.
  • Assists blood sugar management.
  • Eases digestion, gas and bloat.
  • Promotes healthy eyes and ears.
  • Great for female & male health issues.
  • Helps metabolism of excess body fat.
  • Eases moodiness and depression.
  • Useful for hyperactivity and poor focus.
  • Helps the thyroid work more efficiency.

ReCharge improves energy and quality of life.  Call today about the introductory offer.

John Thomas, Author (509) 465-4154 or email:

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interestingforward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103

Cancer, Acidity, Fermentation & pH A Free Self-Help Protocol For All

Deal with your body’s acidity level and you deal with cancer and hundreds of other degenerative complaints.  The devil is in the details, and so is the solution.  To learn more, read on.

In This Issue:

Cancer, Acidity, Fermentation & pH

Correcting Systemic Acidity

Terrain pH Protocol

Mission:I write because I see that what we are told does not match up with the truth.  My mission is to deliver truth and perspective on matters of health and longevity.  Truth will prevail and people deserve to know truth for their personal and family well-being.

Observation:Sick-care is collapsing and people will need guidance and valid information when self-care is their only option.  Good doctors are shackled, and they are in short supply!  The system is corrupt and long lines are coming.  Knowledge and guidance will serve you well!

Forward Special Insights™ to people you care about!  Key words herein are ‘linked’ to the revised Glossary and Protocols Sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion.  To use links, click on the blue, underlined words.

Cancer, Acidity, Fermentation & pH

This report focuses on ACIDITY because acidity is the primary driver of dis-ease and aging.

Acidity is often confused with pH, but they are NOT the same thing.  Understanding the difference is the factor that will determine your health and your longevity.

As the acidity of your terrain rises, oxygen and energy levels fall, setting the stage for onset of poor health and dis-ease.  Acidity is the controlling element of the process.

Acidity disrupts our cellular bacteria called, mitochondria.  Mitochondria produce energy we need for good health, but they cannot do their job if the terrain is acidic and oxygen deprived.  Nothing destroys the mitochondria’s ability to maintain health faster than, acidity!

Acidity and low oxygen weaken and destroy the mitochondria; leading to cancer, arthritis, diabetes, kidney and cardiovascular problems.  They are prerequisites for FERMENTATION of glucose sugar.  Cancer needs fermented sugar to grow and spread!

Cancer is a FUNGUS; it is neither viral nor bacterial.  Fungus spores enter the blood stream through a wound, the lungs and/or a leaky gut wall.  In a healthy body, fungus spores are dormant and not a threat.  But in an acidic body, spores awaken and take on a life of their own.

When the terrain is acidic, fungus spores hatch, grow and secrete deadly mycotoxins that kill healthy cells and spark systemic, low-grade inflammation and autoimmune reactions.  Bodies burdened by fungal mycotoxins, acidity and sugar fermentation suffer major, dis-ease!

For example, under normal conditions, Candida albicans [yeast] is a symbiotic fungus.  But when the body turns acidic, sugar fermentation takes-over, and the biology of candida yeast morphs, switching from a symbiont [mutually beneficial organism] to a saprotroph [parasitic organism].  The experts talk and act as if cancer is some type of special condition, when the reality is cancer is a fungus and it must be treated as a fungus.  Few people understand.

Question – Why do experts call cancer ‘disease’, when it is a reversible condition of the terrain?

Cancer has three prerequisites: 1) acidity 2) low oxygen, and 3) an anaerobic environment of fermented sugars.  When fermented sugars overload the cells, cancer erupts spontaneously, robbing cells of their energy and the host of, life-force.

SOLUTION: Restore your energy and your life-force by: 1) normalizing body acidity, 2) raising cellular oxygen, and 3) stopping anaerobic fermentation of glucose sugars.  The TERRAIN pH PROTOCOL is the most critical element of the process.    Read on.

Correcting Systemic Acidity

Acidity is affected by diet, stress and lifestyle; and acidity certainly rises with age, NO MATTER how well you eat and care for yourself.  Here is how you deal with the acidity challenge.

Begin, by measuring the pH of your urine several times a day with a pH test strip.  Then, follow the TERRAIN pH PROTOCOL.  The lower your urine pH, the more acidic your terrain, the slower your metabolism and the less energy available for restoring your life-force.

Important Definitions:

pH: the scale is 0-14.  Below 7.0 is acid; above 7.0, alkaline.  Urine is the body fluid of choice for measuring pH.  pH infers acidity/alkalinity, but does NOT measure them.  pH is a guide only.

Acidity: is not pH and should not be confused with pH.  Acidity refers to the total acid load of body tissues and fluids.  The more acid waste in the body, the higher acidity.

Alkalinity: is not pH.  Alkalinity refers to the body’s ability to buffer [neutralize] acid waste and maintain pH.  Alkalinity is dependent on body reserves of bicarbonate [think, reserve capacity.]

Buffer(s): the body uses bicarbonate to buffer [neutralize] acid waste and keep pH neutral. Reserves of bicarbonate diminish rapidly after age, 35 [and in dogs and cats as they age.]

Bicarbonate: is the body’s primary buffer for neutralizing body acids.  In the stomach, it releases carbon dioxide for improved transport of oxygen to cellular mitochondria.  It also stabilizes pH, and it is the basis for production of HCl for protein digestion and pancreatic secretions for blood sugar and insulin management.  [Bicarbonate is an inexpensive, naturally occurring compound.]


Acidity is everyone’sdilemma.  Terrain management is how you solve the dilemma.

Young Again Club’s solution to terrain acidity is called, TERRAIN pH PROTOCOL.

TERRAIN pH PROTOCOL is available without cost!  It is easy to follow and helpful for hundreds of syndromes, disorders and health complaints.

For more information about TERRAIN pH PROTOCOL click here and here or call for assistance.

JohnThomas (509) 465-4154 or


A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

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To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103

Bad Breath & Body Odor The Dynamics of Wasting

Bad breath and body odor are very misunderstood symptoms, and the forces behind them are the same forces that deprive us of good health and longevity.  To learn more, read on.

If you are unhappy with your present health status or you wish to avoid chronic dis-ease in the years ahead, give this report the attention you deserve.

In This Issue:

Waste Management

Dynamics Of Wasting

Co-Factors Of Waste Management

Waste & Terrain Management

Suggestions & Solutions

Words Of Wisdom

Mission: I write because I see that what we are told does not match up with the truth.  My mission is to deliver truth and perspective on matters of health and longevity.  Truth always prevails and readers deserve to know truth for their personal and family well-being.

Observation: Sick-care is collapsing and people will need guidance and valid information when self-care is their only option.  Good doctors are shackled, and they are in short supply!  The system is corrupt and long lines are coming.  Knowledge and guidance will serve you well!

Forward Special Insights™ to people you care about!  Key words herein are ‘linked’ to revised Glossary and Protocols Sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion.  To use links, click on blue, underlined words.

Waste Management

When you find yourself in a hole with a shovel, STOP DIGGING!

The point is: a toxic, polluted body is CENTRAL to aging and suffering, and bad breath and body odor are CENTRAL to acidity and waste overload.  And, the more waste you allow your body to accumulate, the deeper you dig your hole!

So, if you suffer from bad breath and body odor [or some other version of premature aging] and you wish to solve your troubles, embrace these Terrain Management Principles.

Principles of Terrain Management

Rule #1: stop accumulating waste.

Rule #2: clear-out waste already accumulated.

Rule #3: change your thinking; change your habits.

Dynamics Of Wasting

The body stores waste.  Some waste comes from without and some is generated from within.

Why The Body Stores Waste:

  1. The body stores internally-generated cellular waste when it loses the ability to neutralize and remove acid waste from the system.
  1. The body isolates chemicals and environmental poisons FORCED on it by 1) removing them from circulation and 2) storing them with cellular waste.

Cellular waste and toxic chemicals express themselves in thousands ways.  Bad breath and body odor are two symptoms; premature aging, low-grade, systemic inflammation and age-related vision and hearing problems are a few more examples of waste overload.

Symptoms of chemical and waste overload are endless!  And, the sick-care system has an endless supply of diagnostic labels that mislead patients; labels that misinterpret waste-related symptoms and cause patients ignorant of the facts to needlessly suffer.

But, no matter what symptoms come first [bad breath and body odor, or inflammation and dis-ease] an acidic, waste-filled terrain is CENTRAL to everyone’s story.

If you are aging and suffering and/or you are caught-up in the sick-care system, you are LOADED with acid waste and you should address the issue; it will NOT go away on its own!  Waste overload and an acidic terrain affect, EVERYTHING!

Co-Factors Of Waste Management

Pathogenic organisms [be they bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic] live on ACID WASTE, heavy metals and iron!  And, the higher your ferritin iron levels, the faster the body ages and the greater the suffering.

ACID WASTE accumulation haunts, everyone!  For example: gas/bloat, poor digestion, bowel disorders and skin issues are symptoms of acid waste overload.  Acid waste also drives the BIG FIVE: cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, kidney and arthritis.

Common Co-Factors:

YEAST/CANCER: when waste overloads the system, yeast grows and produces toxins that: 1) limit mitochondrial activity, 2) decrease cellular oxygen levels, and 3) lowers body pH.  Yeast overgrowth is an inflammatory state of being affecting everyone to some degree.  Yeast infestation and cancer [which is a fungal condition of systemic acidity and elevated toxicity] are actually one in the same the SAME problem!  [Now, you know the simple truth!]

WATER: the two rules of water are 1) drink plenty throughout the day [one glass per urination], and 2) avoid unfiltered, city, tap water.   Filtered water is better; however, it is stripped of electrolytes [ions] the body needs to operate the heart, brain and nervous system.  Behind heart attack and stroke is insufficient reserves of mineral ions, NOT cholesterol and DNA as popularly taught and believed. [Bio-active ions are available from Young Again Club.  Learn more, here.]

SWEETS: sugar and carbohydrates feed the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle, disrupt blood sugar balance and promote the pre-diabetic state known as, insulin/leptin resistance.  Pre-diabetes haunts the entire population, young and old alike!  Some become diabetic; others suffer from the BIG FIVE KILLERS.  Avoid pre-diabetes and an acidic terrain and the BIG FIVE will not ring your door bell!

FOOD: you can function well on two meals a day without any form of snacking, but only if metabolism is balanced and you AVOID the pre-diabetic state.  If you snack [or if you eat more often than every 6 hours], you are either: not eating and absorbing your fats, and/or your digestion is poor or you are pre-diabetic.

DIGESTION:  poor digestion drives terrain acidity.Routine digestive aids are inadequate; everything combined into one pill does not work.  Proteins break-down in the stomach, fats require bio-active bile for absorption and transformation into hormones and energy, and carbohydrates are, problematic.  Read more about digestion, here and diet, here.

BLOOD SUGAR: so-called normal blood sugar is 20-50 points high, and NORMAL blood sugar lis what drives inflammation and premature aging.  Diabetes of the brain [diabetes type 3] is a pre-diabetic condition with side effects known as, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and vascular dementia.  Sugar-based acid waste and iron deposits destroy the brain.  These neurological conditions are terrain issues, NOT diseases.  They are preventable.  Furthermore, they have NOTHING to do with family history, genes or DNA.  Click here and here to learn more.

BOWELS: that move less than 2-3 times/day cause waste to accumulate in extracellular fluids, turning the body, acidic.  Active bowels, however, are NOT the solution, either!  Point is: waste accumulates!  Waste promotes aging and blocks repair.  [BTW: cancer is a symptom of a body drowning in acid waste.  Cancer has NOTHING to do with your family, DNA or genes!]

INTESTINES: probiotics are helpful, but they DO NOT repair the intestinal wall; that is not their job!  Rare is the person not suffering from digestion and leaky gut issues.  Correct gut, diet and digestion issues and bad breath and body odor improve along with gas and bloat which is a classic example of a compromised intestinal tract.  Here is your solution.

IRON TOXICITY:  the body stores elemental iron in blood to limit damage.  Elemental iron is extremely toxic to the body, and adults [and pets] are LOADED with it.  Doctor ignores this metric! Doctor DOES NOT UNDERSTAND the meaning of ferritin iron overload!  Iron is inflammatory; it fuels free radical oxidation and provides pathogenic organisms ONE critical growth factor they require.  Ferritin iron has nothing to do with anemia.  Rare is the person with a ferritin score that is not NORMAL; yet, people age and suffer because of their so-called, NORMAL iron levels.  Few understand what to do about it.  To learn more, click here and here.

URINE pH: urine pH should be maintained at 6.8.  Those with urine pH between 5.0-6.0 age and suffer accordingly.  Those below pH 5.0 are in VERY BAD territory and must act promptly.  pH is a measure of terrain acidity; but it does NOT measure your bicarbonate levels.  That is why Young Again Club provides guidance for its members for implementation of the Terrain pH Protocol.  Here is an overview of the Protocol.  [Look for more in future issues of, Special Insights.]

BICARBONATES: people think they need more oxygen, when their problem is insufficient CO2.  Low carbon dioxide levels limit hemoglobin’s ability to carry and deliver oxygen.  Low cellular oxygen means low metabolism and rising acidity.  Symptoms are: aging and endless suffering!  Bicarbonates neutralize body acidity and BOOST metabolism.  Supplemental oxygen given in the face of insufficient CO2 increases terrain acidity for those with respiratory problems.  [Look for more in future issues of, Special Insights.]

DEEP BREATHING: shallow, rapid breathing acidifies the body!  Deep breathing lowers acidity.  Practice this easy, no cost procedure for improved health and energy!  Deep breathing and the Five Rites are POWERFUL tools.  Read Super Power Breathing by Bragg, from Amazon.

EXERCISE: move it or lose it!  Exercise is about movement of body fluids; cardio benefits are secondary.  Circulation moves waste and the best thing one can do is get out of that chair and walk, climb stairs, perform the Five Rites, do half squats, stretch, etc.

CHARGED IONS: are bio-active mineral elements.  Ions are what operate your electrical system; and, they assist outflow of waste and heavy metals from the brain, tissues and joints.  Young Again Club offers bio-active ions for improved metabolism.  Click here and here to learn more.

STRESS, ANXIETY & ANGER: drive–up terrain acidity and drive-down the body’s magnesium ion reserves!  Stress, anxiety and anger are impossible to avoid, but you can neutralize their effects with bio-active magnesium ions [with Boron] from Young Again Club.

LIVER: processes 90% of body waste and the kidneys, 10%.  Chronic health challenges always involve a compromised liver, an acid terrain, low bicarbonate levels and mitochondrial dysfunction.  Bad breath and body odor are shadows of a compromised liver!  Learn more, here.

Waste & Terrain Management

The principles outlined in this report are TERRAIN MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS.

Implementation of these concepts can ease chronic health issues, and with patience and commitment, many problems simply, go away!

Your age should not be the determining factor for taking control of your life.  You must, however, be willing to accept guidance and do your part.

Realize, doctor assigns diagnostic labels to ailments based on tests, signs and symptoms, but NEVER, cause.  Test results are often wrong, and even when accurate, they do not explain why you have the problem.  WHY, is the question?

Fear, ignorance and lack of viable alternatives cause otherwise rational people to knuckle-under and use risky medications.  And, all medications are risky!

Diagnosis does not address cause, diagnosis is about yesterday’s poor choices.  Worse, diagnosis limits tomorrow’s possibilities, particularly when patients take possession of their symptoms and diagnosis.  Symptoms are not cause.

Waste is the shadow behind people’s symptoms!

Suggestions & Solutions

Waste management and de-acidification of the terrain is highly individualistic.

Waste management is a CORE tenant of the Young Again Club.

Call or email for guidance.

There is no cost of any kind.

Click THIS LINK and THIS LINK to de-acidify your terrain, remove waste and avoid major problems.

Words Of Wisdom

The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered: “Man!  Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, then dies having never really lived.”

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and emailaddress by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interestingforward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103


The TERRAIN pH PROTOCOL is my GIFT to you.

This protocol has the potential to improve health and well-being, regardless of your age or circumstance.

The Terrain pH Protocol makes it possible for you to care for yourself and family, at home!

Results manifest in days and weeks and continue for as long as you practice the protocol.

You will notice many wonderful changes and your supplements will be more effective.

You will learn how to test and measure your state of health simply and conveniently.

And, you will be able to continually monitor your progress as your health improves.

Welcome to the Young Again Club TERRAIN pH PROTOCOL.

The items below are available on Amazon. For your convenience, click the links below each item or source items however you wish.

Amazon is the easiest and least expensive place to find urine pH test strips. They are also available at Wal-Mart.

Some supermarkets carry Citric Acid in the baking or bulk heath food sections. It is less expensive to buy In bulk from Amazon.

Baking soda and Epsom salts are much less expensive at Costco and Wal-Mart than at Amazon.
You will need:
  • 10-12 lbs. of baking soda [any brand; all bicarbonate of soda is aluminum free;
  • 10-12 lbs. of Epsom salts; .
  • 5 lbs. food grade Citric Acid;
  • pH test strips for urine.
VERY IMPORTANT!  AFTER you have all four items, email or call for further instructions.
To learn more about TERRAIN pH PROTOCOL, click on this link.  Future Special Insights will discuss pH, alkalinity and acidity in great detail.  Watch for them!



A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and emailaddress by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interestingforward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103

Selenium, Iodine & Magnesium Ion Trio Bio-Active Ions For Better Health

Young Again Club now offers a TRIO of liquid, bio-active selenium, Iodine and Magnesium ions.

Selenium: Critically Important Element.

Selenium ions boost hemoglobin’s ability to carry more oxygen; it also boosts mitochondrial production of ATP, the body’s energy molecule.  When combined with bio-active magnesium, ATP changes to its active form called, Mg-ATP.  More Mg-ATP means more available energy and better health. 

Selenium ions convert [inactive] T-4 thyroid hormone into your own [active] T-3 hormone.  Insufficient, T-3 thyroid hormone is a problem for many people, especially women.

Selenium ions transport heavy metals [lead, mercury, cadmium, etc.] out of the body.  Selenium is taken in water with bio-friendly iodine ions twice daily.  [Pill forms are poorly absorbed!]  Selenium needs both iodine and magnesium ions to remove existing heavy metals.  Read about the heavy metal protocol, here.

Iodine: Thyroid Problems Are Iodine Deficiency Problems in Disguise.

Iodine and thyroid are forever linked; meaning, iodine ions [and selenium ions] are absolutely necessary for healthy metabolism, even where the thyroid gland has been surgically removed or irradiated.

The thyroid is the body’s gas pedal.  Thyroid affects metabolic rate and brain function.  Failure to provide the body with bio-friendly iodine ions causes metabolism to slow and aging to accelerate.

Issues of obesity and brain deterioration are symptoms of iodine ion insufficiency.  Thyroid medications DO NOT address cause of hypothyroid disorder and Grave’s!  [You will not hear these things from clinicians!]

[Selenium ions are taken in water with iodine ions.  Magnesium ions are applied to skin.  See below.]

Magnesium: Liquid Magnesium Ions With BORON

The body’s need for magnesium ions is HUGE, and it is impossible to get enough from food.  [Pill supplements DO NOT get the job done; absorption, regardless of brand, is poor.]  The best way to raise magnesium levels is with liquid, bio-active magnesium ions with BORON applied directly to skin for up to 95% absorption. 

Magnesium ions moderate the need for risky medications!  Magnesium ions help the body naturally settle-down and normalize, regardless of health issue or age.  The results are impressive!  Everything from better sleep and pain relief to improved mobility and performance says, this magnesium ion story is a winner!


Heart attack, stroke and hundreds of health challenges DO NOT come knocking when the ION TRIO is used daily.  And, trauma and post-surgical recovery is better and faster, too!  Here is the report 

Order Ion Trio from Young Again Club, today.  Ask about the introductory offer.

John Thomas, Author (509) 465-4154 or email:

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interestingforward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103

Bio-Friendly Iodine & Perpetual Health What You Don’t Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life!

This Special Insights is about bio-friendly iodine and how you can use it to keep yourself healthy and young.  To learn more, read on.

If you are unhappy with your present health status or you wish to avoid chronic dis-ease in the years ahead, give this report the attention you deserve.

In This Issue:

Iodine: A Brief Overview

Bio-Friendly Stabilized Iodine: WHY?

Health Applications For Bio-Friendly Iodine

Iodine’s Activity Level Depends On Selenium & Magnesium Ions

Energy Production for Wellness & Healing

John Thomas’ Brush With Death

The Iodine Black-Out & Your Future

Lack of Iodine: Everyone’s Dilemma

Recommendations & Conclusions

Mission: I write because I see that what we are told does not match up with the truth.  My mission is to deliver truth and perspective on matters of health and longevity.  Truth always prevails and readers deserve to know truth for their personal and family well-being.

 Observation: Sick-care is collapsing, and people will need guidance and valid information when self-care is their only option.  Good doctors are shackled, and they are in short supply, also!  The system is corrupt and long lines are coming.  Knowledge and guidance will serve you well!

Forward Special Insights™ to people you care about!  Key words herein are ‘linked’ to revised Glossary and Protocols Sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion.  To use links, click on blue, underlined words.

Iodine: A Brief Overview

Iodine is EXTREMELY important, not just for what it can do for health and regeneration, but also for what it can do for neutralizing the effects of TOXIC environmental metals and chemicals.

I am NOT speaking of common potassium iodide supplements or iodine food sources, such as kelp and seaweed.  Though helpful, they are INADEQUATE for the job at hand.

Rather, I am speaking of bio-friendly, stabilized iodine from Young Again Club for anyone wishing to take control of their health and future.

IMPORTANT!  EVERYONE IS LOADED with bromine from off-gassing of insulation, fire retardants, beds, pillows, furniture, auto upholstery, auto air bags and toys.  Most things are off-gassing bromine which FEEDS illness and dis-ease.  Bio-friendly iodine is your single, best defense against ongoing exposure to the TOXIC chemical, bromine!

IMPORTANT!  Iodine ions are stored in the thyroid, breasts, ovaries, prostate and testicles for conversion into your very own, active, T-3 thyroid hormone.  The body NEEDS iodine to function, regardless if your thyroid and prostate gland(s) have been altered or removed.  Medications mask symptoms, but ignore cause; problems grow worse when cause is not addressed.

Bio-Friendly Stabilized Iodine: WHY?

Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for iodine provides just enough iodine to avoid the symptom known as, goiter.  RDA does not promote peak health of the thyroid gland; nor does RDA address maintenance of other vital organs that DEPEND on a steady supply of iodine ions.

Goiter is a hypertrophied (enlarged) thyroid gland!  Absence of goiter and so-called normal T-3 and T-4 levels imply healthy thyroid function, but neither are reliable measures.  Worse, both are they are MISLEADING and woe unto anyone who believes them.

Symptoms of sub-clinical thyroid function are extremely common in females; women’s needs for iodine ions is 10:1 over males.  Know, insufficient iodine drives aging, particularly in women.

Contrary to popular myth, iodized ‘junk’ salt is worthless, partly for the puny amount of iodide it contains, and mostly because it is LOADED with toxic chemicals.

Iodine and iodide are NOT the same.  Iodide is a potassium iodine compound containing chemically ‘bound’ iodine; where bio-friendly iodine is unbound, freely-available iodine.

Iodine dislodges and displaces toxic halides, such as: fluorine, bromine and chlorine from vital organ receptors responsible for maintenance of healthy metabolism.

Lugol’s Solution and pill forms are iodide formulations, and for millions of people with impaired metabolic pathways, it is useless!  Iodide is hard on the stomach and NOT bio-friendly!

Young Again Club offers bio-friendly, stabilized, iodine for superior absorption and better metabolism WITHOUT stomach upset.

Health Applications for Bio-Friendly Iodine

Every cell and organ in the body requires iodine to function and maintain health.

 Aging is code for, slowing metabolism! Aging is confirmation of iodine insufficiency and poor thyroid function.  So, if you are aging, your thyroid is slowing for lack of bio-available iodine.

Thyroid: is your body’s gas pedal; it is also your body’s master gland. The thyroid determines your metabolic rate which is another way of saying: the speed at which your system operates and the rate at which your body ages.  [Know, sub-clinical thyroid dysfunction in females begins at puberty and increases at ages 24. 35 and 45.  Aging and thyroid dysfunction go together.]

 Goiter: is primarily a female issue.  Women need MUCH MORE iodine to operate their systems and the prevalence of goiter and hypothyroid in women is, epidemic!  Without enough iodine ions, women age prematurely and have difficulty managing their female hormones.

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: [and Grave’s Disease] are autoimmune disorders where the body attacks the thyroid gland.  Clinicians have NO IDEA WHY they occur, leaving individuals little choice, but to embrace risky medications and procedures.  Self-care makes more sense.

Males: suffer the slow motion version of dysfunctional thyroid, such as: sexual issues, prostate and bladder problems, belly fat, low energy, cardiovascular stress, kidney and diabetes type 3 [think: Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia.]

Pre-diabetes: is ongoing condition and another name for insulin/leptin resistance which affects 65% of the population.  Pre-diabetics suffer poorly functioning thyroid for insufficient iodine, magnesium and selenium ions.  [Translation: 65% of the population is at risk!]

Iron & Heavy Metal: accumulation affects everyone, everywhere!  Bio-friendly iodine, selenium and magnesium ions shuttle heavy metals OUT of the body, but only if each ion is simultaneously available.  To learn more about iron toxicity, click here.

Skin Disorders: from rosacea and eczema to acne and psoriasis are CONFIRMATION of intestinal inflammation, poor digestion, iodine deficient thyroid and pre-diabetes!

Obesity (Overweight): is a metabolic condition involving low thyroid, insulin/leptin resistance, poor diet and poor digestion.  Weight issues resolve themselves once people understand pre-diabetes precedes diabetes!  Both are correctible.  To learn more, click here.

Cancer: and low iodine levels have much in common with elevated halide levels [discussed below].  Cancer has little to do with DNA and genes, and everything to do with ‘dysfunctional’ thyroid metabolism and a toxic, heavy-metal-polluted, terrain.

Cold Bodies, fat bodies, low muscle bodies, and bodies suffering from restless legs, diabetes, pre-diabetes, arthritis and neuropathy suffer from iodine ion insufficiency.  Iodine increases metabolic rate so you look and feel young and healthy.

Hair: is a dependable indicator of slowing metabolism.  Slow growing hair, missing hair [eyebrows/balding/thinning] indicate poor thyroid function and lack of iodine ions.

Yeast: issues affect MORE women than men because women need WAY MORE iodine to operate their bodies.  Add stress, antibiotics and the pre-diabetic state of insulin/leptin resistance and it is easy to understand why women suffer more from gas/bloat and bladder issues.

Asthma & COPD: are issues of severe, ongoing inflammation made worse by lack of iodine, magnesium and selenium ions.  These are autoimmune conditions, plain and simple.  Add intestinal issues like leaky gut and poor digestion and you have a perfect recipe.

Insomnia & Sleep: issues haunt millions of people because their bodies suffer deficits of iodine, magnesium and selenium ions.  Provide them, and these issues settle down nicely.

Autoimmune: problems and pre-diabetes go together and always involve an inflamed gut, poor digestion and slow thyroid metabolism for lack of iodine, magnesium and selenium ions.

Iodine’s Activity Level Depends On Selenium & Magnesium Ions

The body REQUIRES iodine, magnesium and selenium ions for healthy metabolism.  These THREE ions require both of the other two to work properly and all three MUST be available simultaneously, in liquid, bio-friendly form, daily; not in pill/capsule forms.

Furthermore, the body needs a continuous, daily supply of bio-friendly mineral ions BEYOND the small amounts available from food and common supplements.

Key Points to Remember:

Iodine:  without a daily supply of bio-friendly iodine ions, magnesium and selenium cannot do their job.  Bio-friendly iodine ions are taken with selenium in water.

Magnesium: without a daily supply of bio-active magnesium ions, iodine and selenium cannot perform their job.  Bio-active magnesium ions with boron is applied to the skin for efficient uptake by blood capillaries servicing the skin.

Selenium: without a daily supply of bio-active selenium ions, iodine and magnesium cannot perform their job.  Bio-active selenium is taken in water with iodine in water.

Energy Production for Wellness & Healing

Mitochondria: are friendly bacteria within cells that provide energy for life and health.

Mitochondria are essential for energy production and healthy physiology.  Each cell contains thousands of mitochondrion; the brain, heart and vital organs are densely populated by them.

ATP is the energy currency for the body; it is made within the Kreb’s Cycle of the mitochondrion.  What is NOT commonly known is this: the mitochondria REQUIRE bio-active magnesium ions to create the functional form of ATP called, Mg-ATP.

The mitochondria make Mg-ATP from food and supplemental ions.  The more Mg-ATP you make, the more energy that is available for growth, repair and waste management.

Cellular waste turns EVERYONE’S body acidic, hampering oxygen carrying capacity and limiting hemoglobin’s ability to DELIVER oxygen.  Limited production of Mg-ATP is another huge factor.  Without bio-active iodine, magnesium and selenium ions, waste dominates the terrain.

Magnesium ions control body fluid pH which is a measure of acidificationA/G Ratio measures where you are between birth and death.  Ferritin iron level measures iron toxicity of your blood.  You will NOT HEAR THESE THINGS from sick-care providers; they DO NOT test for them and they have no idea of their meaning, either!

IMPORTANT!  Magnesium supplements are a dime a dozen!   Oral magnesium supplementation DOES NOT get the job done.  The only way to insure absorption is via skin application using boron ions as the carrier, a Young Again Club exclusive.  To learn more about the role magnesium ions play in heart attack and stroke, click here.

John Thomas’ Brush With Death [Gullian-Barre]

Use of bio-active mineral ions is a GREAT way to avoid serious health challenges, and the SIMPLEST way to manage one’s health on a daily basis.  Reliance on most medical tests is foolish, partly because they are worthless; partly because interpretations are not trustworthy.

For example, medical tests do NOT provide accurate measure of available magnesium ion levels because blood contains only 1% of the ions in the body.  Sick-care providers DO NOT HAVE meaningful tests for magnesium ion levels nor iodine nor selenium!

Better to assume you are deficient in these three elemental ions because, you are!  EVERYONE is magnesium deficient all the time, but especially when under stress and trauma.

Surgery and major events can be DEADLY when incurred in a state of magnesium ion deficiency.  Heart attack and stroke are killers; surgery is pure trauma.  BOTH exhaust the body’s limited reserves of magnesium ions which must be built-up via skin application.  Sick-care experts IGNORE all of this, leaving people to fend for themselves and suffer the consequences!

Magnesium ions prevent inflammation over-response.  To protect yourself from catastrophic, autoimmune over-response, such as Gullian-Barre, keep your system LOADED with bio-active magnesium, iodine and selenium ions.  [Read, John Thomas’ real life Gullian-Barre story!]

Very few tests are worth the bother; the good ones are unknown, ignored or misinterpreted by clinicians.  For example: most people’s A/G Ratio [where you are between birth and death] hovers around 1.5; it should be 2.32.  Those below 1.25 are in trouble.  Most people’s urine pH is between of 5-6.0; it should be 6.8.  Below urine pH 5.0 is the territory of pre-diabetes, diabetes, cancer, kidney problems, cardiovascular issues and arthritis.  For personal guidance, ask.

The body corrects pH and A/G Ratio terrain issues if given the opportunity.  Prerequisites of the process are: cooperation and guidance.  Review the Tissue & Liver Protocol, here.

The Iodine Black-Out & Your Future [UPDATED!]

In 1947, Big-Pharma controlled medical schools made sure doctors would be ignorant of iodine!

They fabricated a bogus iodine study and removed iodine physiology from medical curriculums.  Students were told iodine is toxic, and they were told use of iodine was irresponsible and maligned cohorts who used it.  They knew if students understood the truth about iodine, it would be game over and the sick-care industry of TODAY could not be, grown!  So, they schemed!

They wanted the public on toxic, risky drugs, so they imprinted skull and cross bones on iodine bottle labels to frighten people!  They knew antibiotics, vaccinations and toxic agricultural chemicals would yield a PERPETUAL FINANCIAL HARVEST!  Then, the scheming continued…

They perverted public perception of iodine with news and pictures of mushroom clouds, Japan and children suffering from RADIOACTIVE IODINE fallout from atom bombs.  They peddled fear!  [BTW: iodine prevents radioactive dyes used in medical procedures from damaging the thyroid gland, similar to the ONGOING radiation exposure from Fukushima, Japan 2012.]

What the public did not know then, and does not realize now is: bio-active iodine ions DISLODGE and PREVENT toxic halides like fluorine, bromine, chlorine and perchlorates [‘dust’ from car air bags and contaminated, drinking water!] from taking control of vital organ receptors.

Looking Back 70 Years

In the 1950s, 60s & 70’s, new ‘therapies’ for the [growing] cancer industry were in; pesticide/herbicide usage was, in; mercury amalgam dental fillings were, in; and, fluoridated everything from medications, to tooth paste and drinking water] were, in!

 The iodine black-out of 1947 morphed into the opioid pain crisis of today.  Iodine neutralizes inflammation, where opioids hide pain while ignoring cause and destroying lives.  Today, more people are addicted to opioids than smoke cigarettes!

Did you know, tumors and cysts often shrink and disappear when bio-friendly iodine ions are used daily?  And, that breast, uterine and ovarian fibroids resolve themselves?  And, that problematic menstrual cycles settle down?  And, painful, hard breasts and prostates, soften?

Did you know, balding and thinning hair is CONFIRMATION of a poorly functioning thyroid?  Did you know, bio-friendly iodine resurrects thyroid function, causing hair to grow, thicken and hair color to return?  [John Thomas did it at age 68; read my real life Gullian-Barre story!]]

Did you know, thyroid tests [TSH, T-3 and T-4] are worthless, misleading metrics?  Proof is epidemic in the female population who are medication dependent.  Women’s bodies REQUIRE far more iodine ions than men’s bodies.  [Iodine is a better solution than, pink ribbons!]

Did you know, the body stores iodine ions in the thyroid, followed by breasts, ovaries, prostate and testicles.  Without iodine, youthfulness and perpetual health are impossible!  Without iodine to help regulate thyroid metabolism, cancer grows unchecked!

Did you know, hormonal and metabolic slowdown called, menopause and andropause, accelerate in the face of iodine insufficiency?  Do you realize, loss of sex drive and male/female issues [flashes, sweats, ED and prostate] can normalize when bio-friendly iodine ions are available?

Did you know, BOTH child and adult intelligence rises and growth and repair takes-off when bio-friendly iodine is used?  Growth and regeneration are the flip-sides of aging and dis-ease.

Did you know, bio-friendly iodine works naturally without associated risk of medications [natural or synthetic] and can help avoid unnecessary surgical intervention for nodules and fibroids?  The occurrence thousands of metabolic abnormalities CONFIRM iodine ion insufficiency.

Lack of Iodine: Everyone’s Dilemma

Doctors and clinicians do NOT understand iodine nor its physiology.  Their ignorance deprives everybody of the knowledge they need to care for themselves. 

People with thyroid disorders [hypothyroid, Hashimoto’s, Graves, goiter] are not told the truth of their dilemma.  Instead, patients are misled and put at risk with medications that hide cause and make matters worse!  [Think, sins of omission, commission and ignorance!]

It is no coincidence that thyroid problems skyrocketed when: bromine replaced iodine in flour and fire retardants were mandated by law.  The thyroid crisis turned epidemic in the 1970s, 80s and 90’s exactly as planned in 1947 when the iodine black-out was initiated!

Women suffered most from the iodine black-out!  Women’s iodine needs are immense and if not met, their physiology is seriously disrupted.  Bottom line, thyroid disorders are the EXACT OPPOSITE of what is preached by clinicians and believed by patients.

Sluggish thyroid is the flipside of pre-diabetes and metabolic syndrome; flying just under radar until ugly problems announce themselves.  These are sub-clinical conditions and all of them are epidemic and misunderstood! 

Conclusion & Suggestions

Use of bio-friendly iodine, magnesium and selenium ions allows everyone to take control of their health and future.  These three factors, promote healthy physiology and the production of Mg-ATP.  Use them for good health and longevity.

There is no justifiable reason for a lifetime of suffering and dependence on risky medications.  You must learn how to care for yourself!

Self-diagnosis using everyday observation is easier, safer and better than after-the-fact diagnoses by experts who don’t have a clue WHY your health is in deteriorating.  Self-care allows you to avoid, sick-care!

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

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To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103

ReMove™ Natural Ferritin Iron Scavenger

No one should allow excess, ferritin iron to accumulate in their blood and body.

Males over age 19 and women beyond menopause or hysterectomy, suffer the BURDEN of excess iron accumulation in their blood, and SYSTEMIC inflammation that comes with it.

The body locks-down excess iron by storing it in blood.  The body has NO OTHER MECHANISM to limit iron’s disruptive capacity to form free radicals and cause oxidative stress.

Free radicals accelerate aging, and elevated ferritin iron is the PERFECT substrate for pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi to grow on and take-over when you are weak and conditions, suitable.

Donation of whole blood at your local blood bank is the simplest way to reduce your ferritin iron levels.  For many people and many reasons however, donating blood is NOT an option.

ReMove has an affinity for ferritin iron, and is composed of natural ingredients that scavenge excess iron.

ReMove is now available to everyone.  This is a do-it-yourself project!  Do NOT expect understanding or support from your doctor or clinicians; they are confused and ignorant on this topic.

Two capsules daily [am/pm away from food] does the job.  Capsule contents is tasteless on tongue, or mix with water if swallowing pills is difficult.  ReMove is great for pets.  Fact is, pet foods are LOADED with iron which shortens their life by 50%!  Pets [and people!] are dying early because of iron poisoning.

People are LOADED with excess ferritiniron!  Read-up on it, here.

ReMove is important because it offers a novel way to improve health and extend lifespan by addressing a problem that haunts everyone; a problem is ignored by clinicians and doctors, alike.

Look at the benefits that come from reduction of excess ferritin, blood iron:

  • Eases brain fog; sharpens memory.
  • Promotes healthy skin; smooths wrinkles.
  • Burns excess fat (including cellulite).
  • Naturally boosts energy & metabolism.
  • Increases production of more Mg-ATP.
  • Denies bacteria & viruses a source of iron.
  • Reduces congestion; improves circulation.
  • Eases aches & pains driven by arthritis
  • Helps blood sugar management.
  • Boosts mitochondrion activity.
  • Eases digestion, gas and bloat.
  • Settles bladder & yeast issues.
  • Promotes female & male health.
  • Helpful for healthy eyes & ears.
  • Reduces systemic inflammation.
  • Helps avoid antibiotic dependence

Order Re-Move, today!  Ask about the introductory offer.

 John Thomas, Author (509) 465-4154 or (509) 466-8103 fax or email.

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

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To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103

Fundamentals Of A Healthy Future Have Your Cake & Eat It Too!

If you are unhappy with your present health status and you wish to avoid chronic dis-ease in the years ahead, give this report the attention it deserves.  To learn more, read on.

This Special Insights is a review of core issues central to health and longevity; issues and topics that are fundamental in nature and forever timely.

In This Issue:


Five Fundamentals of Personal Healthcare

Iodine: The Most Misunderstood Element

Blood Sugar Management

Magnesium Ion Insufficiency

Autoimmunity & Gut Inflammation

Iron Overload: The Silent Elephant

Recommendations & Conclusions

Mission: I write because I see that what we are told does not match up with the truth.  My mission is to deliver truth and perspective on matters of health and longevity.  Truth always prevails and readers deserve to know truth for their personal and family well-being.

Forward Special Insights™ to people you care about!  Key words herein are ‘linked’ to revised Glossary and Protocols Sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion.  To use links, click on blue, underlined words.


You can have your cake and eat it too IF you choose your cake carefully and exercise discipline in your habits and choice of lifestyle.

Understand, your genes and DNA are not fixed as popularly believed; rather, they are malleable and controlled by your epigenome.  Inheritance has little to do with dis-ease and aging; people’s health issues are mostly, self-imposed.

Understand, diet and lifestyle control.  Choices made each day determine outcome.  And, while everyone is free to believe as they wish; invalid information has consequences.

People suffer and die prematurely because they do not UNDERSTAND!  Human physiology is what it is.  Yesterday’s science is today’s superstition.  Reality matters.

So, who do you believe?  How does one separate truth from noise?  Is formal training necessary to learn how to care for self, family and friends?  Is formalized thinking and training a hindrance or asset?  Lastly, from where will the knowledge and guidance come?

Let me assure you, clinicians and experts do not have the answers you seek!  Their thinking is faulty and their models questionable.  They suffer just like their patients.

For your information, the sick-care system is collapsing, and people will need guidance and valid information when self-care is the only option.  Sadly, our [good] doctors are shackled; they will be in short supply and the lines long.  Personal knowledge will make the difference!

[This Latin phrase res ipsa loquitur captures the essence of the sick-care system under which we live.  Literally, it means: “The thing speaks for itself!”]

Be aware, metabolic slowdown accelerates after age 35.  The process is called premature aging, and it has everything to do with (1) lack of bio-active iodine, (2) elevated, normal blood sugar, (3) shortage of magnesium ions, (4) excess ferritin [blood iron] and, (5) an inflamed intestinal wall.

Woe be unto anyone who relinquishes control to experts educated beyond their intelligence.

Five Fundamentals of Personal Healthcare

These fundamentals are preventative and restorative in nature.  Study them carefully.


If ever there was an element that can improve health, iodine is it!

The iodine story is extremely important.   There is much to UNDERSTAND about iodine and what it can do for health, hormones, regeneration and neurological disorders.

I am not speaking of common potassium iodide formulations or food sources such as kelp and seaweed. While helpful, they are GROSSLY INADEQUATE for the job at hand.

Rather, I am speaking of single-atom, stabilized, bio-active iodine now available for anyone wishing to take control of their health and their future.

Important Background Information

In 1947, Big-Pharma controlled medical schools made sure doctors would be ignorant of iodine!

First, they fabricated a bogus iodine study and removed iodine physiology from medical curriculums.  Students were told iodine is toxic! Worse, they were told that using iodine was irresponsible and malpractice!  They knew if students knew the truth about iodine, it would be game over and today’s sick-care industry could not be, grown!  So, they schemed!

They put skull and cross bones on bottle labels to frighten people!  They wanted the public on antibiotics and toxic drugs, not iodine!  They knew antibiotics, vaccinations, and toxic agricultural chemicals would yield an ENDLESS HARVEST!  Then, they schemed, more!

They perverted public perception of iodine with news and pictures of mushroom clouds, Japan and children suffering from RADIOACTIVE iodine fallout from atom bombs.  They peddled fear!

What the public did not know then, and does not realize now is: bio-active iodine dislodges and prevents toxic halides, such as fluorine, bromine, chlorine and per chlorates from occupying and taking control of the receptors that regulate the vital organs.  [Iodine also prevents radioactive iodine based dyes used in diagnostic procedures from damaging people’s thyroid glands!]

[Looking back: in the 1950s, 60s & 70’s, new therapies for [the growing] cancer industry] were in; pesticide/herbicide usage was, in; mercury amalgam dental fillings were, in; and, fluoridated everything, [medications, tooth paste and drinking water] were, in!] 

 Oddly, the iodine black-out of 1947 has morphed into the opioid crisis of today!  More people today are addicted to opioid pain killers than cigarettes!  Opioids damp inflammation and pain, but ignore cause; iodine restores the terrain so cause of inflammation and pain goes away.

Did you know, tumors of all kinds shrink and disappear when bio-active iodine ions are supplied daily?  And, that breast, uterine and ovarian fibroids and cysts resolve themselves?  And that problematic menstrual issues settle down?  And painful breasts and prostates, soften?

Did you know, hair loss and thinning hair [and eyebrows] is CONFIRMATION of a poorly functioning thyroid?  Did you know, iodine ions resurrect thyroid function and grow hair?

Did you know, thyroid tests [TSH, T-3 and T-4] are worthless, misleading metrics?  Proof is epidemic in the female population who are medication dependent.  Women bodies REQUIRE multiple [XXXX] times more iodine than male counterparts.  Especially the breasts!

Did you know, the body stores iodine in the thyroid, followed by breasts [male and female], ovaries, prostate and testicles.  Without iodine, youthfulness and perpetual health are impossible!  Without iodine to regulate things, cancer has its way and grows unchecked!

Did you know, hormonal and metabolic slowdown called, menopause and andropause are side effects of iodine insufficiency?  Do you realize, loss of sex drive and male and female issues [flashes, sweats, ED and prostate] settle down when bio-active iodine is supplied?

Did you know, when iodine ions are available, BOTH children and adult intelligence rises and growth and repair takes-off?  Did you know toxic bromines from fire retardants BLOCK vital organ receptors [in children and adults], preventing them from regulating healthy physiology?

Did you know, EVERYONE IS LOADED with bromine from off-gassing of insulation, fire retardants, beds, pillows, cribs, carpet and toys?  And, locked-up receptors means: illness and dis-ease!

Did you know, bio-active iodine works naturally without risk of medications [natural or synthetic] and unnecessary] surgical interventions for nodule and fibroid growths?  And, that they DO NOT occur except for severe lack of available iodine?  [The cause and solution are the same!]

The Dilemma

Doctors and clinicians do not understand iodine or its benefits.  Their ignorance deprives everybody of the knowledge they need to care for themselves.  Spread the word; people must learn how to care for themselves.  Self-care is better and safer than sick-care!

Those with thyroid disorders [hypothyroid, Hashimoto’s, Graves, goiter] have not been told the truth about their dilemma.  Instead, they are put on medications.

It is no coincidence thyroid problems skyrocketed when bromine replaced iodine in flour and fire retardants became ubiquitous.  The THYROID CRISIS turned epidemic in the 1970s, 80s and 90’s exactly as planned in 1947 when the iodine black-out was initiated!  Women suffered most.

Bottom line, thyroid disorders are the EXACT OPPOSITE of what is taught and believed.  This will be covered in more detail next month.  [For now, try and connect the dots:  sluggish thyroid is the flipside of pre-diabetes; BOTH are epidemic and BOTH are totally misunderstood.]

Next month’s Special Insights is devoted to iodine physiology and how you can use stabilized, single-atom, bio-active iodine to improve health, boost energy, boost intelligence, settle hormones, reduce inflammation and slow and reverse aging.

It is the patient’s responsibility to UNDERSTAND the benefits of bio-active iodine.


 Sooner or later, blood sugar management becomes an issue for everyone.  No exceptions!

The reason blood sugar problems are so pervasive is because poor diet and lifestyle FORCE the body to operate in SURVIVAL MODE called, Insulin and leptin resistance; and it is epidemic!

Insulin/leptin resistance fuels inflammation in people of all ages.  Inflammation, in turn, drives suffering and premature old age.  Pain is a symptom of inflammation; everyone suffers from low-grade inflammation whether they realize it or not.

No other single factor influences health and longevity more than insulin/leptin resistance.  Get this one wrong and nothing else matters; get it right and the possibilities are endless.

Understand, if you are not diabetic, then you are pre-diabetic.  It is true!  So-called normal blood sugar levels are grossly elevated; meaning, people cross the line years BEFORE blood sugar reaches 130, the line for official, pre-diabetes.  Healthy blood sugar is 70-75.

Conventional [and alternative] approaches to blood sugar management are a mess!  Typically, they focus on medications and diet.  Problem is, so-called normal, healthy blood sugar levels are neither normal nor healthy.

Pre-diabetes rules the population and people’s health more than they have any idea.  Perpetual, normal blood sugar is the UNKNOWN driving Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and dementia [their correct name is, diabetes type 3!]; along with cardiovascular, arthritis, kidney and cancer issues.  Pre-diabetes backgrounds all CHRONIC suffering; people genes have nothing to do with it!

People associate low blood sugar with brain fog, fatigue, food cravings, lightheadedness and low energy.  Problem is, all of these are symptoms of insulin and leptin resistance, NOT low blood sugar.  Experts chase symptoms; patients think symptoms; symptoms are not cause.

For better understanding, read Special Insight: Pre-Diabetes & Premature Aging.  You might also review the ReVive Protocol [another important tool for blood sugar management].

It is the patient’s responsibility to UNDERSTAND blood sugar dynamics.


Everyone suffers from magnesium ion insufficiency and everyone’s health improves when the body is supplied with bio-active magnesium ions every, single day.  Otherwise, calcium becomes dominant and suffering, aging and inflammation become reality.

Calcium dominance is a very real issue for females over age 35 as osteoporosis accelerates, and for men by age 45.  So-called, loss of bone density is a magnesium/waste issue, NOT a calcium shortfall as commonly believed.  Cancer and cardiovascular issues confirm calcium overload!

Magnesium pill supplements simply do not get the job done!  Pill chemistry is inefficient and absorption poor.  Skin application of bio-active magnesium ions is the most efficient [+ – 90%] way to get magnesium ions directly into your blood for distribution where needed.

However, BORON must be in solution with magnesium ions for efficient absorption.  A shortfall of magnesium sabotages thousands of body functions while driving suffering and premature aging.  [R/MgO Spray [from Young Again Club] contains bio-active boron.]

As for magnesium tests, save your money!  They are misleading and generally useless.  Normal does not mean, normal!  The game of sick-care is: test, test; treat the test, never the patient.

Besides, experts who interpret most test results do not understand human physiology.  If the did, they would not be ordering endless tests and prescribing risky medications.  These days, they are captive agents of the sick-care system, and they MUST comply.

Medical compliance is called standard of care; it has nothing to do with well-beingStandard of care is a disaster for patients.  Use caution when making decisions based on test results and expert opinions.  Never assume, they really know what they are doing!

To learn how charged, magnesium ions can improve your life, click here.

It is the patient’s responsibility to UNDERSTAND the benefits bio-active magnesium ions offer.


The small intestine [the gut] is command central for all things autoimmune.

Ninety-nine percent [99%] of ALL health issues are autoimmune in nature; meaning, your body is attacking itself and you have become the enemy.

When your gut is inflamed, you will suffer and you will age.  Here is a short list of symptoms: Crohn’s, leaky gut, yeast, allergies, thyroid, arthritis, sinus/bronchial, gas and bloat, bowel/prostate/bladder disorders, hypertension, kidneys, poor sleep and skin disorders.

Probiotic bacteria play an important role in intestinal disorders.  What people do not understand is probiotic bacteria cannot, and do not, rebuild the gut wall; that is not their job.  Their job is that of middle men acting between food and the wall itself.

To maintain a healthy intestinal wall, whether damaged by antibiotics, gluten, alcohol or drugs, check out the ReStore Protocol and the Gut Protocol.

Antibiotics and stress damage the intestinal tract, and the damage imposed does NOT repair by itself.  Also, understand poor digestion is epidemic among those over age 35, and digestion issues burden the immune system and antagonize an already inflamed gut wall.

Gas and bloat are symptoms of gut problems; so are bladder and prostate infections [so called].  These flare-ups are not infections; they are autoimmune responses from an inflamed intestinal tract and yeast overgrowth due to a toxic terrain.

Antibiotics perpetuate bladder, prostate and yeast cycles.  If you wish to end these cycles of misery [and avoid them in the future] reach out and ask for help.

If you have health issues, know you have autoimmune issues and your intestinal wall in involved.  See Special Insights, Change your Diet; Change Your Life; read about the Digestive Protocol.

It is the patient’s responsibility to UNDERSTAND the meaning of autoimmune.


Accumulation of EXCESS elemental iron occurs over many years.  Men begin accumulating iron by age 19, women at menopause.  Men over age 40 have the problem; women, after age 50.

Clinicians carelessly use the terms: iron, ferritin iron, low iron, low energy, low red blood cell count, low hemoglobin, anemia and iron deficiency anemia, as if they are the same thing.  Patients do likewise.  Fact is, they are NOT the same thing.

Woe be unto anyone who does not know the meaning of and difference between FERRITIN IRON and the others.  Experts seldom test for ferritin levels because they do not understand its meaning. [Besides, 99% of the population is considered, normal!]

According to experts and clinicians, normal ferritin blood iron range is somewhere between 11-450.  Explain please, how can you be normal at 11 and normal at 450?  Not possible!

As FERRITIN IRON level rises, so does systemic inflammation which contributes to progressive development of diabetes, cardiovascular issues, cancer, arthritis, kidney problems and neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and vascular dementia.

Iron overload is the nice way of describing, iron poisoning.  Officially, the experts call it, hemochromatosis [Latin for iron poisoning!].  If you depend on experts to inform you of elevated excess ferritin iron in your blood, good luck!

Elevated ferritin iron fuels chronic, low-grade inflammation, and inflammation fuels symptoms people associate with disease, such as arthritis, hypertension, brain disorders and neuropathy.

Bacteria, viruses, and parasites have the ability to extract iron from excess ferritin in blood.  After, inflammation weakens the body; they attack!  NOT vise-versa.  Think, terrain!

Know, pathogenic organisms REQUIRE iron to grow and multiply.  They obtain the iron they need from your own blood and use it to launch an assault on the body.  MRSA infection is an example.

To learn more about iron overload and what can be done about it, email, call John Thomas.  Also, read Special Insights, How Iron Toxicity Affects Your Health.

It is the patient’s responsibility to UNDERSTAND the dynamics of iron toxicity.

Recommendations & Conclusions

Understand these Five Fundamentals of Health and you will enjoy a long and heathy life without the suffering and misery associated with premature aging.

For a free consultation with John Thomas, reach-out by email or phone 509 465-4154.

John Thomas wrote the above assuming readers already:   Eat healthy food, consume coconut oil, butter and olive oil, use multiple digestive supports, do not eat sweets, junk or snack, limit eating to 3x/day, space meals 6 hours apart, limit carbohydrate intake, move bowels 3x/day, drink 3 quarts of water w/electrolytes daily and get eight hours of good, deep sleep, nightly.  If these assumptions are incorrect, perhaps a conversation is in order?

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interestingforward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103

Blood Sugar, Inflammation & Hormones Healthy Metabolism Made Simple


They tell us, “Blood sugar between 90 and 130 is normal and fine.”  Normal yes, fine, no!  Blood sugar over 90 is a pre-diabetic condition that you dare not ignore.  To learn more, read on.

Mission: I write because I see that what we are told does not match up with the truth.  My mission is to deliver truth and perspective on matters of health and longevity.  Truth will prevail and people deserve to know truth for their personal and family well-being. 

Observation: Sick-care is collapsing and people will need guidance and valid information when self-care is their only option.  Good doctors are shackled, and they are in short supply!  The system is corrupt and long lines are coming.  Knowledge and guidance will serve you well.

Forward Special Insights™ to people you care about!  Key words herein are linked to updated Glossary and Protocols Sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion.  To use links, click on the blue, underlined words.

Pre-diabetes: When Normal Isn’t Normal

The state of pre-diabetes affects 65% of the population, from children to the aged!   And, 98% of the other 35% [officially and unofficially] suffer from adult onset, insulin resistant or insulin dependent, Type 2 diabetes mellitus.  Diet and lifestyle are useful tools for management of Type 2 diabetes, but, understand pre-diabetes and you hold the keys to a healthy future.

Type 1 diabetes is very different than Type 2 and is called early onset, childhood diabetes for a good reason; meaning, children are the, victims!  Type 1 has some of the symptoms of diabetes mellitus [insulin and pancreas issues], but far more severe!  Type 1 should NOT be called, diabetes because it is a very different disorder that occurs for totally different reasons.

Type 2 diabetes develops over many years, where Type 1 can present in minutes, days and weeks.  Type 1 is an ARTIFICIALLY CREATED autoimmune response that is avoidable if you understand the dilemma and think outside the box.  For now, know this: Type 1 diabetes is a severe over-response where the immune system attacks the host’s pancreas.  The attack is a self-inflicted AUTOIMMUNE STORM that can cripple and kill.  Most children die before age 20.

Then, there is diabetes Type 3, a condition unrecognized and vehemently denied by 99.9% of practitioners for the exact same reasons they deny fungal yeast invasion and takeover of the human body, DNA and metabolism.  Clinicians are taught very little about fungi in medical or naturopathic schools and patients suffer accordingly.

Symptoms of Type 3 are different.  Type 3 is known by clinical names such as, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and dementia, all of which involve brain inflammation.   Normal blood sugar levels are behind diabetes Type 3.  Hormone imbalance and invasion by fungal toxins further intensifies the inflammation.  [Brain cancer, hearing and vision loss are also of the same origin!]

Type 3 diabetes should be called, diabetes of the brain because that is exactly what it is!  It develops slowly, over many years, right under the noses of the experts who think blood sugar levels between 90 and 130 is, normal!  [You do not want to be, normal!] 

Supposedly, normal blood sugar levels do not cause disease, but they do!  Subclinical sugar levels of 90-130 affects most the population, and long-term, is as degenerative as obesity, asthma, COPD, hepatitis, arthritis, neuropathy and cardiovascular symptoms, such as arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation and elevated blood pressure.   [You will not hear any of this from, doctor!]

Premature Aging & Inflammation

Here’s the story!  Premature aging is the effect of pre-diabetes and low-grade, systemic inflammation that always accompanies it.

Fact is, inflammation is central to all degenerative disease.  So, when you, disorder, syndrome and disease, ignore the diagnostic description and instead think, INFLAMMATION!

Practitioners are well aware of inflammation and the burden it imposes on the body.  You can’t have pain, misery and loss of function without, inflammationIt’s obvious!

And, what do the experts, do?  First, they blame the patient’s troubles on, inflammation!  Then, they conjure a diagnostic name such as: arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, gout, cancer, neuropathy, fibrosis, polycystic ovaries, etc.

Next, they order a panel of tests to justify intervention.  Then they misinterpret the test results and render a faulty diagnosis in lieu of the Missing Diagnosis.  Finally, drugs are prescribed as required per insurance, Big-Pharma and sick-care system guidelines.  Sound, familiar?

And The Question Is?

Your symptoms are symptoms of, what? 

What if your symptoms have nothing to do with your, diagnosis?  What if the sick-care system is a sham and you are the patsy?  Sorry, just asking…question, withdrawn!  We continue…

Tens of thousands of people a year [usually women 10:1 over men] undergo gallbladder surgery because of false diagnosis based on misinterpreted symptoms and misleading tests only to suffer the same symptoms, after surgery.  And, what are gallbladder symptoms, a symptom of?

It is now common to blame people’s health issues on their genes and DNA.  But what if genetics just another, false diagnosis!  And, so-called genetic symptoms are a symptom of?

The latest medical boogey-man is, mitochondrial disease, but one should ask why their mitochondria are under assault?  And, mitochondria problems are the symptoms a symptom of?

How about obesity?  It is epidemic, but, why?  What is driving it?  And why the prevalence now, versus of 20 years ago?  And, why does obesity affect so many people, regardless of age, sex or social status?  And, obesity is the symptom of?

And the answer is… sub-clinical, elevated blood sugar [pre-diabetes] and systemic, inflammation from fungal infestation by mold, yeast, and their poisonous, mycotoxins.

Now you know!  But wait, there is more…

Hormone Resistance, Herpes & Shingles

Loss of muscle mass and obesity are effects of hormone resistance where food energy either goes to fat or is lost for inability to convert energy into muscle and bone.  Hormone resistance means the body does not recognize and cannot respond to the regulatory hormones insulin, leptin and adrenaline.  Resistance is everyone’s problem, sooner or later!

Hormone resistance and systemic inflammation drive, aging!  Osteoporosis is the skeletal version; loss of muscle mass is the soft tissue version.   It occurs in both the thin and obese, female and male.  Fungal infestation and mycotoxin control of hormones is one problem.  Add, pre-diabetes and you have a surefire recipe for aging and, disease!

Pre-diabetes and low-grade inflammation are shadow issues that morph into killers, such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease.  Interestingly, cold sores (herpes simplex) and shingles are marker conditions of pre-diabetes and fungal control of hormones.

Those with histories of cold sores should take note; herpes simplex is closely associated with neurological disorders and is common in medical histories of neurological patients suffering from below radar levels of, inflammation.  It is epidemic; everyone suffers from, inflammation. 

Inflammation of the brain is a defining characteristic of Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and dementia.  [Pre-diabetes causes brain receptors to caramelize [think onions sauted in a skillet] and lose sensitivity to blood insulin and leptin levels and prevent exhaustion of the, pancreas.]

[These days, false diagnosis is usually accompanied by tests and biopsies that mislead and confuse patients [and clinicians, alike.  To protest yourself, pull and play your God Card!  Meaning, distance yourself from the medical wolves so you can think, in the absence of, fear!  [Never forget, the only thing worse than false diagnosis is treatment for false diagnosis! Got it?]

One day, shingles, the curse of the elderly, will be recognized for what it is: a pre-diabetic, low-grade, inflammatory condition instead of residual, chicken pox virus, which it is not.  Blaming the virus is backward thinking based on the equally backward, Germ Theory of Disease.  Triggers for shingles are: stress, peanut butter and chocolate.  These are effects, not causes.

And when that day arrives, I wonder what fairy tales the Bernie Madoffs of herpes and shingles vaccinations will conjure in defense of their pompous Germ Theory of Disease and the hell they imposed upon innocent patients who foolishly trusted them?  Do you understand?

Excess blood iron is highly, inflammatory.  Iron toxicity affects men over age 19 and women who are menopausal or who have undergone hysterectomy.  Iron is everyone’s problem.  Elemental iron toxicity is not the same as low hemoglobin, anemia, low energy, iron deficiency anemia, etc.  To learn how iron affects you and what you can do about it for FREE, click here.

Excess Body Fat Means Trouble [Sooner Or Later!]

Back to obesity.  Obesity is a marker condition.  Excess fat makes excess estrogen, and estrogen is jet fuel for mold and yeast.  Doctor knows excess body weight and diabetes go hand-in-hand.  Doctor also knows obesity foreruns metabolic syndrome, a serious disorder of upside down hormone metabolism and fungus infestation.  [Mold & Fungal Protocol is your solution.]

Doctor does not understand the link between so-called normal blood sugar and the slow-motion version of diabetes called, diabetes type 3 [diabetes of the brain].   Also, doctor does not understand the link between fungus infestation and mycotoxin dominance of regulatory hormones controlling the vital organs and the creation of cancer and cardiovascular dis-ease.

In fairness to doctor, Big-Pharma made sure mycology [the in-depth study of mold, fungus and yeast] was removed from medical curriculums in 1950, the very year antibiotics made their debut.  Doctor knows little or nothing about fungi.  [You, the reader, must care for yourself.]

Back to blood sugar.  Normal blood sugar levels [90-130] creates amyloid plaque and scar tissue in the head which reduces blood flow and increases inflammation.  Once understood, it is easy to understand why hearing, vision and cognitive problems develop, especially after age 35.

Musings Worth Your Consideration

The one thing in life that is unavoidable is, STRESS!  Stress disrupts blood sugar metabolism and tampers with regulatory hormones [thyroid, adrenaline, insulin and leptin.]  Stress corrupts sexual hormones [estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, etc.]

Cravings sky rocket when yeast are hungry.  Alcohol and sweets cause yeast to bloom, flooding the body with their highly poisonous, mycotoxins.  Addictions are yeast driven; they are not diseases.  Yeast feeds behavioral issues and creates alcoholics, druggies and social derelicts.  If you wish to escape these problems, follow the Mold & Fungal Protocol.

Wine is a big problem, especially for females.  Eating before bed interferes with sleep and blood sugar metabolism.  Bladder issues, brain fog and water retention are side effects.

Hormone challenges are terrain issues in disguise, but not for lack of estrogen and testosterone, as popularly believed.  Fact is, if you load your system with supplemental hormones or herbs that stimulate hormone production, yeast will overrun your body and you will suffer!

Sub-clinical hypothyroidism affects 75-90% of women over age 35 and many younger women, as well.  Ditto for adrenal burn-out from stress and poor sleep.  These dysfunctions are autoimmune responses of an upside down metabolism.  [The Mold & Fungal Protocol is your answer.]

Body pH and acidity levels affect hormones.  [Check out the Terrain pH Protocol.  It is FREE!]

The Enema Protocol trains the body to release more waste.  Those who follow this protocol have more control over their health and digestion, and they sleep better, as well.

Whether overweight or underweight, you must:

Address your pre-diabetic state of being.

  1. Clear your body of fungal yeast and their poisonous, mycotoxins

Pain Does Not Care

Diabetics suffer diabetic nerve painPre-diabetics [and fungus infested people] suffer cancer, liver disease, asthma, joint problems, gout, sexual issues, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, neuropathy, Gullian-Barre and fibromyalgia.  Which one do you want? 

How you spell false diagnosis does not matter.  Premature aging and suffering make no sense!

Conclusions & Solutions

Reduce systemic inflammation with the Blood Iron Protocol, here.

Address carbohydrate dependence by training your body to burn dietary fat for its primary energy source instead of carbohydrates with the ReVive Protocol, here.

Correct fungus and hormone issues with the Mold & Fungus Protocol, here.

I trust the reader will take this message of well-being, seriously.

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interestingforward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103


How Iron Toxicity Affects Your Health Iron’s Disruptive Influence On Metabolism ∙ PART 2

Part 2 of this report offers solutions for correcting iron toxicity with observations why elevated iron levels are so disruptive to long term health and well-being.  To learn more, read on.

In this issue:

Overview: The Iron Dilemma

Cui bono? Latin: “For whose benefit?”

People, Pets & Confusion About Iron Toxicity

Why People Are Unaware of Iron Toxicity

The Fire Element, Iron & Insulin Resistance

No Mechanism For The Body To Reduce Excess Iron

Conclusions & Solutions: Options For Reducing Excess Ferritin Iron

Mission: I write because I see that what we are told does not match up with the truth.  My mission is to deliver truth and perspective on matters of health and longevity.  Truth always prevails and readers deserve to know truth for their personal and family well-being.

Forward Special Insights™ to people you care about.  Key words herein are ‘linked’ to Glossary and Protocols sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion.  To access links, click on blue, underlined words.

Link to PART 1 of this report.

Overview: The Iron Dilemma

Unhealthy levels of ferritin (blood iron) are common because iron accumulates in the body.  It is vitally important to understand why and how iron accumulates in blood (and tissues) of healthy, normal people—and what can be done to clear excess iron from the system.

Cui bono? Latin: “For whose benefit?”

Why is food adulterated with iron?  And, who pays [in money and suffering] for the havoc iron imposes upon humans and animals, alike?  And, “For whose benefit?”

Iron ‘fortified’ food is not allowed in most of Europe.  So, why is iron added to food under color of law in the USA?  And, “For whose benefit?”

Food cartels and the sick-care system imply that adding iron to food is good, when clearly, iron creates problems for humans and pets, alike!  And, “For whose benefit?”

Is iron fortified food creating chronic inflammation and degenerative disease in millions of unsuspecting people?  And, “For whose benefit?”

Is iron toxicity driving up the cost of health care?  And, what happens when socialized medicine collapses or becomes inaccessible and people need care, and there is a shortage of doctors and a long waiting line?   And, “For whose benefit?”

Is it possible, we have been lied to once again?  And, “For whose benefit?”

People, Pets & Confusion About Iron Toxicity

Iron poisoning is a big problem for pets and for pet owners.

Dogs and cats could live an additional 20 YEARS if: they are not fed iron fortified food, insulin resistance issues are addressed and ferritin, blood iron levels are reduced.  [For humans following the same protocols, it could mean an additional 40-60 healthy, productive YEARS!]

Pet food is LOADED with iron—as much as 3,000% – 5,000% more iron than pets should receive; far more than what humans are allowed!  What is the correct amount of fortified iron in pet food?  ZERO!  What is the correct amount of fortified iron in people food? ZERO!  Iron is poisonous!

The challenge!  How do you reduce excess ferritin iron after it has accumulated?  A blood draw for pets is not practicable, so I offer OPTION 2 (below).  Ask for guidance.

Have you ever wondered why pet’s teeth, gums and cardiovascular systems degenerate just like their masters?  Or, why pets develop diabetes [and pre-diabetes] just like their masters?

The answers to the above questions have NOTHING to do with your pet’s [or your] genes and DNA, and EVERYTHING to do with pre-diabetes and iron poisoning from iron fortified food.

Thought!  When health and vitality are good, the ability to work and maintain an income solves a lot of problems.  And, for those already retired, nothing beats good health!  Nothing!

Why People Are Unaware of Iron Toxicity

  1. The sick-care system never discusses iron toxicity with patients, ever!
  2. Iron toxicity is too simple! The Germ Theory is familiar and complicated.
  3. Sick-care likes complicated ideas that keep people confused so they will not question. Medical schools teach ‘diagnose and prescribe’. Doctors are taught: “You can never have enough iron!” especially if you lack energy, are elderly, suffer from menstrual fatigue, or you are a menopausal female!  Iron is misunderstood and misrepresented.
  4. Insurance companies and regulators demand compliance with ‘standard of care’ and woe be unto good practitioners who dare to question
  5. The public is programmed 24/7/365 with: “Ask your doctor if XXX is right for you?”
  6. Patients do not comprehend the meaning of their: ferritin blood-iron test scores.
  7. People believe in the medical model; they do not realize the model is

The Fire Element, Iron & Insulin Resistance

Iron is called the fire element’ because it is HOTMeaning, iron is unstable and fuels free radical formation and oxidation of tissues and organs.  Chronic inflammation is a classic symptom of iron toxicity in humans and pets, alike!

Excess ferritin blood-iron is always and forever a TERRAIN issue.  Lose control of your terrain and the iron and insulin/leptin cycles will see to it that dis-ease comes, knocking!

For example, hypothyroidism [low thyroid] is brought on by inflammation from iron overload and insulin/leptin resistance!  Ditto for: female hormone issues, erectile dysfunction, fibromyalgia, cardiovascular problems, chronic fatigue, diabetes, brain plaque, kidney and bladder issues, cancer and arthritisto name a few.

As stated in PART 1 of this report: males begin accumulating excess ferritin iron around age 19.  Women bypass the iron problem because of menstrual blood loss until hysterectomy or onset of menopause and then, quickly catch-up with men.

As blood-iron ferritin levels rise [in both sexes], so does chronic inflammation and escalating health challenges.  Iron toxicity keeps the waiting lines of the sick-care system, full!

Know: inflammation, iron toxicity and pre-diabetes [i.e. insulin/leptin resistance] drives mitochondrial disease.  Mitochondria have their own DNA independent of human DNA!  The mitochondria manage health and vitality according to the diet and condition of the terrain.

No Natural Mechanism For Body To Reduce Excess Iron

The body DOES NOT HAVE a natural mechanism for ridding itself of excess ferritin.  Iron overload is a modern day phenomenon resulting from dietary intake of fortified iron in processed food.

In olden days, the source of dietary iron was: cast iron cookware.  Today, iron toxicity is exasperated by: bad lifestyle, junk food diets and extended life spans.

Know: fruit juice [Vitamin C], alcohol, sweets and soft drinks when taken with meals DRAMATICALLY increases uptake of dietary iron—and the more often you snack and eat, the more iron you will absorb.

Perhaps, now, the reader can appreciate the value of the ReVive Dietary Protocol for maintenance of good health and restoration of aged, inflamed and obese bodies.

Things Everyone Should Understand

Know this: ridding your body of excess ferritin REQUIRES your personal intervention.

Know this: available iron is a prerequisite ingredient for infections.

For example, pathogenic organisms (bacteria, viruses, yeast, parasites) REQUIRE iron to grow and your blood is their source of iron!  These organisms break-down ferritin and use the iron against you!  The higher your ferritin iron level, the greater is your risk for infection.

Scary! A very bad idea and a new trend in ‘coaching’ is ‘iron loading’ promoted under the grossly mistaken idea that more iron = more energy, oxygen, endurance and speed.  Athletes [young and old] taking iron supplements will reap a bitter harvest from this misguided practice.

Consider: MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) infections occur in people under stress and those with a compromised intestinal tract, such as: Crohn’s, celiac, yeast, gas/bloat and bowel disorders.  Stress is exaggerated by emotion or trauma [surgery and/or accidents].

Infections are terrain issues first and foremost.  Exposure to invading pathogenic organisms, as commonly believed, is NOT cause for infection.  Think terrain, not The Germ Theory of Disease!

Resident, non-threatening organisms have the ability to ‘morph’ into virulent forms when conditions are ideal—and stress and trauma are ideal conditions!

So, when you hear the word, infection, think: a toxic terrain, iron overload and pre-diabetes (insulin/leptin resistance).  Infection is the effect of a toxic terrain.

Conclusions & Solutions

Reduction of ferritin iron should be EVERYONE’S top priority!  When you are told, “Everything is fine!” know that everything is not fine—and your elevated ferritin score is proof!

Options ONE and TWO (below) provide solutions for issues related to iron overload.  Iron reduction is a preventive step; prevention is always the simplest solution.

To insure YOUR future well-being and to avoid entrapment in the sick-care system: REDUCE YOUR FERRITIN IRON LEVELS now, before a crisis hits!

Note: Cast iron cookware is a BIG source of iron and old water pipes, too.  Do NOT cook with unprotected cast iron cookware.  Instead, use porcelain, enamel coated cast iron or stainless steel cookware.  NEVER use cookware coated with non-stick surfaces; it is LOADED with fluoride and toxic chemicals.  Call if interested in bio-friendly water equipment.

Options For Reduction of Excess Ferritin Iron

Option 1:  (COST FREE)

Donate blood at your local blood bank.  Phlebotomy [blood-letting] is your VERY BEST option and the cost of a blood draw is ZERO!

a. If your health will not allow for blood donations; you are under the minimum weight, you are taking certain medications, you travel internationally, you are uncomfortable with the idea, or you have religious issues, go with Option 2, below.

b. You are allowed to donate blood bi-monthly (6 times a year) as you wish or need. Once ferritin levels adjust, you can reduce donations and/or use Option 2, below.

c. Someone with a ferritin score of 77 will donate less often than someone with a score of 200, 300, 400, etc.

d. You must wait two months before the effects of a blood draw can be measured in follow-up ferritin tests.

e. Be certain to ask for a ‘whole blood’ draw, not a serum draw.

Option 2:  Reduction WITHOUT Blood Draw

Follow the Blood Iron Protocol when blood donation is not possible for whatever reason.  The Protocol has additional advantages, such as: increased energy, loss of [excess] body fat and improvement of memory, vision, hearing and cognitive functions—to name a few.

The Blood Iron Protocol is based on specialized, bio-active supplements designed to slow rising ferritin and assist the removal of excess ferritin already present.

Things You Should Know

a. The Blood Iron Protocol works more slowly than blood-letting [phlebotomy], but it is easy to follow, effective and does not conflict with medications.

b. Do NOT take prescription iron chelators. Their side effects are horrible and they are high risk.  You do NOT need them and they are counter-productive!

c. When doctor sees positive changes in your metabolism and profile from following the Blood Iron Protocol, doctor will have no choice but to help you wean-off of unnecessary medications. Weaning is best done with doctor’s supervision.

d. The Blood Iron Protocol is great for independent minded people who wish to care for themselves and avoid entrapment in the sick-care system.

What You Should Do Next

Obtain the following metric:

Obtain your current ferritin level by calling your doctor’s office.  Ask for a verbal ‘test score’ from a blood panel taken in the last 12 months.  You do not need a printed report.

a. If test results are unavailable or you have not been tested in the last 12 months, know that most labs will test without a doctor’s order.

b. Use the internet to obtain a lab order for ferritin at: or a similar service without the expense of an office call. You will need a lab referral.

c. You MUST obtain your ferritin (blood-iron) test score BEFORE a plan can be developed.

If you are having difficulty obtaining your ferritin score, email or call John Thomas at:, or call (509) 465-4154.  Or, send a written note with your phone number to: John Thomas, P. O. Box 1240, Mead WA 99021.

Understanding The Meaning of Your Ferritin Score

Ignore ‘normal’ test range provided with your test results.  The range provided with test results is flawed and are very, misleading!

First, obtain your ferritin score.  Then, email or call John Thomas.

It is easy to develop a plan of action based on your score/age/condition etc.

Congratulations & Suggestions

Congratulations for having read Parts 1 & 2 of this lengthy, detailed report.

It is good to know the truth, and the truth is: your ferritin level is a crucial component of self-directed health care and very easy to manage.

This report provides readers with two very good options.

At age 72, John Thomas is grateful he has good options for himself, family and friends.

For personal assistance, click here.

 A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interestingforward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103

How Iron Toxicity Affects Your Health Iron’s Disruptive Influence On Metabolism ∙ Part 1

In this issue:

Overview: When ‘Normal’ Blood Is Not Healthy Blood

Claudius Galen & the Four Humors

Making Sense of Your Ferritin Blood Iron Score

Anemia: The Other Side of The Story

Iron’s Many Costumes & Multiple Personalities

Symptoms & Side Effects of Iron Overload & Iron Poisoning

 Mission: I write because I see that what we are told does not match up with the truth.  My mission is to deliver truth and perspective on matters of health and longevity.  Truth always prevails and readers deserve to know truth for their personal and family well-being.

Forward Special Insights™ to people you care about.  Key words herein are ‘linked’ to Glossary and Protocols sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion.  To access links, click on blue, underlined words.

Overview: When ‘Normal’ Blood Is Not Healthy Blood

If you wish to dodge the BIG FIVE [cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, kidney issues and degenerative arthritis] your ferritin blood iron levels should be kept VERY LOW.

When blood iron levels rise and remain elevated over many years, metabolism is disrupted and suffering becomes a way of life.  Iron overload is everyone’s problem—sooner or later.

This special report spotlights the troubles that flawed interpretation of ferritin test scores cause, and the problems iron toxicity creates for millions of unsuspecting people.

Iron toxicity haunts the entire human population, rich and poor, male and female—along with our dog and cat animal friends.

Unrecognized iron overload is perhaps the greatest blunder of current medical thinking!

Claudius Galen & The Four Humors

For 1600 years (+ -), the teachings of Greek physician, Cladius Galen dominated medical thinking.  Galen believed four ‘humors’ [four types of body fluids] were responsible for four personality types and four ‘states’ of illness: melancholic, phlegmatic, sanguine and choleric.

Galen’s ‘humorism’ became the central tenet of medical belief.  Looking back, it should have been obvious to students and teachers alike that Galen’s theories were, preposterous!

Yet, for 1600 years Galen’s illusions were medical dogma perpetuated by experts who were more concerned about ego and social standing than, medical truth.

INSERT: [In 1947, as a three year old child, I remember the ice cream truck plying my neighborhood while playing musical tunes to let people know the truck was coming their way.  The driver was known as The Good Humor Man!  Meaning, the sweet ‘humors’ he sold replaced our bad humors—at least until the sugar wracked our metabolism.]

Louis Pasteur advanced the Germ Theory of Disease in the middle 1800s, replacing Galen’s preposterous ideas.  Unfortunately, the Germ Theory was equally faulty—but truth had nothing to do with Pasteur’s new theory.  Medicine needed a new boogeyman: GERMS!

The Germ Theory is today’s ‘standard’ despite solid evidence that the theory ‘IS’ wrong!  Bechamp said, “The terrain controls; the microbes, they are nothing.” —and he was correct.

The Germ Theory continues to confound medical theory, along with the anomaly of flawed interpretation of ferritin blood iron test scores.

Making Sense of Your Ferritin Blood-Iron Score

The normal range of ferritin blood iron is 11 to 450 ng/ml.  Such a wide range should strike the reader as very, very odd.  Something is wrong here!

Question:How can normal be anywhere between 11 & 450?”  Answer:  “It can’t! Lab interpretation of normal is the equivalent of Galen’s ‘four humors!’  Normal does not mean what people think it means, or what they are told it means.  Normal is not normal!

 The ideal ferritin iron level is ‘11’.   So, if your score is 77, you are seven times high.  If your score is 220, you are 20 times high, and so on.  It is common to see test results between 200 and 450.  The higher the score, the greater your risk of poor health, disease and premature death.

Ferritin level rises with age, and with it, chronic inflammation.  Ferritin level is central to all disease—including CANCER!

Cancer, bacteria and viruses require iron to grow, and the iron they need is supplied from excess ferritin iron circulating in the blood!  In other words, infection is made possible by excess iron in the system, making iron a critical element of terrain management.

Know this: the terrain controls your genes and DNA through the epigenome which is a reflection of diet and lifestyle.  The epigenome, not your genes and DNA, determine offspring inheritance, instead of vise-versa, and iron overload affects and distorts the terrain.

Terrain management is central to Young Again Club’s message of good health and longevity, and your blood iron level is a very effective way of managing the body’s terrain.

Anemia: The Other Side of The Story

Anemia is a condition of low hemoglobin, not low ferritin iron.  If you have low red blood cell count, you will have low hemoglobin, low energy and limited ability to transport oxygen.

Unfortunately, most professionals are confused about ‘normal’ blood iron levels.  Often, they blame low energy on low iron, when exactly the opposite is true.  Television ads further confuse the public with the words, ‘iron deficiency anemia’.  The result: everyone is CONF– USED!

‘Normal’ blood ferritin is the range seen among a population; nothing more.  Anemia has little to do with iron poor blood and EVERYTHING to do with why people [and pets] suffer and age.

 The problem with the ‘iron deficiency model’ is this:  consuming ‘iron’ does not improve hemoglobin.  For example, iron fortified food is a VERY BAD IDEA that drives-up ferritin levels and inflammation while doing nothing for anemia.  And, the higher your ferritin level, the faster you will age.

Scary! A very bad idea and a new trend in ‘coaching’ is ‘iron loading’ promoted under the grossly mistaken idea that more iron = more energy, oxygen, endurance and speed.  Athletes [young and old] taking iron supplements will reap a bitter harvest from this misguided practice.

Tip: For low hemoglobin [or so-called, anemia], use liquid chlorophyll to boost hemoglobin formation and oxygen levels.  Chlorophyll is to plants what hemoglobin is to humans.  Chlorophyll so resembles human blood, it can be substituted when blood is unavailable.

Iron’s Many Costumes & Multiple Personalities

Heme iron is a healthy form of dietary iron, as is iron from fresh green vegetables.   Healthy iron is NOT free [elemental] iron—and it is NOT excess ferritin iron, either!

Heme iron is a hemoprotein that the human and animal body creates so blood can transport oxygen.  Dietary heme iron derives from healthy, red meat and is very different than fortified [elemental] iron in the food supply that is overloading everyone’s body.

Ferritin iron is a different hemoprotein.  Ferritin’s job is that of an iron storage molecule the body makes to LOCK-DOWN incoming fortified elemental iron to minimize its reactive nature.

Elemental fortified iron in food plays havoc with children’s health and it accumulates in males over age 19 and menopausal females [or those with hysterectomy].  Women enjoy a 25 year advantage over men because of menstrual blood loss which keeps down ferritin iron.

 Ferritin prevents elemental iron from oxidizing and making free radicals that damage the body.  Note: ferritin levels rise with age because the body must store more and more incoming iron.

Think of free [elemental] iron as rust on your car.  Iron is poisonous!  Yet, by law, the food supply is heavily laced with it!  So much so, that it is impossible to avoid fortified, dietary iron.

Your ferritin score measures ‘bound’ iron circulating in your blood.  Think of ferritin as a damage control molecule!  However, as ferritin levels rise, the greater the risk to the body’s terrain.

The solution to the iron dilemma is obvious: REDUCE your ferritin iron level.

Symptoms & Side Effects of Iron Overload & Iron Poisoning

Iron overload is a BIG FACTOR in the formation of brain plaques; iron definitely drives cognitive and neurological disorders of the old—and not so old.  Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, brain-fog and memory loss all involve progressive iron toxicity.

Lung issues such as, COPD, pneumonia and mesothelioma are inflammatory, autoimmune responses made possible and made worse by the condition of iron overload.

Wrinkled skin is a sign of iron poisoning.  The body stores iron beneath skin when the is no other place to store it and keep it far away from the vital organs.  Aging skin and iron toxicity belong in the same sentence.

Skin cancer is not the product of sun exposure.  Iron stored beneath the skin sets the stage and insulin/leptin resistance and chronic inflammation trigger the process.  If skin cancer is your concern, think TERRAIN—and ask for guidance.

Elevated liver enzymes and fatty liver are confirmations of degraded iron metabolism and insulin/leptin resistance.  Know this: the TERRAIN controls all things ‘liver’!  To restore your liver, see the Tissue & Liver Protocol.

Fluoride and iron are both oxidizers!  Avoid anything containing fluoride, including many medications.  Fluoride and iron are ubiquitous; they drive premature aging and endless suffering.  To get rid of fluoride already resident in your body, ask for guidance.

Prostate and bladder infections occur due to elevated ferritin, elevated blood sugar and chronic inflammation.  Yeast REQUIRES iron and sugar to grow.  So-called, ‘normal’ blood sugar levels are 20-50 points high; meaning, those not yet diabetic, are pre-diabetic.

Migraine headaches involve iron overload, insulin/leptin resistance, sluggish bowel, and a compromised intestinal tract.  Migraines are a symptom, never a cause.

Vision problems such as: glaucoma and macular degeneration, plus hearing loss and ringing ears—are made worse by elevated ferritin iron, insulin/leptin resistance and chronic inflammation.  These problems are terrain issues and iron is in the middle of all of them!

Low ATP output by dysfunctional mitochondria involves iron poisoning of the terrain.  Excess iron shortens DNA telomeres that control how many times cells divide before they die.  Deal with iron overload instead of fretting over your telomeres issues makes more sense!

Fatty tumors (lipomas) precede cancer; do NOT ignore them!  Lipoma formation REQUIRES iron, a compromised liver and insulin/leptin resistance [pre-diabetes].  Fatty tumors are red flags of a TERRAIN in serious trouble.  For guidance, ask.

More iron maladies: iron overload affects cataracts, fibromyalgia, adrenal burn-out, unbalanced female and male sexual hormones, loss of eyebrows/hair color and fungal overgrowth, as well as, chronic fatigue, cellulite, gluten intolerance and obesity.

The list of health challenges related to iron toxicity is endless and the solution blatantly obvious: REDUCE YOUR FERRITIN IRON!

The conclusion of How Iron Toxicity Affects Your Health” follow next week.  Here is the link for PART 2

Here are topics of discussion in PART 2:

People, Pets & Confusion Regarding Iron Toxicity

Who Benefits From Adding Iron To The Food Supply?

Why People Are Unaware of Iron Poisoning?

The Fire Element & The Iron Cycle

A Cost FREE Solution For Solving Your Iron Problem

Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special

Recent mailings urged readers to obtain their ferritin iron test score.  Today’s report explains WHY so much depends on the ‘interpretation’ of your blood iron test score.

Part 1 is about so-called ‘normal’ blood iron levels and why your ferritin iron level affects every aspect of health, cognition, hormones, inflammation and aging.

Unhealthy levels of ferritin (blood iron) are common because iron accumulates in the body.  It is vitally important to understand why and how iron accumulates in blood (and tissues) of healthy, normal people—and what can be done to clear excess iron from the body.

The terms: iron toxicity, elevated ferritin iron and iron overload are used interchangeably in this report to describe the phenomenon of unhealthy accumulation of excess iron in blood.

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Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

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To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103


Alert & Special Request Caring For Self & Family



Tests have their place, but the results are often either useless metrics or they are misinterpreted by misguided experts who specialize in false diagnoses.

Today, I am asking you to obtain results of one specific test that is vital to your future.  This test has been misunderstood by both practitioners and the public for 100 years. The misunderstanding is driving health challenges, big and small.

Overview: you will be collecting vital information about yourself.  Then, you will learn to interpret and use the test information to avoid the sick-care system and restore your health.  The solution is cost-free and available to everyone.

Why You Should Care

Soon, the sick-care system will become unrecognizable and unavailable for a variety of reasons.

Sick-care as you know it is imploding and there is nothing you can do to prevent it.

In fact, sick-care could ‘collapse’ in the very near future—and I am not exaggerating!

Point: You must learn new ways to care for self and family so you will be less vulnerable.  It is imperative that you acquire the knowledge you will need to prosper and not suffer.

Point: Hidden in front of your eyes is the single most disruptive element affecting EVERYONE’S health and longevity.  There are NO exceptions, but there are simple solutions.

Taking Control of Your Future

In the weeks ahead, I will explain how you can improve well-being using your own test results as a guide for solving various health challenges.  Your cost: ZERO!

Point: you must obtain ‘your’ test number mentioned below so you can determine where you are and understand what you must do!  The solution is easy to implement.  You will like it.

What You Need To Do

Obtain the following metric:

  1. Obtain your current level for ferritin. Call your doctor’s office and ask for a verbal ‘score’ from a test in the last 12 months.  You do not need a printed report.

If test result is unavailable, or you have not been tested in the last 12 months, know that some labs will test without a doctor’s order.  You can order the test at: or or a similar service [do a Google search to locate one in your area] without the expense of an office call.  The cost is small.

Understanding Your Test Score

You will need current test results before moving forward, regardless of your present ‘state’ of being [healthy vs. sickly/suffering].

Ignore so-called ‘normal’ test score range supplied with your results.  The range supplied is a bogus metric; it is part of the problem.

Once you have obtained your ferritin score, I will help you ‘personalize’ the information, and make it meaningful.  Then, you will UNDERSTAND why this Alert & Special Request is timely and vitally important.

Critical Information Coming Soon

In an upcoming Special Insights, I will provide background information you will need to understand the true meaning of your blood ferritin level.

It is imperative that you get tested immediately; do NOT delay.

You MUST have your current ferritin level before assistance can be provided.

Pick-up the phone and contact your doctor or try: or or a similar service [do a Google search to locate one in your area] and order the test.  It will only take a moment to initiate.  Your future depends upon it.

If doctor or nurse ask why you want the test, the simplest answer is: “I am curious!”

We will discuss your specifics after you have your test results.

Contact me, immediately, when you have your test score.

I look forward to speaking with you.

Time is of essence!

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interestingforward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103



Jet Lag, Travel & Food Issues Analysis & Solutions

Contrary to urban legend, jetlag has nothing to do with time zones and everything to do with how your terrain copes with stress and change!  Read on to learn more.

Jet lag and food related travel illness have perplexed millions of people since air travel became common.  Popular beliefs about these issues are misconceptions.  Here is the other side of the story and some suggestions to ease travel frustrations.

Forward Special Insights™ to people you care about.  Key words herein are ‘linked’ to revised Glossary and Protocols sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion.  To use links, click on blue, underlined words. 


Here are some common beliefs for which jetlag and travel related food reactions are blamed: crossing time zones, altitude and solar radiation, bad food, contaminated air, unclean workers, sickly passengers, dirty rest rooms, poor ventilation and unhealthy water.

The above list is heavily influenced by travel related stress, fatigue and toxic bodies that react and succumb to the challenges of traveling.

Air travel amplifies physical and emotional stress, especially when combined with changes in diet and routine.  Food is a stressor in and of itself, be it healthy, clean or contaminated.  Add stress and stir and you have the recipe for travel related issues.

Under Hydration & Terrain Stress

The NUMBER ONE cause of jet lag and travel related illness is under hydration, period!

People do NOT drink enough water at home and particularly when traveling.  How much should water should you drink?  Answer: eight glasses throughout the day for a normal day, and much more when traveling.

Water intake does NOT include milk, juice or alcohol.  Water is H2O; everything else burdens the system.  Regardless of water quality, however, any water is better than not enough water.  First, drink enough; then we can discuss: good vs. bad water, healthy vs. unhealthy water, etc.

Water is the body’s primary solvent.  Water has a job to do, but it cannot do its job if you are under hydrated and short bio-active electrolytes to operate your nervous system.  You can order them here.

Your Built-in Hydration Gauge

When home, drink enough water to trigger urination every 2 hours.  If you have bladder problems, you should read Special Insights, Bladder Infections & Prostate Issues, as well as Pre-Diabetes & Premature Aging.  Click hyperlinks to access them.

When airborne, you must triple water intake to avoid dehydration at high elevations.  Think urination and water!  If you are not urinating every 1-2 hours, drink more water!

Pilots are REQUIRED to drink water regularly for safety reasons.  Dehydration in flight is a known threat for aviation crews because insufficient water intake affects mental faculties!

Passengers should do the same by loading-up on bottled water before boarding to avoid fatigue, illness and jet lag.  As for electrolytes, it is easy to add them to each bottle of water.

The body is 75% water when fully hydrated and 90% of body waste exits via the bowels.  Under hydration causes the bowels to slow, waste levels to rise and immune function to overload.  Frequent urination and three bowel movements daily should be everyone’s story.

Sweets, Fruits, Waste & Inflammation

 Under-hydrated bodies are toxic, waste-filled bodies that offer perfect breeding grounds for pathogenic organisms.  Contrary to the Germ Theory of Disease, microbes do NOT cause dis-ease, but a toxic, inflamed terrain allows illness and dis-ease to manifest.

Sweets (including fruit) inflame the body and should be avoided, especially when traveling.  Alcohol has an affinity for water, compounding dehydration related travel stress.

Sweets, inflammation and under hydration interfere with sleep and bowel activity and compound jet lag.  They also encourage the Autoimmune Attack Cycle™ to take control of your life.

Food Cravings, Yeast & Digestion When Traveling (or at home!)

Food cravings are common, both at home and when traveling.  Cravings are confirmation of malnourishment and Insulin/leptin resistance.  Your best solution for food cravings is to consume more dietary fat.  Be sure and read Special Insights, Eat Fats To Be Healthy & Happy.

Yes, fat—as in lots of coconut oil and butter.  Fats curve the appetite.  Lauric acid curbs hunger, gas and bloating, whether traveling or at home.

Lauric acid is the active component in ReSet.  Read about it here.  Dietary fat boosts energy, but you need bio-active bile to properly assimilate fats after age 35.   You can order both, here.

Encapsulated Lauric acid is an effective way to stop food cravings, yeast overgrowth and enjoy more energy.  It will help you drop those extra inches and pounds, settle your intestinal track and improve bowel issues.  Use it to break-away from carbohydrate dependence.

Poor digestion and travel are a bad mix.  Add fruit, juices, snacks, fast food, alcohol, under hydration and sluggish bowels and you have the recipe for jet lag, fatigue, illness and weight gain.

Poor digestion burdens the body’s terrain.  It also drives body odor, gas, bloating, yeast and bladder issues.  Bio-active digestive products from Young Again Club surpass common digestive enzymes.  Use them at home and when traveling.  You will like them!

Your liver which should be in top condition before travel is undertaken because the liver is central to all body functions.  To learn how to restore liver and gallbladder efficiency and maintaining your terrain, click here.

Blood sugar swings are common, especially when traveling.  To level your energy and appetite, be sure and read, Overweight, Underweight & Unaware [coming in September, 2016].

Sleep Deeply Regardless of Where You Are

If you wish to sleep like you did when you were 20 years of age, look into the ReVive Protocol.  Poor sleep is confirmation of low-grade, systemic inflammation which is just one side effect of pre-diabetes and insulin, leptin and adrenaline resistance.

Stress, poor digestion and poor circulation also make for poor sleep—much more than your mattress and pillow regardless if traveling or at home.

Food Reactions vs. Food Poisoning

Travelers are famous for blaming illness on food.  Food poisoning does occur, but 95% of food reactions have little to do with actual food poisoning and everything to do with a toxic terrain and poor digestion.

For example, food reactions are confirmation of inability to process proteins, regardless if the proteins derive from clean food, contaminated food, parasites or bacteria.

Proteins process in the stomach, and if they reach the intestinal tract before digestion is complete, the gut treats them as foreign proteins, driving the body into an autoimmune frenzy.

That is why I am want people to take powerful digestive supports, just prior to meals, especially when traveling and eating out.  Food related illness is lessened IF you use powerful digestive supports like those offered by Young Again Club.  Common multi-enzymes are diluted; it takes 3 different pills items to do the job.  Read about them here.

In other words, proteins, regardless if they are pathogenic in nature or parasites or simply undigested food, can set-off autoimmune reactions when they enter the blood stream via a porous, leaky gut wall.  Food reactions often manifest as illness even when food is perfectly good.

Food protein reactions are very common, while clinical food poisoning is uncommon by comparison.  Protein reactions provoke the Autoimmune Attack Cycle™.  For your information, proteins are composed of chains of amino acids that must be broken while in the stomach PRIOR to entering the small intestinal gut.

If possible, eat ONLY two meals a day, keeping portions small and fat intake high, especially when traveling.  Traveling upsets body rhythms and excess food stresses the system and constipates.

Travel Suggestions

When away from home or uncertain about food sanitation, begin meals by eating the pulp of four lemon wedges and taking YAC bio-active digestive supports.  Fresh lemon destroys incoming parasitic and pathogenic proteins.  Lastly, avoid cold liquids with meals.

Saliva secretion is problematic for many people.  Swallowing and digestion are functions of adequate hydration between meals so you can secrete saliva during meals.  If you need liquids to swallow, know you are UNDER hydrated and probably, pre-diabetic.

This discussion would not be complete without discussing FIBER!  Perhaps the best source of fiber, as well as dietary fat, is olives.  Eat them with every meal for more energy better bowel activity.  Avoid fruit as a source of fiber; it is loaded with fructose which increases appetite!

Always carry charcoal (tablets or capsules) when traveling in case of actual food poisoning.  Use them to buy time while in route to the emergency room.  Take four tablets at first sign of trouble and assume the worst.  Often, you will not know for sure until after things get out of hand.

Lastly, travel with a small containers of grapefruit seed extract, oil of oregano and DMSO.  Should you need them, you will be grateful you have them with you.

Two Travel Companions You Can Count On!

Believe it or not, your best traveling companion is your own personal, reusable enema bag.  Take it with you everywhere and you will discover a whole different side of travel.  I am speaking of a special type of enema bag you will NOT find in stores.  They last for many years!

Sluggish, backed-up bowels are part of travel illness and food related issues. The Enema Protocol™ trains the body to release often.  The long term benefits are astounding, regardless of your age or state of health.

When preparing for travel, your enema bag should be the FIRST thing you pack!  For many, this is a squeamish topic, but it should not be.  An enema is simple to perform (takes only 3 minutes) and is MORE sanitary than normal toilet activity.  Click here to learn more.

Your other travel companion is the Biogenic wooden neck and spine roller.  Pack it in your luggage and use it to decompress neck and shoulder tension.  Of all the tools and gadgets I own, I TREASURE my roller most.  Click here to read about it.

Summary & Conclusions

Food reactions and travel related illness are brought on by: bad diet, poor digestion, leaky gut, a toxic terrain, sluggish bowels, pre-diabetes, a fragile immune system, systemic inflammation and under hydration.

Follow the above suggestions for enjoyable and healthy traveling.

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

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To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103

Premature Aging & Pre-diabetes Causes, Answers & Solutions


This Special Insight discusses the side effects of carbohydrate dependence; why people crave carbs and why you are better off without [most of] them in your diet.  To learn more, read on.

Mission: I write because I see that what we are told does not match up with the truth.  My mission is to deliver truth and perspective on matters of health and longevity.  Truth will prevail and people deserve to know truth for their personal and family well-being. 

Observation: Sick-care is collapsing and people will need guidance and valid information when self-care is their only option.  Good doctors are shackled, and they are in short supply!  The system is corrupt and long lines are coming.  Knowledge and guidance will serve you well.

Forward Special Insights™ to people you care about!  Key words herein are linked to updated Glossary and Protocols Sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion.  To use links, click on the blue, underlined words.

Carbohydrate Dynamics, Hormones & Obesity

People eat fruit and carbohydrates for taste, fond memories, nourishment and fiber.  But fruit and carbohydrates have side effects that are not so sweet!

When young [and we have not suffered antibiotic exposure, directly or pre-birth], the body handles carbohydrates reasonably well.  But once exposed to antibiotics [or long-term, heavy dependence on carbohydrates as your primary food energy source, tolerance diminishes and health challenges, emerge.  The question is, why?

The body, given no choice, will use carbohydrates as its primary energy source, but fats are far superior.  Fats are dense food energy and they are the basis of our regulatory hormones.

Carbohydrates, on the other hand, create hormonal imbalance because they burn, dirty.  By dirty  we mean, carbohydrate sugars create varnish-like deposits [glycation] that interfere with brain receptors that regulate glucose, sugar metabolism.

Obesity says there is a carbohydrate problem, but it also indicates pre-diabetes and hormone issues, as well.  Interestingly, the more body fat you have, the more estrogen you make [regardless if male or female].

And, the more excess estrogen in your body, the more health problems you will have, regardless if you obese or thin.  Behind obesity is a poorly understood condition called, unopposed estrogen dominance that affects both females and males, young and old alike.   

Insulin and leptin resistance is the effect of faulty carbohydrate metabolism.  Unbalanced hormones [sexual and regulatory] is just one side effect of mold and fungus infestation and mycotoxin dominance.

Very few people realize molds and fungus have the ability to hijack dietary proteins and convert them to glucose, raising blood sugar levels.  This explains why people, who eat lots of protein and very little carbohydrate, cannot lose weight and suffer from pre-diabetes and/or diabetes.  [In other words, these people bodies are under the influence and control of fungal mycotoxins.]

Elevated blood sugar usually translates, more body fat, but it also translates fatty liver, prostate problems, bladder issues, menstrual difficulties and pre-diabetes.  Blood sugar levels over 90 is a pre-diabetic state usually with a, yeast connection.

Insulin resistance, pre-diabetes and fungal invasion creates systemic inflammation, arthritis, brain plaque and cardiovascular problems such as, atrial fibrillation, elevated blood pressure and and arrhythmia.  Non-alcoholic fatty liver dis-ease [so-called] is confirmation of pre-diabetes and serious fungal and mycotoxin toxicity.  See Mold & Fungus Protocol.

Menstrual and menopausal challenges in women, and prostate, andropause and ED problems in men have everything to do with hormone resistance, unopposed estrogen dominance and mycotoxin dominance.  The connection between fungi invasion and these disorders is medically unrecognized, but people suffer all the same.  They are, unaware.

Pancreas, Insulin, Leptin & Leaky-Gut

The pancreas releases the regulatory hormone, insulin to regulate blood sugar levels and maintain energy.  Eating often [less than 4-6 hours between meals] burdens the pancreas and disrupts digestion.  Eating too much or too often causes the pancreas to become exhausted.

Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells.  Leptin tells the brain how to respond to blood sugar levels.  Pancreatic production of insulin is controlled by brain receptors that measure leptin levels.  If receptors caramelize [glaze-over from blood sugar levels above 90], blood sugar balance is lost and pre-diabetes becomes the new normal on the way to official, diabetes.

Insulin resistance means the body does not recognize and/or respond to the regulatory hormones, insulin and leptin.  Excess blood sugar creates systemic inflammation and fungal growth throughout the body.  Once this cycle is established, fungi release their chemical warfare agents called, mycotoxin and seize control of hormones and metabolism.

Leaky-gut is a classic example of fungal takeover of the intestinal tract.  It is a condition of inflammation and porosity of the intestinal wall, and it affects everyone to some degree.  Bowel disorders [from polyps and cancer to constipation and colitis/diverticulitis] are CLASSIC EXAMPLES of fungal dominance of the intestinal tract.  [Now you know!]

Fungi embed their roots [called hypha] in the gut wall creating leaky-gut syndrome, gluten intolerance, food allergies and all manner of bowel complaints.

Fungi need sugar, sweets, carbohydrates and alcohol to grow and spread.  Hormones are jet fuel for fungi, and once they establish themselves, they create a self-perpetuating cycle of hijacking your hormones and creating systemic inflammation.  [FYI: medications, birth control pills and steroidal medications compound these problems.]  See Jill’s Story for a complete profile.


Back to protein.  When digestion is compromised, undigested proteins putrefy in the intestinal tract causing gas and bloat and poisoning of the body’s terrain.  Inability to process dietary fats for [lack of bile] is a widespread digestion problem that leads to carbohydrate dependence, cravings for sweets and an endless cycle of insulin resistance and pre-diabetes.

Pre-diabetes is degenerative and leads to loss of cognitive function and neurological disorders.  Pre-diabetes has another, more accurate name: type 3 diabetes.  Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and dementia are good examples of type 3 diabetes.  So is inflammatory aging.

The experts do not understand much of anything about inflammatory aging.  For example, people are told Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are diseases, when they are side effects of pre-diabetes and fungal takeover of hormones.  Slow-motion aging is a better description of fungal dominance and inflammation of the brain.

[BTW: brain tumors are fungal colonies, not brain cancer.  Fungal DNA and human DNA are almost twin and the oncologists and experts don’t have a clue what they are looking at because THEY HAVE ZERO IN-DEPTH TRAINING IN, MYCOLOGY [THE STUDY OF FUNGI.]  Now you understand the dilemma confronting patients who receive false diagnosis which is actually a Missing Diagnosis.

[Contrary to medical myth, the brain functions just fine [without symptoms of hypoglycemia and brain fog] when blood sugar is in the mid-seventies.  Hypoglycemia is an expression of fungi demanding carbohydrates and mycotoxin release by yeast that infect the brain.

[FYI: dietary fat, such as coconut oil, mitigates brain challenges; fats are the perfect food for the brain which is 95% FAT!]

Understanding Symptoms Of Inflammatory Aging

Symptoms are clues; symptoms are not cause, and inflammatory aging is a symptom.

Pre-diabetes and inflammatory aging occur, simultaneously.  They are behind glaucoma, macular degeneration and tinnitus (ringing ears).  These are side effects of inflammation, mycotoxin dominance and hormone resistance in the head.

You will not hear any of these things from doctor.  Instead, you will be tested based on flawed medical models and given false conclusions.  Most tests and are based on faulty body physiology.  For example, the Cholesterol Theory of [Heart] Disease, and the Germ Theory of Disease, mammogram, prostate biopsy, blood urine and spinal tests for whatever, neuropathy, etc.  The list is endless.  [They treat the test; forget about the patient!]

Know, when the experts tell you everything is fine, things are not fine!  Meaning, today your problems are sub-clinical [below medical radar,] but, add time and stir and little issues take-on clinical status of a Missing Diagnosis!   

Inflammation & Normalization

If you suffer from ailments, aches and pains or are aging faster than you like, your primary goal should be elimination of inflammation caused by fungus and their mycotoxins.

Inflammation is an autoimmune response! Inflammation is not cause!  When doctor blames your problems on “inflammation,” you have confirmation that he does not understand fungus invasion of the body and inflammatory influence caused by, fungal mycotoxins.

Your terrain and your immune system determine how you cope [or fail to cope] with disruptive metabolic influences.  For example, stress and anxiety intensify everything!  Both are part of life and both are impossible to avoid!  However, you can neutralize their effects by following Young Again Club Protocols.  Ask John Thomas for guidance.

Low-grade inflammation haunts people for decades before doctor utters the word, diagnosis.  Chronic inflammation is the stuff of cancer, cardiovascular, diabetes and arthritis; where low-grade inflammation is below radar, but long-term degenerative just the same.

Things, chronic have nothing to do with your genes and DNA and everything to do with your terrain, immune system, lifestyle and the active presence of mold and fungus in your body.

Normalization of metabolism is a process by which you assist the body to restore itself by helping it self-diagnose and correct faulty metabolism.  Normalization cannot occur when mold and fungus rule and inflammation dominates your terrain.

Suggestions & Solutions

Do the Mold & Fungus Protocol if you wish to address premature aging and pre-diabetes.

Space your meals by four to six hours, eat only two or three times a day, eat plenty of fats [see Special Insights: Eat Fats To Be Healthy & Happy] and stop all snacking and eating before bed!

Supplement meals with bio-active bile and Young Again Club digestive supports for stronger metabolism and increased benefits.  Eat good food and avoid junk food, over indulgence of fruit and carbohydrates and especially, alcohol and wine.

Eat a spoonful of coconut fat [oil] at the beginning of each meal to achieve satiety sooner and avoid overeating.   Butter, olives, walnuts, pecans and sunflower seeds are good sources of fat and fiber.  Peanuts are highly reactive proteinsAvoid them!

Coconut oil is superior to all other fats and your body can make needed hormones from it.  If you cannot eat a spoonful of coconut fat at the beginning of each meal [due to taste or texture issues,] take two capsules of ReSet instead and boost your lauric acid levels in the process.  Read about ReSet here.

Caloric intake should be (+ -) 65-75% fats, 20-30% protein and 10% carbs. Green veggies, such as kale, chard and spinach are always excellent choices.  Avocados are great!  Yams and sweet potatoes in moderation are fine if accompanied with enough, fat.

See Special Insights: Food Cravings, The Other Side of the Alcohol Story to better understand digestion and food metabolism issues.


A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interestingforward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103

Powerful New Product ReSet™ Bio-Friendly Lauric Acid A Naturally Effective Health Food Booster

ReSet™ contains bio-active Lauric Acid from coconut oil that is useful for viral, bacterial and yeast related problems, such as:  colds, influenza, herpes, shingles, congestion and more.

Lauric Acid is great for bladder and prostate inflammation, mood swings, sinus/bronchial mucous and degenerative ‘dis-ease’.  Use it to maintain a healthy ‘terrain’ environment.

ReSet reduces reliance on antibiotics; promotes intestinal health; strengthens immune response; and improves digestion and absorption of food.

Use ReSet by itself or with companion product, ReStore™ to mediate autoimmune challenges related to the Autoimmune Attack Cycle™ (premature aging and inflammation).

  •  Lauric Acid promotes a hostile environment for viruses, yeast and bad bacteria.
  • Source of bio-active fats for renewed energy, hormones and weight control.
  • Reduces appetite and desire to overeat; curves hunger for junk food.
  • Useful for skin issues, such as: acne, eczema, elasticity and deep lines.
  • Sharpens memory; eases brain fog; promotes healthy eyes and ears.
  • Improves sleep; eases systemic inflammation, aches and pains.
  • Eases intestinal and bowel related challenges and improves digestion.
  • Lauric Acid rejuvenates the body and aids regeneration of connective tissue.
  • Easy to use; take two capsules with meals two times daily.
  • Manage inflammatory joint misery associated with yeast produced toxins.

Order your supply of ReSet™, today!  Ask about the introductory, special offer.

 John Thomas, Author (509) 465-4154 or (509) 466-8103 fax or email.

To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103

Growth Is The Answer To Everything! Outgrowing Your Medical Challenges

Doing nothing is a poor option in matters of health and well-being.  Either embrace new ideas or stagnate and suffer the consequences.  To learn more, read on.

In my field of work, I spend a lot of time discussing the nature and causes of people’s health problems, always seeking to separate reality from fiction.

So, what if we could wave a magic wand and make our health problems go away or never occur?

We can!  And we do not need for a magic wand either!  And, there is no need for medical labels or incantations by experts.

All we need is GROWTH!  Growth creates a better future.  This Special Insights addresses the issue of growth.  I trust readers will embrace the message.

Forward Special Insights™ to people you care about.  Key words herein are ‘linked’ to revised Glossary and Protocols sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion.  To use links, click on blue, underlined words.

Growth: A Better Choice!

When we are in the growth mode, things improve because the body is healing and repairing.

The BIG FOUR health challenges called cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and arthritis are conditions of deterioration, not growth.  And, they are completely avoidable and reversible, too!  But, they are not my primary concern.

My primary concern is helping people to get their bodies into GROWTH MODE.  Growth is the best way to improve lives AND address the “big four” conditions of misery and premature aging, along with all of the lesser conditions haunting people.

Fact is, suffering and deterioration are default conditions; meaning, when the body is given no choice but to deteriorate, it deteriorates!

And behind suffering and deterioration is a common issue that affects EVERYONE! It is called leptin and insulin resistance.  Leptin and insulin are your primary regulatory hormones.

Hormone resistance drives inflammation which shuts-down growth and regeneration, and it affects everyone, regardless of age.

I have great concern because people are embracing medical myths and believing medical experts and false TV ads about their health challenges, instead of identifying causes and reducing risk.  My concern is based on live conversation, not theory.

It started with my book, Young Again! 23 years ago.  Back then, no one believed me when is said, “The body can regenerate if you get out of the way and change your lifestyle and diet.”  It was true then, and it is true today.  All people need is good guidance and an open mind.

Today’s syndromes and disorders carry medical sounding names that are designed to instill fear and uncertainty upon trusting people.  The experts love to make mountains of mole hills.

Today’s common, ordinary health issues are yesterday’s little problems.  Today, everything is a big deal; everything is a DISEASE!  Baloney!

By definition, dis-ease is degenerative.  Meaning, the body breaks-down and wears-out because we sabotage growth and healing.  Embracing false ideas and grabbing hold of medical myths is a recipe for unnecessary suffering in the face of NO GROWTH.

Systemic Inflammation

And behind lack of growth and regeneration is systemic inflammation.  Yes, INFLAMMATION backgrounds everything!  And behind inflammation is insulin and leptin resistance.

Inflammation is hormone driven.  Autoimmune problems are hormone and gut driven.  So if you suffer, you should ask for help.  By the way, a tell-tale sign of hormone resistance is belly fat.  Brain fog and constant food cravings are two common symptoms.

Hormonal resistance is why people age.  It is the PRIMARY DRIVER behind high blood pressure (hypertension), cancer, diabetes, pre-diabetes, arthritis, COPD, renal (kidney) and cardiovascular problems of all types.  Serious problems follow dozens of seemingly unrelated symptoms.

If you would like to enjoy better health and reverse the process called aging, we should talk.  It is amazing how fast the body revives itself and energy increases when you have proper guidance.  Best of all, Young Again Protocols have no side effects like medications.

Grow Your Future – Step by Step!

Compromised Liver:  the liver controls all aspects of metabolism and is the most vital of the vital organs.  As liver function slips, so does healing, sleep, repair, digestion and growth.  Routine liver tests DO NOT detect subclinical changes preceding diagnosis of liver dis-ease.  Restore your liver function with the Tissue & Liver Protocol.

Inflammation:  is a hormone and autoimmune effect, never a cause.  Inflammation says there is stress in the body and liver.  Cardiovascular issues, PRE-DIABETES, poor circulation, congestion, peripheral neuropathy, sleep apnea and snoring are symptoms of inflammation.  Use ReVive™ and the Tissue & Liver Protocol™ to address inflammation and systemic toxicity.

Hormonal Rhythm: is absolutely CRITICAL for restoration of the growth process.  Insulin and leptin are the body’s master switches that control the process.  Over 35% of the population is diabetic and the other 65% are pre-diabetic and close behind in young and old alike!  Young Again Club offers it members a simple solution to the problem.

Autoimmune Issues: are not about genes or DNA.  Autoimmune response says there is stress and inflammation in the system and you are the enemy.  Contributing factors are a compromised gut wall (leaky gut), poor digestion and poor diet, sluggish bowels and restricted circulation.

Congestion: is a classic inflammatory response.  Congestion is a symptom of waste overload and hormone resistance.  Congestion is a symptom, NOT a cause.

Sweets juices and fruit feed both inflammation and congestion.  They are the most inflammatory aspect of diet.  Sweets contain fructose!  Fructose grows belly fat, provides no energy, damages the liver, upsets hormone balance and aggravates food cravings.   Sweets aggravate snoring, sleep apnea and inflame the bladder and prostate.  Read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking link.

How to Revive Your Life & Your Health

Here is the way for everyone to JUMP START the path to better health, today, right now, no matter your age or your issues.  The product is called Re-Vive™.  You can read about it, here.


GROWTH is the alternative to aging.  GROWTH is forward looking.  GROWTH is better than suffering.

Need help?  Click here for assistance.


A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interestingforward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103

Bladder Infections & Prostate Issues Misdiagnosed & Misunderstood

Bladder and prostate issues are common, but symptoms are not what they appear.  Here is the rest of the story.  Fasten your seat belt, please!  To learn more, read on.

In this issue: Signs & Symptoms, Misconceptions & Background, Women & Their Bladders, Men & Their Prostates and finally, Change The Game!

They call them bladder and prostate infections when they are not.  What the sick-care system and public fail to understand is this: first comes changes within the body’s terrain; then come so-called infections, not vice versa.

In other words, there comes a point when your body can NOT TOLERATE further neglect and abuse, and you must either suffer or embrace new thinking.

Forward Special Insights™ to people you care about.  Key words herein are ‘linked’ to Glossary and Protocols sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion.  To use links, click on blue, underlined words.  Usage is voluntary.

Signs & Symptoms

Under conditions of stress, healthy bacteria morph, turn pathogenic and create signs and symptoms people associate with infection and dis-ease.  The process is called pleo-morphism and it has everything to do with the terrain and nothing to do with the Germ Theory of Disease.

Stress effects and is effected by emotion, hormone imbalance, restricted circulation. alcohol, diet, digestion, constipation, sleep and water.  Stress fuels insulin and leptin resistance and exasperates adrenaline and cortisol response causing the body to overreact, toxicity levels to rise and the intestinal gut wall to become inflamed and compromised.

The bio-electric body does not like stress.  Stress the terrain and the body turns acidic, not in the sense of pHl; rather in the sense of a corrosive, inflamed internal environment, an environment conducive to growth of pathogenic organisms like yeast, viruses and bacteria.

Under stress healthy energy morphs into unhealthy, negative energy.  The energy shift produces signs and symptoms people associate with bladder and prostate infections.

Misconceptions & Background

Managing the body’s terrain and managing your energy profile are central to health and longevity.  They are recurring themes of Young Again Club™ and its Protocols.  Read Special Insights, Cell Phones & Tissue Memory to learn more.

The Law of Conservation of energy says:  “Energy is never lost; it merely changes form.”  Bad energy alters the terrain; infection and inflammation are the effects.

For example, MRSA (methicillin resistant staph aureus) is a nosocomial infection famous for sickening and killing thousands.  Supposedly, you ‘catch it’ in the hospital!  But, there is more.

Here is the MRSA story, explained in terms of your body’s TERRAIN.  People undergo surgery or are hospitalized following serious illness or injury.  Trauma and stress alter the terrain causing normally friendly bacteria, already present in the body, to morph and attack the host.

Staph aureus bacteria is naturally resident in the body in non-virulent form.  Add stress to a body that is hormonally out of rhythm and non-virulent staph aureus can morph into its virulent form called, methicillin resistant staph aureus or MRSA.

MRSA likes a toxic, hormone resistant, waste laden terrain under the influence of negative energy.  Antibiotics are generally useless against MRSA and they do serious damage to the gut microbiome triggering the Autoimmune Attack Cycle™.  MRSA occurs in sick-care facilities, but the problem is a TERRAIN issue, not invasion of an infectious bacterial agent.

Women & Their Bladders

The need to urinate often is a BIG RED FLAG that the body is systemically inflamed due stress and friction in the system.  Frequent urination says the system is OUT OF RHYTHM; a problem that is easily resolved with cooperation and guidance.

Bladder issues are confirmation of systemic FRICTION and RESISTANCE of the regulatory hormones: insulin, leptin and adrenaline.  This discussion is NOT about finding an alternative herbal to band-aid the problem.  Rather, it is about why bladder issues manifest.

Women handle stress differently than men.  Bladder infections follow periods of stress and consumption of sweets, alcohol and medications.  Antibiotic usage only makes matters worse!

Sweets (sugar and fruit) inflame and destroy the terrain and the effects of sweets are long-term cumulative!  (Read: Fruit Sugar Blues).  Sweets and stress trigger both the Autoimmune Attack Cycle and the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle.  Bladder infection is the effect.

Incomplete digestion of dietary proteins and a damaged gut wall trigger the assault on the bladder.  They also trigger gas and bloating problems.  Gluten intolerance is a good example of a TERRAIN problem; wheat is merely the trigger, but there are many other terrain triggers.

Poor sleep and sleep apnea burden the female terrain.  Add hormonal resistance, constipation, bowel disorders and sweets and you have the recipe for bladder inflammation.

Evening snacks and sweets guarantee nighttime urination issues.  Male sanitation and sex have little to do with female bladder infections.  Older women and women not sexually active suffer more than younger women!  Women who use antibiotics suffer perpetually.

Bladder leakage occurs in women earlier than in men, but sooner or later leakage becomes a problem for both.  Contrary to urban legend, bladder leakage has nothing to do with child bearing.  It is the direct consequence of hormone resistance and an inflamed, compromised gut.

Bladder leakage is the body’s way of SERVING NOTICE that the system is out of balance and that the problem will perpetuate until balance is restored to the system (terrain).

Central to bladder infections and leakage issues is RESTRICTED CIRCULATION; meaning, pelvic tissues are not receiving blood and oxygen as they did in earlier years.  Use Re-Store™, Re-Vive™ and ReSet to mediate all things pelvic.  Also check out Dynamic Circulation Therapy™.

Men & Their Prostates

For men, changes in physiology after age 40 ushers in bladder and prostate problems.  Prostate problems are a when, not if, proposition.  Men do not see the changes coming and when they arrive, they do not have a clue as to what to do about it!  Guidance is needed.

The male prostate gland is a small, walnut-sized organ immediately below the bladder through which the urinary tube (urethra) passes before entering the penis.  An inflamed prostate prevents release of urine.  The issue is inflammation, not psa.  PSA is a fraudulent metric.

Restricted circulation and systemic inflammation fuel prostate problems.  Evening snacks and sweets guarantee nighttime urination issues.  Next is insufficient intake of dietary fats and poor bile production.  Sweets are the worst!  Sluggish bowels play a big part.

Frequent or urgent need to urinate, at night or on the golf course, is CONFIRMATION of systemic inflammation and hormone resistance to insulin, leptin and adrenaline.

Inflammation and hormone resistance drive erectile dysfunction, cancer and cardiovascular issues.  If you are male and are over 40 years of age, your terrain needs tending!    Use Re-Store™, Re-Vive™ and ReSet to mediate all things prostate.  Also check out Dynamic Circulation Therapy™.

Show me a man with prostate/bladder problems and I will show you a man with a liver that is in trouble, a man with terrible digestion and a toxic terrain.  The Tissue & Liver Protocol™ is the premier method for correcting liver related prostate problems.  Click here to learn more.

Body odor and prostate issues are first cousins.  Body odor confirms accumulation of waste; and waste breaks-down connective tissue (cartilage, ligament, muscle, bone, skin and tendon) affecting male (and female!) physiology.  Waste hampers blood flow and inflames the prostate.

Waistline belly fat and cellulite are KEY INDICATORS of upside down metabolism driven by insulin and leptin resistance.  See Waistlines & Necklines.

Young Again Club Protocols™ help men restore sense of well-being and avoid prostate biopsy and surgery.  Men are sitting ducks; they simply do not know how to care for themselves!

Change The Game!

If you do not like the sick-care system, then CHANGE the game, CHANGE your lifestyle, CHANGE your thinking, FIND better answers and MAKE better choices.

The message of Young Again Club is: learn to care for yourself.

One purpose of Young Again Club is: reduce uncertainty of the sick-care system.

The body heals itself when given the opportunity.  Cause is behind every issue.  Past should not be prologue.  Learn how your body works and then, help it.

Conclusions & Solution

Women who wish to avoid and remedy bladder issues should ask for guidance by clicking here.

Men who wish to avoid and remedy prostate/bladder problems should click here.

YOU WILL NEED GUIDANCE and Young Again Club provides it without cost.  Every individual has different needs.  Inquire and learn; you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.  Like it or not, you are responsible for yourself.

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interestingforward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103

Exciting New Product! Re-Vive™ Bio-Active PolyFlavonoids

Thank the Incas!  They inspired me to formulate Re-Vive, my newest health offering.

The Incas discovered a powerful food for boosting energy and stamina for royalty and for runners who carried news and warnings between villages of their empire.

Runners ran up to 50 miles a day and maintained the integrity of their bodies in the face of challenging circumstances.  Royalty focused on mental and spiritual issues.  Both drank the vitalizing drink daily to keep their bodies young and their minds sharp.

The Incas called it, “Food of the Gods!”  The Spanish named it, theobroma.  I call it Re-Vive!

But, it was theobroma’s beneficial effects on metabolism that captured my attention!  What affected the Incas then, affects 99% of our population, today.   PRE-DIABETES is rampant, affecting 65% of the population—young and old alike.  ReVive is not cocoa derived, but its energy footprint is bio-active!

HORMONE RESISTANCE should be everyone’s concern because hormonal resistance is a BIG component in all major and minor disorders.  Inflammation and resistance are twins; they go together.

Now, the active components of theobroma are available for everyone.  Just ONE or TWO capsules of Re-Vive daily boosts vitality in dozens of ways!  Try it; you will like it!  The benefits are undeniable.

Re-Vive is a powerful formula of bio-active PolyFlavonoids.  It is a natural answer for hundreds of issues—no matter your age.  LOOK at all the useful applications.  Very impressive!

  •  Excellent for excess weight & belly fat.
  • Boosts energy & metabolism naturally.
  • Improves circulation to brain & limbs.
  • Addresses neuropathy complaints.
  • Reduction of systemic inflammation.
  • Curves food cravings & reduces appetite.
  • Eases brain fog; sharpens memory.
  • Promotes deep sleep; helps sleep apnea.
  • Helps dissolve & prevent cellular biofilm.
  • Excellent for intestine & bowels.
  • Reduces inflammation, aches and pains.
  • Great for bladder & yeast issues.
  • Warms cold bodies naturally.
  • Eases intestinal and bowel challenges.
  • Helps blood sugar management.
  • Eases digestion, gas and bloat.
  • Helps manage blood sugar issues.
  • Addresses insulin & leptin resistance.
  • Promotes female & male health.
  • Useful for metabolic syndrome.
  • Helps moodiness and depression.
  • Boosts mitochondrial regeneration.
  • Useful for ADD & ADHD issues.
  • Promotes healthy eyes and ears.

Order Re-Vive, today!  One order lasts 3 months; very affordable!  Ask about the introductory offer.

John Thomas, Author (509) 465-4154 or (509) 466-8103 fax or email.

To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103

The Other Side Of The Alcohol Story Food Cravings, Alcohol & Over Eating

Alcoholism does not necessarily refer to consumption of alcohol in the traditional sense.  There is another form of alcoholism that is far more insidious, and few recognize the problem because society as a whole is caught-up in it.  To learn more, read on.

Observation: Sick-care is collapsing and people will need guidance and valid information when self-care is their only option.  Good doctors are shackled, and they are in short supply!  The medical system is rigged and corrupt; long lines are coming.  Knowledge and guidance will serve you well. 

Mission: I write because I see what we are told does not match-up with, truth.  I mock sick-care because it deserves to be, mocked.  My mission is to deliver truth and perspective on matters of health and longevity.  Truth will prevail and people deserve to know truth for their personal and family well-being.

Forward: Special Insights to people you care about!  Key words herein are linked to updated Glossary and Protocols Sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion.  To use links, click on the blue underlined words.


This Special Insight is about carbohydrate dependence, food cravings and the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle, how they influence health and what you can do to have a better life.

Rare is the individual whose body does not depend on carbohydrates for energy and keep their body’s  still in operation.  Homemade alcohol [made is the product of auto-brewery syndrome, and the only difference between your own alcohol and that of a commercial distillery is the brand and the strength.

Alcohol is PURE MYCOTOXIN made by fungal yeast.  And since 99.9% of the population young and old alike are infested with Candida albicans [yeast] from exposure to antibiotics, it should come as no surprise that everyone is in the energy business of making alcohol to fuel their bodies.

The body has but two sources of energy, carbohydrates and fat, and few people have mastered the art of burning fat as their primary energy source.  Consequently, few people avoid the side-effects associated with carbohydrate dependent metabolism.

Officially, alcoholism only affects a small, demographic.  Unofficially, auto brewery syndrome affects the entire population.  Sugar-holic-ism and the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle are facets of the same problem.

Simple [But Important] Definitions

Still: a facility or internal organ of the body where alcohol is made from carbohydrate sugars [grain, sweets, potatoes, pasta] and sometimes from excess protein.  [Sugar-to-alcohol conversion in the intestinal tract causes blood sugar levels to rise above 90, creating the condition of pre-diabetes.]

Alcohol: converted, carbohydrate energy [made in commercial breweries, wineries or distiileries] or in the intestine by way of the Sugar/Alcohol, Cycle.  For today’s discussion, the words carbohydrates (carbs), sugar and alcohol are used interchangeably as are the words alcoholic and sugarholic.

Carbohydrates:  starches and sugars made by plants from solar energy through photosynthesis.  For this discussion, the words carbohydrates (carbs), sugar and alcohol are used interchangeably as are the words, alcoholic and sugarholic.

Not All Energy Is Created, Equal

Whether you imbibe alcohol or make-your-own internally, if your body depends on carbohydrates or alcohol as your primary source of energy, you will age prematurely and suffer needlessly.

Carbohydrates confuse the body because they burn dirty and prevent regulatory receptors from monitoring insulin and blood sugar levers.  But, energy made from dense foods such as fat, but clean and provide endurance without cravings or the need to eat often.  [Contrary to medical myth, eating small meals often is a very destructive practice.]

When the body relies on carbohydrates for energy, it will burn carbs before it will burn, fats.  But, once converted to reliance on fat for energy, the body operates more efficiently on fats; and, fats do not leave sugar residue on the body’s regulatory receptors.  [FYI: sugar residues promote neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and vascular dementia.]

Carbohydrate energy [made in the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle] fuels fungal invasion and takeover by, yeast.  Carbohydrate energy is cheap energy, and therefore the food of the poor.  [In ancient Rome, soldiers were fed grain, instead of meat and fats, when the money was debased and the empire could not afford to feed soldiers food of substance.  Today, people live on carbs out of ignorance.]

Alcohol is one example of carbohydrate energy conversion and the Law of Conservation of Energy which says: “Energy is never lost, it merely changes form.”  Carbohydrate energy is inferior to fat derived energy.  Carbs do not satiate like fats and they spike blood sugar, encourage over-eating and obesity, precede serious degenerative disease and systemic growth of yeast.

Carbohydrate sugars easily convert to body fat.  Carbs are used to fatten cattle and pigs in the months prior to slaughter when they are least active.  Teens and active people, such as Olympic athletes handle carbs well because they are young and on the move.  But, by age 30, carbohydrate fed bodies begin to fall apart and symptoms of degenerative disease begins to manifest.

Belly fat and cellulite are two SIGNS of metabolic shift in the wrong direction.  Factors, such as poor diet, bogy acidity and hormone manipulation by FUNGUS plays a big part in both.  Storage of toxic waste gives cellulite it strange appearance, while residue from carbohydrates causes blood sugars to glaze brain receptors similar to caramelized onions sautéed in a skillet.

Alcoholics and sugarholics suffer food cravings because both need a sugar fix and both suffer from elevated blood sugar and insulin resistance and hormone manipulation by fungal, yeast.  Tissue acidity is NOT the same as pH.

Carbohydrate dependence is never good.  It means the body relies on fast-burn, sugar-based energy in lieu of slow-release, long-burn energy from energy dense food like, fats.  Processing of dense food requires a healthy intestinal tract and good digestive capability.

[FYI: by age 35, digestion suffers and nutritional problems, appear.  To remedy the problem, Young Again Club offers bio-active digestive supports that are superior in every way to common digestive aids. 

Carbohydrate dependence promotes the Autoimmune Attack Cycle and, the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle.  Both contribute to gas and bloating.  But, when penetration of the gut wall by fungal hypha [the roots of mold and yeast], leaky-gut syndrome and gluten intolerance activate autoimmune problems.

Food cravings and sugar and alcohol dependency are classic symptoms of the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle and high acidity.  Alcohol is very acidic, and fruit based alcohols, such as tequila, brandy, rum and wine are the worst.  [Note, all fructose is inflammatory.  Table sugar is 50%, fructose, and agave is 100%, fructose.  Fructose is ubiquitous in the food chain and converts 100% to body fat which partially explains the obesity epidemic and belly fat phenomenon.]

You can consume sugar and fruit [for years] until your body can tolerate no more!  When that day comes, you will utter the words, cancer, diabetes, and heart followed by the word disease.  Read Special Insights, Fruit Sugar Blues! and Allergies & Chemical Sensitivities!

Alcoholics & Everyone Else

Arthritis is the most common health problem in the USA, but heart disease is the biggest killer followed by diabetes and cancer and all of them have one thing in common.  Fungus!

Arthritic inflammation is made worse by reactive foods, leaky gut and poor digestion, but the primary cause is mycotoxin dominance which is also the dominating force behind alcoholism.

Alcoholics Anonymous helps people who suffer from alcohol dependency.  Yet, members eat sweets after their AA meetings which perpetuates dependency on the carbohydrates and helps perpetuate the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle by way of auto brewery syndrome.

Sweets are part of social and business gatherings everywhere. People are addicted and their bodies DEMAND they stoke their internal still so their bodies can make some alcohol to feed, yeast.

In the 18th century, sugar and rum fueled the slave, trade.  In those days, sugar was referred to as “That old devil, sugar!”  The devil was hidden in the details.  Carbohydrate loading was another idiotic idea promoted by nutritional experts and exercise buffs in the 1980’s.  Those who followed their advice aged rapidly, turned diabetic and died prematurely.

Alcohol destroys the liver.  Notice, the word intoxicated references toxin which derives from mycotoxin made by FUNGUS.  Certainly, those who imbibe too much will suffer cirrhosis.  But, millions of people succumb to fatty liver disease and many do not drink!

Carbohydrate dependence leads to fatty, liver.  For sure, medications DESTROY the, liver!  It is easy to reverse a fatty liver and restore function with the Tissue & Liver Protocol and Mold & Fungus Protocol.  Check them out.

The liver is the ONLY organ in the body that can regenerate from as little as 25% following surgical removal.  Meaning, liver restoration is not difficult.  All you need is guidance.  [90% of waste exits the body through the liver.]

It takes several effort to clear fungal mycotoxins and excess sugar from the system following the above protocols.  Dietary change and the Mold & Fungus Protocol is the quickest way to shut-down the Alcohol/Sugar Cycle.

Shutting-Down The, Still

If you are aging or suffering, know that you are systemically inflamed and your body is dependent on carbohydrates for its energy instead of from dietary fats.

Saturated fats control food cravings, but assimilation requires bio-active bile.  Once the body converts to fats as its primary energy source, food cravings disappear!

Healthy fats are saturated fats, such as animal fat, butter and coconut [called, oil, but actually, a fat] and olive oil.  [Lauric acid, coconut oil capsules called ReSet are easy to use and are available from Young Again Club.]  Read, Fats, Hormones & Opioids to learn more.

Restoration of the gut wall demands that fungal infestation and mycotoxin dominance end.  Well-meaning practitioners and patients have used probiotics for over 40 years with marginal success.  Probiotics, as good as they are, merely band-aid the problem; they do not reverse hyphal invasion of gut wall.  Practitioners who receive no schooling in mycology promote probiotics because it’s all they know.

Stress and anxiety damage the intestinal tract and promote growth of yeast and escalation of the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle, which fuels gut fermentation and auto-brewery syndrome.

Pre-diabetes affects EVERYONE who is not diabetic.  There are three types of diabetes: Types 1, 2 and 3.  Type 3 surprises people because they only know it by the names  Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and dementia.  All three types are avoidable and most are reversible with guidance.

Everyone should follow the Terrain pH Protocol because it is FREE and helps manage body acidity and helps with disorders, such as diabetes Types 1, 2, and 3.  Check it out.

Diabetes is a killer and long before doctor utters diabetes people are living their lives in the pre-diabetic state of blood sugar over, 90.  Elevated blood sugar is long term destructive because doctor does not understand low-grade inflammation and does not look for it.

Alcohol, be it homemade or store bought, plays a big part in premature aging and disease.

You now know the other side of the alcohol story!

Conclusions & Solutions

Aging and suffering have no place in anyone’s story.  How much are you willing to tolerate?

If you have issues and suffer from poor health, understand your terrain needs tending and you need guidance.  Be grateful guidance is available for FREE!

Ask for guidance here.

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interestingforward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103


Seasons Greetings & Welcome To Your Future

Today, I want to tell you a story. It is a story I hope everyone will enjoy and look forward to experiencing in the near future. To learn more, read on.

Where Are We?

The sick-care system as we know it is broken. We cannot afford it any longer; its limitations are obvious and it is over!

In the future, sick-care will be nothing like it is today. In the future, you will focus on wellness instead of Illness. Why wait for the future when it is waiting for you?

A Novel Approach!

What I am about to tell you is very exciting; a novel approach based on the concept that the body heals and regenerates itself, automatically if stimulus and means are provided.

Three key elements of the rejuvenation process are:

  1. Improve circulation
  2. Elimination of inflammation.
  3. Reduction of toxic waste.

Over the past 21 years, tens of thousands of people have sought my guidance; people whose lifestyles had taken a toll or who wanted to improve their lives.

People who followed the Young Again Protocols saw their health and vitality improve.

Now, you can easily restore well-being and mediate health issues by boosting your circulation to trigger the process. Circulation is the key!

Now, you can boost your oxygen levels and restore your system so it functions like it did when you were twenty years of age. The process is called Dynamic Circulation Therapy™.

Dynamic Circulation Therapy works! The therapy is performed at home in a few minutes each day. In other words, you can use Dynamic Circulation Therapy to enhance sense of well-being and restore health, no matter your age or situation.

Restoration is a PROCESS; a process of aging in REVERSE! And now, you can make it a part of “your” REALITY!

Welcome to Your Future!

Modern technology has come to the rescue; your future is NOW!

Vitality and good health are now easily within your reach.

The formula is simple: improve circulation, eliminate inflammation and reduce toxic waste.

And the formula works! Click here to learn more. Yes, guidance is available; there is no cost of any kind and you will enjoy the discussion, too!

Seasons Greetings!

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103

Cell Phones & Tissue Memory

Cell phone signals imprint on the brain and tissues of the body; disruptive electronic footprints that influence health negatively until they are erased or neutralized. To learn more, read on.

This Special Insight discusses Negative Tissue Memory™; why it occurs, its effects on well-being and how to address health issues related to electronic devices such as cell phones.

This complex subject is VITALLY IMPORTANT to your long term health and happiness. I hope you will study it carefully and act upon the information provided.

Strange Words & Meanings

The word energy has many connotations. We understand when we hear, “I have lots of energy!” But the word “energy” takes on a different feel and texture when used to describe: health, thoughts, sickness, food, water, electronics and unhappy experiences.

Energy has both tangible and intangible attributes. For example, electrical vs. food energy; lightning vs. petroleum; a “living” human vs. a corpse; emotional vs. physical trauma.

Energy has personality and the body is seriously affected by energy’s “personality.”

To my knowledge, this is the first time anyone has seriously tackled health issues related to modern electronics and Negative Tissue Memory.

But first, let’s establish a foundation of important word definitions used in this Special Insight.

For your benefit, key words in Special Insights™ are ‘linked’ to the Glossary and Protocols sections of the website. To use, click on blue underlined words. These links will help you gain better understanding of the subject under discussion. Use links as you wish; forward as you wish.

Important Definitions

Negative Energy: disruptive energy vibrating at unhealthy frequencies that invades tissue.

Tissue Memory: unhealthy vibrations of negative energy stored in body tissues.

Energy Footprint: electronic patterns that imprint and influence body organs and tissues.

Angry Tissue: inflamed tissue; tissue that refuses to heal; tissue imprinted by negative energy.

Vibrational Noise: disruptive electronic signals that create chaos in otherwise healthy tissue.

Signals & Vibrations: electronic personality(s) or signature(s) that alter cellular frequency.

Frequency: vibrations/signals per second (nerve signals, cell phone signals, alternating current).

Tissue Memory & Unfriendly Technology

It is common for deep tissue massage therapists to witness emotional “releases” when working on muscles and tissues of patients. Displays of bound emotion manifest when the memory of negative energy is released from angry, inflamed tissue.

The more toxic your system, the more you ABSORB negative energy no matter the source. So called healing and cleansing reactions are actually negative energy release responses.

When negative energy signals imprint on healthy tissue, the result is angry tissue vibrating at unhealthy frequencies. Conversely, when negative energy is neutralized, angry tissue settles and returns to a healthy vibrational state of being.

Brain and tissue memory are electronic recordings of our experiences imprinted on our tissues, similar to electronic signatures imprinted on a DVD disc. When recordings are similar, as in healthy/happy, tissues vibrate harmoniously and sense of well-being is experienced.

But when vibrations are dissimilar, as when dark/ugly is imposed on healthy/happy, well-being suffers, “noise” dominates and chaos rules. Dissimilar electronic signatures and footprints cause healthy tissue to become inflamed and angry; as in TISSUE THAT REF– USES TO HEAL!

Electronic “noise” bombards people 24/7/365 and the effects are cumulative sabotaging the body’s ability to heal and maintain. Electronic signals radiating from cell phones and towers are everywhere; you cannot escape them, but you can neutralize their effects on your body.

Friendly Technology

Dynamic Circulation Therapy™ (DCT) is a wonderful example of friendly technology solving problems associated with unfriendly technology.

Dynamic Circulation Therapy neutralizes the effects of disruptive energy signals radiating from cell phones, microwave towers and ovens, computers and routers. DCT dismantles disharmonious electronic footprints that accompany suffering and premature aging.

Use Dynamic Circulation Therapy to boost circulation and reduce inflammation throughout every part of the body. Use DCT to improve assimilation of food and supplements. Use DCT to lose weight. Use DCT to control your medical future. Use DCT to grow younger regardless of age.

Merging Footprints & Tissue Entrainment!

Entrainment is a physics concept with important implications for health. In the body, entrainment occurs when conflicting energy signals merge!  Negative signals emanate from sweets, food, water, electronic devices and cell phones. All things have an energy footprint.

Negative entrainment masks with “physical” symptoms. If you suffer from chronic health issues, know that your system is “entrained!” Chronic back/joint problems are good examples; as are cancer, diabetes, prostate issues, cataract, loss of memory and hearing problems.

Sir Isaac Newton said, “Energy is never lost; it merely changes form.” Please understand, all things physical are expressions of energy “vibrating” at frequencies we can see and touch; but…..

Electronic signals are invisible; they imbed and use the body as a surrogate by imposing their footprint(s) on healthy tissue. Disruptive electronic signals must be neutralized each and every day or the negative energy will morph and take PHYSICAL form in the tissues.

Illness is the expression of negative energy on the physical level. Negative events and emotions DO imprint their vibrations on body tissues. Negative energy entrainment is a FACT OF LIFE!

Mindfulness & Deep Sleep – States of Being

Mindfulness: a state of being; awareness of what is going on around us without passing judgement on ourselves, our circumstances or our thoughts; a conscious, meditative state.

Deep sleep: a state of being where negative energy, imprinted on body tissues, is released. Release of bound negative energy unites body, mind and spirit and avoids burnout!

Both deep sleep and mindfulness negotiate the release of negative tissue memory. The former uses blood oxygen and circulation to get the job done; the latter harnesses the power of deep meditation and awareness. Dynamic Circulation Therapy accesses both.

Dynamic Circulation Therapy (DCT) gives the equivalent of eight hours of deep “rem” sleep on-demand in only 20 minutes! Remember, circulation and oxygen delivery are every 20 year old’s advantage! Use DCT to restore your circulation, deep sleep and oxygen delivery.

Fundamental Observations

The older and sicker you are, the more deep sleep you need! Deep sleep and improved circulation control every aspect of your medical future. Believe it!

Dreams are important; especially full color, detailed dreams. Powerful dreams are a sign of youthfulness. Deep sleep is “rem” sleep; during deep sleep the body discharges noxious electronic footprints and releases bound tissue memory. Learn more here.

A toxic terrain is a weak terrain and weak terrains vibrate at sick frequencies regardless if the disruptive signals came from food, water, emotion or electronics.

Everything you put into the body has an energy signal! Good food imparts friendly energy; bad foods, like sweets, alcohol and bio-junk impart unfriendly energy.

All food burdens the body, so eat only two meals a day. Failure to fully digest food drives overeating which is a symptom of malnourishment! Poor digestion increases toxicity and promotes negative tissue memory. Know that Microwaved food and water enslave the body!

Premature aging and suffering are linked to poor bile production. Bile transports waste out of the body via the liver and bowels and everyone over age 35 has a bile problem.

Bile is needed for processing of both dietary fats and excess body fat. Dietary fats are critical for hormone production and management. Read Eat fats To Be Healthy & Happy.

The Tissue & Liver Protocol™ is the program of choice for resurrecting liver function, boosting bile production and elimination of excess waste from the system. Learn about it here.

At 20 years of age, circulation is 100%; by age 50 it drops to 15% or less! For perpetual good health, practice Dynamic Circulation Therapy and you will feel young again. Learn more here.


People assume aging and suffering are inevitable, but it’s not true. People believe degeneration is preprogramed, but it’s also not true. People think DNA dictates, but that’s not true either.

Dis-ease is not the product of aging or invasion by pathogenic organisms. Rather, it is the product of poor circulation, waste accumulation and an inflamed terrain. Fatigue and poor sense of well-being are symptoms, not causes. Illness is a “state of being”.

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

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To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

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 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103

Symptoms, Labels & Delusions The Other Side of Diagnosis

The medical system is about sick-care; it has never been about health and prevention.  Learn to decipher symptoms and you can skip the oxymoron called health-care.  To learn more, read on.

Symptoms are a reflection of the body’s terrain and premature aging and poor health are reflections of neglect and abuse, not one’s DNA.  DNA morphs according to the terrain and choices we make.  DNA is not fixed, but it is regulated by epigenetics and the epigenome.

Mission: I write because I see that what we are told does not match up with the truth.  My mission is to deliver truth and perspective on matters of health and longevity.  Truth will prevail and people deserve to know truth for their personal and family well-being. 

Observation: Sick-care is collapsing and people will need guidance and valid information when self-care is their only option.  Good doctors are shackled, and they are in short supply!  The system is corrupt and long lines are coming.  Knowledge and guidance will serve you well.

Forward Special Insights™ to people you care about!  Key words herein are linked to updated Glossary and Protocols Sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion.  To use links, click on the blue, underlined words.

“To Whose Benefit?” 

Why do people put faith in a medical system that is untrustworthy [and underserving], when they could care for themselves and avoid the fear and drama of sick-care?

Answer: because early on we are told a big lie and it goes like this: “Medical science is too complicated for lay people to understand.  Only fools play their own doctor.  Besides, Germ Theory of disease, DNA and genes dictate individual predisposition, so let us help you!”

Help, as in contraindications and adverse warnings of medications?  Help, as in doing everything possible to prevent the body from healing itself?  Help, as in fear and uncertainty?  No thanks!

The Roman question, “cui bono” comes to mind.  It translates: “to whose benefit?”

Explain please:  To whose benefit is the sick-care system?  How does sick-care make sick bodies healthy?  How do drugs [by definition, a drug must have the potential to kill you to be classified a, drug] heal?  Please explain WARNINGS and CONTRAINDICATIONS that come with medications?  Why do the ads tell listeners to ask doctor if [xxxxxx] is right for you?

Answers: Sick-care and health-care are not the same thing.  Drugs do not heal; they make you sick and keep you sick and eventually, kill.  Sick-care is a racket and blessed is anyone who avoids the need to seek, care!

The medical exception to “cui bono” is the emergency room where choice is not an option and time is of essence.  As for the balance, better options are available!

And Your Test Results Show…

“We don’t know!”  Is an honest answer is a better answer than, misdiagnosis?  Maybe, maybe not.  So, think about this: diagnosis that ignores causative factors is itself, misdiagnosis.  Sick-care system is rigged against patients because of, The Missing Diagnosis.

Since when is a thorough examination and asking questions less important than ordering “tests.”  Misinterpretation of test results is common; so is five minutes spent with doctor [who is preoccupied with his computer and taking notes] instead of being, doctor. 

Practitioners know the body heals itself, so why treat test results instead of patients?  Because tests are theater; tests pacify, tests show, action!

Patients should take test results, lightly.  Patients should slow down, instead of embracing fa;se diagnosis.  Patients do not have to rollover to diagnosis; choice and responsibility is theirs.  So, why do patients forfeit in favor of false diagnosis?

Labels, Diseases, Syndromes & Disorders 

Words are powerful, especially when coming from authority.  Dramatizing diagnosis with words such as, syndrome, disorder and disease is extremely, misleading, but it captures the patient’s attention.  Dramatic sounding labels encourage submission by neutralizing, doubt.

Here are a few questions and examples.  Why do they call systemic infestation by mold and fungus, cancer?  And, why is indigestion called, acid reflux [GERD]?  And, why is inflammatory of the feet and legs, called, neuropathy [disorder]?  And, why are bowel problems called, Irritable Bowel Syndrome?  And lastly, why is elevated blood sugar called, diabetes [disease?]

Behind 99% of diagnostic labels you will find always these factors in play: systemic inflammation, restricted circulation and chronic indigestion.  And behind those, you will find mold and fungus infestation and mycotoxin dominance of hormones and metabolism.

Young Again Club helps people decipher between labels and causes.  Equally important, unique programs and protocols are available for dealing with misleading symptoms.  The Mold & Fungus Protocol and the Tissue & Liver Protocol are two very popular approaches.  Check them out.

Examples of Health & Aging Issues

Below is a list of common health issues and their symptoms. Also listed are factors that control the body’s ability or inability to deal with immune challenges and maintain good health.

Arthritis:  symptoms are pain, swelling, limited mobility, discomfort, stiffness, and misery.  Behind these symptoms are inflammation caused by mycotoxins from yeast infestation, restricted circulation, dietary sweets and fructose, poor sleep, acidic pH, leaky-gut and poor indigestion.  Arthritis is a label, but it is called, dis-ease.  Click here for assistance.

Diabetes: symptoms are fungal control of metabolism, elevated blood sugar, thirst and urination issues, skin ulcers, infections, vision problems and kidney dysfunction.  Behind diabetes [Types 1, 2 or 3] is bad diet, chronic indigestion, yeast infestation, lack of exercise, restricted circulation, dietary sweets and fructose, compromised liver and gallbladder, electrolyte depletion, poor sleep, sluggish bowels and inability to metabolize dietary fats.  Diabetes is a label, but it is called, dis-ease.  Click here for assistance.

Macular Degeneration [MD]: symptoms are loss of vison in the center of the visual field accompanied by secondary vision issues.  Behind MD is poor oxygen supply to the head; systemic inflammation and poor circulation in tissues servicing the eyes; sweets and fructose, scar tissue and plaque formation; sinus congestion, poor sleep; yeast infestation, chronic indigestion and a porous gut wall.  MD is a label, but it is called, disease.  Click here for assistance.

Hearing: symptoms are poor hearing and ringing in ears.  Behind hearing issues is inflammation of the head and sinuses; restricted microcirculation to ears, capillary congestion, dietary sweets and fructose, plaque formation, poor digestion and scar tissue. Systemic invasion by fungus and yeast is a major contributor to loss of hearing and tinnitus [ringing in ears.]  Hearing loss is a label, but it is called, disease.  Click here for assistance.

Neuropathy(s): symptoms are burning, swelling, and pain in extremities.  Behind these symptoms is fungus invasion of the body, chronic mycotoxin dominance, restricted circulation, poor diet and liver function, dietary sweets and fructose, leaky gut, acidic terrain, chronic indigestion and bowel issues.  Neuropathy is a label, but they call it, disease.  Click here for assistance.

Allergies/Sinus:  symptoms are skin issues, congested lungs, poor sleep, swelling and edema.  Behind these problems is poor diet[?], chronic indigestion; stressed liver and gallbladder, autoimmune attacks, dietary sweets and fructose, leaky gut, sluggish bowel and a compromised liver, and most importantly, systemic yeast infestation.  Allergies/sinus issues are labels disguised as disease.  Click here for assistance.

Indigestion:  symptoms are gas and bloat, indigestion, acid reflux and bowel disorders (colitis, diverticulitis, IBS). Contributing factors are: poor hydration, chronic inflammation of gut wall, poor diet, sluggish bowels, autoimmune attacks, inability to digest proteins and poor absorption of absorb dietary fats, antibiotic usage, dietary sweets and fructose, yeast infestation, compromised liver function and limited bile production.  Indigestion is a label, but they call it, disease.  Click here for assistance. 

Avoid Those Delusions

Why accept diagnosis when your symptoms have little or nothing to do with the diagnostic label given?  Why worry and fret when simpler, better solutions are available?

You incur less risk caring for yourself than sheepishly accepting false diagnosis based on misleading test results from experts, who can’t even help themselves.

Lastly, do yourself a favor and ignore diagnoses that include the words rare and very rare, as in “Your condition is rare, very rare!”  Those words are distractions; they confuse and instill fear and most importantly, cause patients to disarm and stop thinking.

Ask For Assistance!

Aging and suffering have no place in anyone’s story.  How much are you willing to endure?

Reach-out by calling or emailing or (509) 465-4154.  Assistance is provided without cost.

Ask John Thomas for guidance here.


A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

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To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103

Aging & Regeneration

The body ages when: fluid circulation stalls, waste accumulates and oxygen levels are insufficient to maintain health and vitality. To learn more, read on.

What are the factors that influence aging? How does the body actually reverse the aging process? Why is the reversal process so elusive and difficult to achieve?

The body ages by default forfeiting its regenerative capabilities when left no alternative. The diagnosis from the doctor and the image in the mirror are mere confirmations. Yet, given the opportunity, the body regenerates and sense of well-being returns regardless of your age.

For your benefit, key words in Special Insights™ are ‘linked’ to the Glossary and Protocols sections of the website. To use, click on blue underlined words. These links will help you gain better understanding of the subject under discussion. Use links as you wish; forward as you wish.

Body Fluid Dynamics

In my book, “Young Again!” I used the concept of bio-electric age metaphorically; meaning, the age of the body in terms of energy, rather than age in terms of years.

Reversing your bio-electric age requires an understanding of body fluid dynamics; meaning, the flow of blood, lymph and spinal fluids throughout the joints, tissues and organs. Body fluids are the medium of exchange for all things energy related.

The body needs life-force energy™ to operate, grow and repair. Life-force energy manifests when fluid circulation and oxygen levels are at optimum levels, like that of a 20 year old athlete.

Peak oxygen levels and good circulation are why 20 years olds are healthy and strong. Beyond age 20, the words pain, suffering and inflammation become everyone’s dilemma. Pain-filled words describe aging’s effects not why we age.

Improve your body’s circulation and raise your blood oxygen levels and regeneration occurs automatically; and the words: pain, suffering and inflammation lose their meaning.

Ailments, fear and killer dis-eases lose their meaning as well! Better to embrace the well-being of a 20 year old than suffer needlessly.

The most advanced technology for boosting circulation and oxygen levels is called Dynamic Circulation Therapy™. Use it to settle your health issues and improve your sense of well-being.

Dynamic Circulation Therapy allows you to take control of your health and future in only 8 minutes a day, in the comfort of your home, using your own system to boost your life-force. Sessions require little effort; and results are meaningful.

Aging & Regeneration Factors

Food: eat good food and make sure you fully digest the food you eat. Failure to digest and assimilate food accelerates aging, especially after age 35. Inflammation, allergies and autoimmune issues are products of incomplete digestion manifesting as the Autoimmune Attack Cycle™. Restricted circulation magnifies all health issues. To learn more, click here.

Cravings: people suffer food cravings because they are “hungry”, as in malnourished! To end cravings, you MUST completely digest food and you MUST consume plenty of healthy fats. Fats supply up to 80% of total energy needs and reduce cravings if you use bio-active bile for assimilation. Also, fats speed metabolism and burn-off excess body fat! Undigested proteins drive cravings and they trigger systemic inflammation. If your body is inflamed, know that you have poor digestion and restricted circulation. If you suffer from bloat or gas, know you have poor digestion. Click here to learn more about the Young Again Club Digestive Protocol.

Bowels: the bowels control both aging and regeneration. Poorly digested food and slow transit time ages the body severely. The bowels should move three times a day. The colon is where dis-ease and cancer originate and enemas train the body to release often! Colon cancer is #1, yet totally avoidable as are various bowel disorders.   Click here to learn more.

Liver: the liver controls all aspects of body physiology and is the most vital of all vital organs. As liver function diminishes, so does your ability to heal, sleep, repair and grow. The liver is central to good health and vitality. Click here to learn more about the Tissue & Liver Protocol.

Water: a simple idea with profound implications. You must drink body-friendly water regularly throughout the day if you want to enjoy good health and longevity. Water is a solvent and it transports waste from your tissues. Drink water each time you urinate and use activated, sea-mineral electrolytes in every glass for more energy and better health. Click here to learn more.

Autoimmune: inflammation accompanies all aging and dis-ease. Inflammation is the side effect not the cause of suffering. Restore your gut wall and your immune system will cease attacking your body. Autoimmune conditions have NOTHING to do with your genes or DNA. Six factors control immune response: gut wall, digestion, diet, bowels, circulation of body fluids and a compromised gut microbiome. Click here to learn more.

Sweets: avoid them! Sweets are the most inflammatory food you can put into your body and fructose (refined or from fresh fruit) and wine (fruit sugar alcohol) are the most inflammatory of all sugars. Fructose goes 100% to fat, destroys the liver, weakens the connectives tissues and aggravates cravings for more of the same. Avoid it! Click here to learn more.

Sleep: inflammation is the root cause of poor sleep. Sleep apnea is the latest “fad” in sleep deprivation, but it is not what it appears. Sleep apnea screams INFLAMMATION, RESTRICTED CIRCULATION and EXCESS WASTE in the sinuses and head. Challenges involving ears, eyes, smell and memory occur for the exactly same reasons. Medical labels are names on a problem and nothing more. Labels are seldom what they appear; and labels disappear when circulation issues are corrected. Snoring and mouth breathing are the effects, not the cause of sleep deprivation. Deep sleep reverses premature aging. Click here and here to learn more.

Exercise: exercise counts because it circulates the body’s fluids. Use the Biogenic™ Lymph and Body Rollers to tone tissues and move waste. Dynamic Circulation Therapy is the ultimate way to boost fluid circulation throughout the body so you can feel age 20 once more!

Terrain: pathogenic microbes love a waste-filled, toxic body. Candida albicans (yeast) is a good example. These organisms torment the body and make life difficult. Instead, create a hostile environment where they cannot thrive. Click here to learn how.

Correct Choices Count

If you are suffering, know you are inflamed! If you are inflamed, know you have poor circulation. Dynamic Circulation Therapy boosts fluid circulation to that of a 20 year old, so you look and feel 20 years young! It is that simple.

The regeneration process is not complicated, but it requires understanding and guidance. Young Again Club offers both without cost or obligation. Click here for assistance.

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interestingforward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103


Terrain Management & Your Health!

Your terrain determines your health, how you age, how you suffer and when you die. Terrain management is the exact opposite of disease management. To learn more, read on.

Terrain management is a core Young Again Club concept central to all aspects of health and longevity. Manage your terrain and you need not care about your genes or the microorganisms.

Pasteur vs. Bechamp

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) is said to have validated the Germ Theory of Disease which says, illness and dis-ease are the products of invading microorganisms that (somehow?) take control of the body. Pasteur said, “The microbe is everything!” Pasteur was wrong.

Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908) was Pasteur’s nemesis. Bechamp fathered the concept of terrain management as the controlling element of health and dis-ease. Bechamp said, “The microbe is nothing; the terrain is everything!”

Pasteur “officially” won the debate. The medical establishment adopted Pasteur’s teachings. Bechamp’s observations were ignored. The medical monopoly was desperate for a new model after 1600 years of perpetuating Galen’s idiotic teachings. They needed a distraction.

Specifically, the cartel needed boogey-men to confound the public. Pasteur provided the model. Bacteria were perfect boogey-men; they were invisible and validated the Germ Theory of Disease. Bechamp, like Semmelweiss, was laughed at by the establishment.

For your benefit, key words in Special Insights™ are ‘linked’ to the Glossary and Protocols sections of the website. To use, click on blue underlined words. These links will help you gain better understanding of the subject under discussion. Use links as you wish; forward as you wish.

Basics of Terrain Management

The terrain is everything!” Control your ‘terrain’ and you can heal yourself. Healing is a natural process when the body is given the opportunity to correct. The following points are discussed in greater detail in archived issues of Special Insights and in glossary and protocols.

  1. The terrain of the bio-electric body includes all organs, fluids and tissues.
  1. Diet and complete digestion of food dramatically influences the terrain.
  1. Water is the primary terrain solvent and the basis of blood and lymphatic tissue fluids.
  1. Sleep provides the window during which the terrain repairs and grows.
  1. Exercise circulates tissue waste out of the body’s terrain; cardio aspects are secondary.
  1. Overeating destroys the terrain. Two meals a day is better than three meals.
  1. Food cravings are confirmation of hunger and inflammation of the terrain.
  1. Dietary fats can provide 80% of total energy needs if you can assimilate them.
  1. A healthy liver and plenty of bile goes with a youthful terrain.
  1. Bile is necessary for fat assimilation and terrain maintenance.
  1. Undigested food pollutes the terrain and denies the body needed nutrients.
  1. Polluted bodies are controlled by yeast, viruses and pathogenic
  1. Excess weight and bloating are terrain symptoms of incomplete digestion of food.
  1. Health issues and aging are confirmation of a poor liver and sluggish bowels.
  1. Aging is failure to regenerate; suffering and dis-ease are side effects of a sick terrain.
  1. Symptoms are not dis-ease, but they do reflect the condition of your terrain.
  1. Medications are problematic; they treat symptoms and destroy the terrain.
  1. Cancer, diabetes, heart and kidney problems are terrain issues, not dis-eases.
  1. Sugar, sweets and fruit inflame the terrain and drive systemic, low-grade
  1. Inflammation of the tissues and joints is a symptom of the Autoimmune Attack Cycle™.
  1. Body odor and poor skin is confirmation of excess waste within the terrain.
  1. Aging, sickness and premature death are side effects of systemic inflammation.
  1. The Autoimmune Attack Cycle becomes active when the terrain is stressed.
  1. The liver controls the terrain; it is the only vital organ capable of regeneration.
  1. The effects of good terrain management are health, vitality and regeneration.

For individual help with these terrain concepts, click here. Application of Young Again Club Principles is how you avoid the sick-care system.

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interestingforward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103



Yeast: The Culprit Few People Understand How Yeast Destroys Your Immune System

∙ Anecdotal Observations ∙

∙ Special Edition ∙

Yeast is the most insidious of ALL health risks; nothing else, compares!   Everyone is affected by yeast, and every disease has a yeast, connection.  Age, sex and social standing exempt no one from neutralization of the immune function by yeast.  To learn more, read on.

Mission: My mission is to deliver truth and perspective on matters of health and longevity.  I write because I see what we are told does not match-up with, truth.  I mock sick-care because it deserves to be mocked.  Truth will prevail and people deserve to know truth for their personal and family well-being. 

Observation: Sick-care is collapsing and people will need guidance and valid information when self-care is their only option.  Good doctors are shackled, and they are in short supply!  The medical system is rigged and corrupt; long lines are coming.  Knowledge and guidance will serve you well.

Forward Special Insights™ to people you care about!  Key words herein are linked to updated Glossary and Protocols Sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion.  To use links, click on the blue, underlined words.

Yeast: Neither Bacteria Nor Virus

Yeast and bacteria have very little in common.  Both are life forms; but yeast are more plant than, animal.  Yeast DNA is almost a facsimile of human DNA.  In fact, it is so close, fungi can merge their DNA and create a hybrid creature with dysfunctional immunity, which is the focus of todays discussion.

Yeast is a mold, and yeast is also a fungus [plural: fungi].  All fungus are molds, but not all molds are yeast.  Bacteria are animal in nature [living organisms]; where viruses require a host and are therefore, parasitic.  Yeast are complex, a little bit of everything; and capable of trans-specie merger.

In this paper, the terms mold, fungus and yeast will be used interchangeably for ease of discussion.  Yes, organisms differ, but it is important readers recognize that ultimately, your terrain, controls.

Fungi are the lowest of all life forms and they are also the, hardiest.  Adult fungus are vegetative and their seed are called spores.  And, while you can kill adult fungi, their spores are practically, indestructible!  [Spores withstand, fire, drought, cold and millions of years.]  Adult, vegetative yeast release chemical poisons [called, mycotoxins] to control their environment and your body!

Spores enter the body by way of food, water and air; you cannot escape them.  Spores, however, are not a threat UNLESS the body is in in a toxic, high stress state; meaning: burdened with acidic waste,  biofilm, heavy metals, stress, exposure or use of antibiotics, hormone replacement [of any type], steroids and birth control pills.  Exposure to antibiotics activates dormant spores to come to life!

Medical Ignorance & The Germ Theory Of Disease

Contrary to medical myth, as taught in medical schools [allopathic and alternative], bacterial infections are secondary infections, never primary.  Meaning, first, yeast invade the system, then, they release mycotoxins that open the door for bacteria and viruses to morph into their pathogenic, forms.

MRSA infections and Lyme disease are good examples; so is strep, C-dif and klebsiella.  Once, fungal mycotoxins neutralize immune function, resident, non-virulent bacteria activate, turn pathogenic, and attack the host [see Germ Theory of Disease.]

When you hear of bacterial infection, think fungus instead; the problem is fungal, not bacterial!  The media and sick-care system take great pride in scaring people so they will, voluntarily, subsume to flu/tetanus shots, and anything else they can, peddle.  Problem is, it’s just a big, lie!  Vaccines weaken [not enhance] immune function; and, they do NOT provide humoral immunity as claimed.

[For your information, sick-care providers [hospitals and clinics] are now required, under legal threat, to administer flu shots regardless of patient wishes.  Failure to vaccinate results in reduced or denied reimbursement for providers.  Big-Pharma rigged the, system, but a solution is now available!]

Bacteria and viruses live on toxic, energy, where yeast make their own energy.  Yeast take control of metabolism by releasing, mycotoxins and they merge with human DNA to avoid immune detection.  Yeast and fungi operate as Trojan horses, invisible to our immune system due to their trans-specie profile.

The fungus dilemma is now, solved; and the solution is now, available.  The hellish trans-specie merger spawned by antibiotics [no matter when used during one’s life, including pre-birth] is now, reversible!  The story of Pandora that follows, provides the backdrop and details behind this incredible story.

Perhaps, now the reader understands what I mean when I say, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS, CANCER!  Cancer a fiction!  Don’t believe me?  Click here.  [Doctor knows little of what is written in this paper, but Big-Pharma knows only, too well.  Fact is, Pharma orchestrated all of it!  To learn more, read on.]

Pandora’s Box & The Perfect Medical, Storm!

Widespread acceptance of antibiotics in 1950 was followed by introduction of birth control pills in the early, 1960s.  The convergence of these events is what fueled takeover of the population by fungus.

It was no accident Big-Pharma removed mycology [the in-depth study of mold and fungus] from medical curriculums in 1950.  Pharma needed an BIG epidemic and cancer was the perfect boogey-man to unleash upon an unsuspecting, public.  And, yes, it was done on purpose!

Simultaneously, Pharma made sure young doctors were not schooled in mycology [and ignorant of fungus’ role in, disease.]  Pharma made sure the population was taken by storm.  By the 1960s, cancer had was a household word!  Most importantly, the public never knew what happened.

Next, Pharma [new name, Pandora] released birth control pills onto the female population.  Antibiotics set the stage for a medical dilemma, but the pill was nitroglycerin for explosive growth of fungal yeast in women.  Next, came the convergence of antibiotics and elevated hormones [that women experience during pregnancy].  Yeast invaded both mama and the unborn child, and this is where we are today.

When Pandora [Pharma} opened the box of evils, hell was unleashed upon born and unborn.  Cancer was Pharma’s perfect storm and mycotoxin destruction of immune function was the perfect cover.

Spread the word!  We now have a way to undue Pandora’s mistake and free ourselves and our children from the evil Big-Pharma released upon us almost 70 years, ago.  The solution is called the Mold & Fungus Protocol.  [Check it out.  It is worth your time.]

Antibiotics & Yeast: A Marriage From Hell

Antibiotics are the single, biggest risk facing patients, everywhere.   Not only do antibiotics destroy the microbiome, but they serve as jet fuel for fungal conquest of our hormones and metabolism.  Worst, yeast neutralize your immune defenses.  This is not an overstatement!

Once exposed to antibiotics [at any time in life, including pre-birth], yeast spores hatch, grow and establish colonies throughout the body and vital organs [heart, pancreas, liver, brain, breasts, etc.]

During the colonizing process, fungi sink their roots [called hypha] into the intestinal wall and create a condition called, Leaky-gut Syndrome.  Fungi produce mycotoxins and spores, perpetually.  Fungal invasion is about controlling the host’s body and hormones for completion of yeast’s, lifecycle.  [Slowly, you become a prisoner unto yourself, complete with a dysfunctional immune system.]

Disease involves three, aspects: 1. inflammation, 2. mycotoxin dominance [hormones], and 3. a dysfunctional immune system.  Unless the host [that’s you and me!] intervene, fungal invasion progresses relentlessly until, one day, we die.  Cause, counts!  The diagnosis does, not!

Costume Party, Tonight!

Said, one yeast to the other, “What costume are you wearing to the party, tonight?”  Response: “You know, we wear all costumes, well.  Anything will do; no one knows the difference!”

Yeast has many faces and presents in hundreds of costumes.  Yeast is natural to the body and serves useful purposes, unless it spreads and merges with human DNA.  Examples are: arthritis, ringing ears, macular degeneration and glaucoma and poor thyroid function.  These are symptoms of, yeast!

The object is not to kill, yeast; that is backwards thinking!   But, this is exactly what practitioners have been attempting to do for almost 70 years without, success.  [Yeast is a terrain problem, hormone problem, inflammation problem, mycotoxin problem, and finally, an antibiotic, problem, all in one!]

If you wish to STOP yeast dominance of your body, change your terrain and create an environment where yeast and fungi can neither invade nor, takeover.  Turn the odds in your favor, with the Mold & Fungus Protocol and the Terrain pH Protocol, here, here and here.  [It is, FREE!]

Here are a few more examples of yeast infestation: aching body, chronic fatigue, eye floaters, hearing loss, nail fungus, eczema, acne, sinusitis, allergies, asthma, runny nose, moodiness, chronic cough, COPD, volatile temper, low thyroid, menstrual dysfunction, diabetes, bowel issues, etc.

All autoimmune responses have a yeast, connection; ALL OF THEM, no exceptions!  Yeast make you miserable; they are opportunistic and they feed on sweets and toxic waste in the body.

In medical school, yeast infestation [aka candidiasis] is all but, ignored!  But, for the average person, yeast is a big problem forever in search of a solution.  Few people suspect yeast is responsible for their suffering and premature aging; fewer yet realize the Mold & Fungus Protocol can remedy the, problem.

Bladder Infections & Prostate Flare-ups

They call them, bladder infections, but there is more to the story.  Lab tests are used to confirm presence of bacteria that are supposedly behind the, infection, but doctor can’t explain why benign bacteria [normally present in the body] somehow suddenly turn virulent and attack the host. The concept is called, pleo-morphism and clinicians and patients, alike would do well to understand the, concept.

Bladder infection is an autoimmune response; so is vaginal yeast discharge.  Behind both is a compromised immune system and leaky-gut, intestinal wall.  Emotional stress and anxiety van ignite fungal flare-ups followed by so-called bacterial outbreaks, especially in, females.

Bladder infections, inflamed prostate, fibrocystic breasts and swollen testicles are the same problem in a different, costume.  And the problem is? Mycotoxin dominance!  Both sexes fall prey to mammograms and biopsies; they do not understand yeast or their, dilemma.  Ask for guidance, here. 

Important Steps For Improved Health

First, change your, terrain!  Meaning, reverse mycotoxin dominance of your body and drive yeast back into its [non-pathogenic], spore form.  Next, flush mycotoxins from your system.  The process is outlined in the Mold & fungus Protocol, here.  Next, return your thyroid to full function.  Lastly, restore immune function so your body can recognize invading fungus before they can merge with your, DNA.

Few people have heard of diabetes Type 3 [diabetes of the brain], but most have heard of pre-diabetes which is blood sugar over, 90.  Pre-diabetes affects the entire population, young and old, alike, but you will not hear this from, doctor.  Clinicians are taught blood sugar 90-130 is normal.  Normal is not as normal does.  Pre-diabetes precedes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia and diabetes.  Understand?

Leptin and insulin resistance is a tell-tale symptom of mycotoxin dominance and pre-diabetes, and both are aspects of heart disease, liver disease, neuropathy, cancer and arthritis, just to name a few.

Learn about the Tissue & Liver Protocol to move tissue-bound waste out of your, body.  The protocol goes far beyond faddish, cleanses.  It is a Young Again Club original; nothing else like it!  Check it out.

Your gut is where your immune system is centered.  Probiotics help maintain the gut, but restoration of the gut wall requires use of long-chain polysaccharides and activated, lauric acid cofactors on a daily basis.   This ReVive Protocol eliminates, food cravings.  Free radicals are avoided with, PACs.

During the Mold & Fungus Protocol, sweets and carbohydrates should be eliminated and intake of healthy dietary fats, increased.  Food cravings are managed with ReSet or coconut oil [with and between meals] for energy, weight reduction and deep sleep.  Bio-active bile, available here, is crucial for assimilation of dietary fats, hormone production and metabolism.

Poor digestion is a problem affecting the entire, population.  If you eat good food [and avoid junk], make it count by using Young Again Club activated digestive supports.  Nothing else, compares.

Increase intake of magnesium to ease mycotoxin dominance and help, transition.  Oral, pill forms of magnesium are poorly, absorbed.  Instead, use R/MgO Skin Spray with boron for up to 95% absorption.

Let’s talk about, bowel activity.  If your bowels do not move after every meal, you are technically, constipated.  There is no such thing as, normal!  Behind constipation is a yeast infested bowel and leaky-gut.  [Polyps are fungal growths on a, tether, but you will NEVER, EVER hear that from, doctor!    See Enema Protocol.

Did you know, you can resurrect metabolism and thyroid function and simultaneously remove heavy metals from your receptors?  Click here to learn more.

Conclusions & Suggestions

Turn the odds in your favor with the Mold & Fungus Protocol and learn about the Terrain pH Protocol, here, here and here.  It is FREE and available, to all.

Call John Thomas for guidance.  There is no cost of any kind.

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interestingforward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103


Valentine’s Day All Year Long

Valentine’s Day is a wonderful custom with ruinous overtones for those who celebrate the occasion with sweets. To help your Valentine to be happy and healthy, read on.

For your benefit, key words in Special Insights™ are ‘linked’ to the Glossary and Protocols sections of the website. To use, click on blue underlined words. These links will help you gain better understanding of the subject under discussion. Use links as you wish; forward as you wish.

The official sugar season begins on Halloween, continues unabated through Christmas and New Year’s Day, then comes Valentine’s Day with the grand finale on Easter Day. The other six months are the unofficial season for grazing on sugar in all its many forms.

Diabetes, was once known as ‘sugar’ diabetes because people ate too much sugar and their blood sugar levels were dangerously high. These days, 20% or more of the population are diabetics with an additional 20-40% on the margin.

When you think sweets, think of carbohydrates like: sugar, candy, agave, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, fruit, fruit syrup, fruit juices, pasta and of course, wine and alcohol.

Sweet Valentines

People associate sweets with fun, satisfaction, love and memories. Unfortunately, sweets are degenerative to the body and cause us to be moody and cranky!

Valentine’s Day and chocolate are associated with love. Good chocolate has lots of good fats and fats are the basis of our hormones. But the sugar part of chocolate creates food cravings.

Sucrose (table sugar) temporarily boosts energy, but most sweets are fructose based. The body removes fructose from blood and converts it to body fat. Sweets inflame the entire body.

Fructose does not provide the body with usable energy and it severely disrupts the matrix of the gut microbiome. Yeast outbreaks are a ‘classic’ response. Please see Fruit Sugar Blues.

The population is hooked on carbohydrates. People have ‘trained’ their bodies to burn carbohydrates as their primary energy source instead of fats. Dietary fats can supply up to 80% of the body’s total energy needs without compromising health like carbohydrates do.

Protein & Fat Metabolism

Healthy fats are the most useful food you can eat to break dependence on carbohydrates. Moreover, fats stop food cravings! To convert fats to energy, you need bio-active bile.

Contrary to medical myth about fats and the absurd ‘food pyramid’ dieticians and ‘food experts’ love to crow about, fats are everyone’s ticket for good health and longevity. See, Eat Fats to Be Healthy & Happy.

Proteins present a serious dilemma for all of us because you need high stomach acidity to break them down ‘before’ they enter the small intestine. Incomplete protein digestion affects young and old alike. Allergies and food sensitivities are protein driven inflammatory responses.

Undigested proteins are ‘foreign’ invaders that do not belong in the intestinal track or blood. Foreign proteins trigger immune system reactions known as the Autoimmune Attack Cycle™.

For example, gluten intolerance is CONFIRMATION of failure to digest wheat protein. It’s also confirmation of an inflamed and porous small intestinal wall and unrestricted admission of foreign wheat protein into the blood.

Gluten intolerance is a real problem for millions of people. Sadly, the label focuses on the effect rather than the cause. The cause is not consumption of wheat protein! The cause is undigested, ‘foreign’ (wheat) protein in blood where it should never be!

Regardless whether your protein source is animal or plant derived, if you have allergies, gluten issues or autoimmune disorders in general, please ask for guidance by clicking, here.

Poor circulation is a HUGE factor drive cravings for sweets. Accumulation of waste in the tissues is the product of compromised circulation. Dynamic Circulation Therapy™ dramatically increases circulation and helps de-acidify the terrain.

People who suffer with gluten intolerance MUST avoid foods containing gluten until they have regenerated their small intestinal wall and restored their gut microbiome. The Autoimmune Attack Cycle is a dilemma with serious implications for everyone.

People recognize the Autoimmune Attack Cycle by names like: fibromyalgia, arthritis, diabetes, bowels, yeast, gout, rosacea, acne, brain fog, allergy, thyroid, tinnitus (ringing in ears), eye problems, Alzheimer’s, etc. These ‘conditions’ are classic autoimmune attacks by the body against the body. Sweets and incomplete protein digestion drive these conditions! Stress and emotional anxiety also play a major role.

A New Valentine’s Day Tradition

Valentine’s Day is the perfect occasion to go ‘sweet free’ and end systemic, low-grade inflammation that destroys people’s health and lives.

It takes two weeks for sugar to leave the body after consumption ceases. During the weaning period, food cravings increase, but systemic inflammation decreases.

Dietary fats are the key to managing cravings and hunger pangs. After 60 days of following Young Again Club Protocols, the transition from carbohydrate dependence to a diet based on healthy fats is complete. ‘Bio-active’ lipids and bile from Young Again Club help the transition process.

Healthy fats are a fantastic source of energy that also promote ‘deep’ sleep! Fats, and the ability to ‘burn’ them, are the keys to good health and regeneration of the bio-electric body.

Flowers for Your Sweetie

Flowers on Valentine’s Day avoids the sugar ‘blues’. Flowers do not gray hair or fog the brain or create gas and bloat. Sweets drive; depression, cravings, poor sleep, yeast outbreaks, bladder infections, prostate flare-ups, neck and back tension and bowel irregularities, just to name a few.

Sweets do great harm to your health. They confuse the immune system and weaken the body.

Sweets are no way to ‘treat’ your Sweetie or yourself.

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interestingforward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103



Eat Fats To Be Healthy & Happy

Fats are a crucial element for a long and healthy life, where aging ceases and regeneration becomes possible. Fats are the most overlooked and maligned dietary issue of our time.

Discussions of dietary fats is a parade of noise and confusion, like: saturated vs. unsaturated, LDLs vs. HDLs; animal vs. vegetarian, etc. Here is the real story of fats and why you should care.

For your benefit, key words in Special Insights™ are ‘linked’ to the Glossary and Protocols sections of the website. To use, click on blue underlined words. These links will help you gain better understanding of the subject under discussion. Use links as you wish; forward as you wish.

 Fat Facts

Choice of dietary fats is crucial for good health. How much fat you consume and your ability to assimilate and ‘burn’ fats determines: your energy levels, the condition of your skin, how fast you age and your ability to maintain muscle mass and strong bones.

Fats control the waistline, regardless of your age. They also provide huge amounts of useful energy while putting an end to the food cravings that haunt millions of ‘hungry’ people.

Fats are lipids; oils are not. Fats are solid at 72 degrees F, while oils, like olive oil, remain liquid. The body uses natural plant and animal lipids to make its hormones while man-made fats, like margarine, clog the system creating an energy deficit and premature old age.

Oleo-margarine is synthesized, man-made fat that mimics butter, but cannot deliver the benefits of butter. Butter is a natural animal fat.   Coconut “oil” is a plant derived natural fat that is wrongly called, oil.

Raw tree nuts and sunflower kernels are loaded with quality fats. So is wild salmon. Olive oil is an excellent oil with many good qualities, but it is not a fat. The body needs fats: lots of them!

Babies, Sleep, & Brain Repair

Breast fed babies are an interesting study of the importance of fats. Breast milk contains large amounts of natural fats, but only small amounts of lactose and proteins.

Babies grow their body and their brain during the sleep cycle if a sufficient energy source is available. Fats provide babies—and adults—the premier energy source for growing and maintaining their body and their brain.

Baby formulas supply fats that are ‘different’ along with hyped carbohydrates that mimic real breast milk. Formulas stimulate growth, but quality of growth does not compare.

Adults face the exact same dilemma as babies on formula! Given no other choice, the adult body makes do by substituting carbohydrates for missing dietary fats. The result is sickly, weak bodies that injure easily, heal poorly and age prematurely.

Someday, dietary fats will be recognized for their ability to restore mental faculties and repair brain tissue. The brain and cell membranes are composed of fats and fatty acids derived from dietary fats. The body needs a steady supply of natural fats for maintenance and repair.

Food Cravings, Healthy Liver & Bile

People suffer ‘cravings’ and overeat because they are malnourished. They feel ‘hungry’ because they are malnourished and dependent on addictive foods. They need energy, and dietary fats supply enough energy for a body to easily function on two meals a day without food cravings.

Forty percent (40-80%) of an adult’s total caloric intake and energy output should come from dietary fats. The critical ‘link’ in the fat story is your ability to ‘assimilate’ and transport fats to your liver for transformation into useable energy and hormones. Bile is the key!

Healthy livers make lots of bile, and bile is essential for fat assimilation. After age 35, bile production diminishes, as does the ability to process dietary fats. And, the less bile available, the faster the body degenerates and the more your hormones will suffer. Bio-active bile is available here. To learn more about male and female hormone creation and management, click here.

Your body should be a fat burner, not a carbohydrate junkie! It takes about 90 days for the body to adjust and operate on fats as its primary energy source, but ONLY if you have enough bile. The body automatically consumes excess ‘body’ fat and builds muscle when bile is available. Muscle is a sign of youth. Notice, people over age 35 make fat, not muscle!

The less you eat, the better you will look and feel. People eat too much food; and excess food overloads and poisons the system, causing your metabolism to slow and fat to accumulate.

Gram for gram, fats pack more energy than proteins and carbohydrates. Dietary fats helps you burn-off excess inches, including cellulite. Cellulite is different than common adipose tissue (fat). Cellulite looks strange because it is loaded with toxic waste.

Versatility of Fats, 90 Days, My Story & Sir Isaac Newton

Fats are versatile. For example, oil ‘pulling’ with coconut fat kills oral bacteria and reduces inflammation of the gums by pulling toxins from the tissues of the mouth. Chronic fatigue and arthritis ease when more fats are consumed. Give your dog coconut fat and his coat and body will improve greatly. Fats help troubled bowels, as well!

Poorly processed proteins function as ‘foreign’ proteins and excess carbohydrates poison the body and trigger the Autoimmune Attack Cycle™ when they wrongly access the blood stream.

Your ability to assimilate fats is the crucial to your life story. For example, John Thomas lost 50 lbs. of muscle in less than 90 days following a minor surgical repair when his immune system reacted to anesthesia. He then grew-back 50 lbs. of muscle and regenerated his body in less than six months at age 68 on a 50% fat diet, sleeping 12-14 hours a day—just like a baby in a crib!

John Thomas discovered how to ‘stop’ the Autoimmune Attack Cycle using newly developed protocols, eating lots of dietary fats and correcting digestion shortfalls.

Sir Isaac Newton said, “Energy is never lost; it merely changes form.” Dis-ease is good energy that changes form and returns in a ‘bad’ costume. Alleviation of signs and symptoms is not a ‘cure’. The terrain of the body must be corrected before dis-ease and aging go bye, bye!

Dietary fats must be ‘transformed’ to access the energy they contain. Concentrated, bio-active lauric acid, from coconut fat, is now available in capsules. Lauric acid is a powerful tool for maintaining good health. Use it to keep viruses, yeast and non-friendly bacteria from taking control of your gut and terrain. To learn more, click here for a personal reply.

You can plead ignorance and claim you did not know the importance of dietary fats, but your body will age and you will suffer, nonetheless.

To enjoy good health, change your thinking and take personal responsibility for your life.

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To contact John Thomas, click here.

If you found this information interesting, forward to a friend.

To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.
To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer |Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103


Osteoporosis: The Untold Story Bones, Calcification & Inflammation

Osteoporosis is epidemic, and the reasons given for its prevalence are fiction, bordering on, lies!   Slow-motion aging adequately describes, osteoporosis.  Officially, it refers to loss of bone density, but bone loss is the effect, not the cause.   To learn more, read on.

Mission: I write because I see that what we are told does not match up with the truth.  My mission is to deliver truth and perspective on matters of health and longevity.  Truth will prevail and people deserve to know truth for their personal and family well-being. 

Observation: Sick-care is collapsing and people will need guidance and valid information when self-care is their only option.  Good doctors are shackled, and they are in short supply!  The system is corrupt and long lines are coming.  Knowledge and guidance will serve you well.

Forward Special Insights™ to people you care about!  Key words herein are linked to updated Glossary and Protocols Sections of the website for better understanding of subjects under discussion.  To use links, click on the blue, underlined words. 


Osteoporosis is a condition, not a disease!  It is a self-imposed condition where the body is forced to steal minerals from bone to offset acidity and ease systemic, inflammation.

Bone density tests classify osteoporosis as either, severe or normal for your age.  Severe speaks for itself, and normal is medical speak for, not yet, severe.  Both are terrible; neither is desirable.

[Depletion of minerals from bone and failure to form bone are flip sides of the same problem.  First comes acidification, then low-grade inflammation.  Both conditions affect the entire population to some degree.  In women osteoporosis appears by age 35; in men by age, 50.]

You can prevent osteoporosis.  You can reverse osteoporosis.  Age and sex have little or nothing to do with either.  The limiting factor is failure to understand why osteoporosis, occurs.

Loss of bone density [the official definition for osteoporosis] is a past tense concept, meaning, the problem already happened.  Osteoporosis has nothing to do with lack of calcium and everything to do with abnormal body chemistry, systemic inflammation, low acidity and hijacking of hormones.  Behind all of these problems is takeover by mold, fungus and yeast.

Either Choose Or Your Body Will Choose, For You

The body steals minerals from bone to neutralize circulating acidic waste.  The word, corrosive describes the effect waste has on the body better than the word, acidic.  Regardless, waste slows bone formation and speeds bone degeneration.   [Osteoporosis is effect, not cause.]

Given no choice, the body stores acid waste it cannot dispose of through the bowels and kidneys.  Storage removes waste from circulation while increasing waste levels in tissue and organs.  Stored acid waste is what drives body acidity, which is not the same as, pH.   [Circulating waste [as measured by urine pH] hints at body acidity, but is not a measure of it.]

Tissue acidity cannot be measured, but urine pH is easy to measure and is a indicator of what is going on in the system.  Acidity is everybody’s problem sooner or later, regardless of how good you care for yourself.  [Premature aging and dis-ease are proof.]

Acidity and pH should not be ignored.  Manipulation of hormones is a big factor, and fungal mycotoxins control, both.

The body needs buffers [such as magnesium and bicarbonate] to neutralize and process acid waste.  Magnesium is an extremely important mineral element with buffer qualities.  However, as a buffer, it pales in comparison to bicarbonate.

Calcium and magnesium are both alkaline minerals, but in the body they function very, differently.  Calcium triggers muscle contraction, where magnesium relaxes muscle.  Charley horse is an example of insufficient magnesium to counter calcium overload.

The population is severely overloaded with excess calcium.  And, once calcium dominates, calcification of heart, arteries, soft tissues, organs and joints is 100%, predictable.  Add influence of fungus mycotoxins and you have the recipe for poor health.

Calcification means deposition of calcium where it does not belong.  For example, in artery walls, kidneys, joints, breasts and prostate.  Calcification is a marker condition!  It is always a factor in cancer, inflammation and pre-diabetes [blood sugar over 90].  Interestingly, magnesium [if you can get it into blood] reverses calcification of the body.  {Read more here.]

The Osteoporosis Puzzle 

Osteoporosis has everything to do with bodies that are acidic, and everyone’s body is acidic.  Acidity and aging are one in the same problem; the more acidic your terrain, the more you suffer.

Urine pH should rise and fall between 7.0-8.0, but no one maintains this range without personal intervention.  Meaning, monitoring of urine pH and use of bicarbonate.

As the body releases waste from the tissues pH falls.  Bicarbonate is used to push pH up.  It does this by neutralizing toxic acids for transport out of the body.  Release of acid waste slows progression of osteoporosis and encourages the body to make, new bone.

Bicarbonate is the key to waste release and reversal of osteoporosis.  Bicarbonate pushes pH up, so body will release more acid, which drives pH down.  Up and down!  If you have enough bicarbonate in your system, the process goes on forever.   [To learn more, click here.]

Diet affects pH.  Sweets, fruit, alcohol and carbohydrates drive pH down; so does meat, but mycotoxins made by yeast and fungus exaggerate the effects.  Oddly, raw apple cider vinegar [a natural, acid solvent dissolves tissue waste [lowers acidity], but raises urine pH.

Diets high in saturated fats [exactly opposite of what people are told] reduce body acidity and promote bone formation.  Dietary intake of fats should be 50-75% of total calories consumed.  [Read, Eat Fats To Be Healthy & Happy.]

Poor circulation promotes osteoporosis because it limits movement of acid waste.  So does intake of fluoride in any form, from drinking water to tooth paste, and especially, fluoroquinolone medications.  [Fluoride makes bone and teeth [teeth are bone] brittle and accelerates, aging.]

Antibiotics, Hormones, Fats and Fungus

There is nothing more debilitating to the body in general, and bone structure in particular, than antibiotics, regardless of when [during one’s life] they are used or the type of antibiotic, used.  [Click here to learn more.]

The Mold & Fungus Protocol is one of a kind and the number one program for reversing the effects of antibiotic use and abuse.  It is also the simplest and most natural approach to hormone management, from female and male hormones to thyroid and adrenals.  Hormone manipulation leads to mycotoxin dominance and promotes, osteoporosis.

Poor digestion plays a part in osteoporosis because inability to process, protein increases body acidity, as does the inability to process fat for lack of bile.  [Women need fats to make hormones and coconut oil [a fat!] is the top, choice.  [ReSet Capsules are an easy way to consume fat.]

Hormones [estrogen, progesterone, thyroid and adrenal] are primary targets of manipulation by yeast mycotoxins; that is how fungus controls the body.  Worse, merger of fungal and human DNA allows fungus to override the immune system and grow, unchecked.  [Read more here.]

Excess body fat is a classic side-effect of fungal infestation.  The more fat you carry, the more estrogen you make, and estrogen is jet fuel for growth of fungus and yeast which are the source of CANCER!  [Now you know why birth control pills are so dangerous for females.  [See Jill’s Story.]

Not only does excess calcium promote osteoporosis, but it also promotes, breast cancer.  Fact is, mammogram looks for calcium in breast tissue as an indicator of potential breast cancer.

After 20 years of subjecting women to medieval torture, experts now admit mammograms don’t prevent cancer and are as useless as pink ribbons!  Cancer is not disease, it is a condition of fungal takeover of the body and manipulation of the hormones by mycotoxins made by fungus.

Absence of magnesium ions in the blood promotes both osteoporosis and cancer [especially in the breast and uterus].  Add mycotoxin dominance and you have the perfect storm for cancer.  FYI: Cellulite is abnormal fat and an example of mycotoxin controlled female hormones.

Pain, Inflammation, Poor Sleep & Leaky-gut 

Osteoporosis involves, inflammation.  Pain and suffering are also symptoms of inflammation.  And, behind inflammation is fungal control of hormones and an acidic, terrain.  Add, intestinal inflammation from mold and yeast and you have, autoimmune challenges.  Inflammation is your body’s way of signaling you to, wake up and take action.

Pain killers such as, NSAIDS do serious damage to the gut wall.  Steroids are worse; they are hormone based jet fuel for Candida yeast and production of mycotoxins.  To reverse their effects, do the, Mold & Fungus Protocol.

The intestinal wall and microbiome are your immune system.  Once fungus sink their roots [hypha] into the wall, all things autoimmune come to life and you lose control of health and well-being.  It is fungal invasion of the intestine that is behind, leaky-gut syndrome {GIRD] as well as another huge problem called, gluten intolerance.  [Read more here.]

Poor sleep and osteoporosis are birds of a feather.   Deep sleep is key to detoxification of the tissues and without it, the soft tissues become inflamed.  Snoring, tossing and turning have more to do with fungal driven congestion and inflammation than people have any idea.

It is not your bed that is preventing deep sleep; it’s your fungus infested, inflamed body!  Better to figure out now and get deep sleep than resort to sleeping pills and sleep studies followed by CPAP machines.

Conclusion & Solutions

Osteoporosis and an acidic body are the side effects of fungal invasion and mycotoxin dominance.  To solve these problems, do the Mold & Fungus Protocol.

Aging and suffering have no place in anyone’s story.  What are you willing to tolerate?

Ask for guidance 

Woe unto patients who cannot discern between symptoms and cause.  Ignorance is the basis of fear, and understanding is the basis of health and happiness.


A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each individual.  To learn more, click here.

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To access all issues of Special Insights, click here.

To Good Health,

John Thomas, Author
Young Again!

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103


You Have A Choice!

You have a choice when it comes to the national, sick-care system. Just say, “Yes!”

“Yes!” is your best defense because it puts you in control of your health and your future. “Yes!” is the most efficient way to survive and prosper under the perverse medical system now in place.

Depending on the sick-care system is like swimming without a swim suit at high tide. When the tide goes out, those swimming without a suit will find themselves naked and vulnerable! Here is a better alternative.

By joining the Young Again Club, you are saying: “I will take care of myself! I don’t need to get in the line because I am healthy! I don’t want to rely on the sick-care system no matter who pays for it!”

Young Again Club provides a way to invigorate your body, reverse aging and enjoy good health so you don’t have to become a sick-care statistic!

Good health solves 99% of health problems before they occur. Good health is how you avoid future health challenges. Good health is how survive and prosper.

I am not speaking of emergency room and trauma events. But I am suggesting you take control of your life so you can avoid involvement in the sick-care system.

Good health should be the norm! Aging and dis-ease are anomalies that your body can avoid and remedy if allowed to do so. Aging and dis-ease are also default conditions for failure to make correct choices.

Aging and dis-ease have nothing to do with your genes and everything to do diet, digestion, bowels, exercise, stress, sleep, water, lifestyle and systemic inflammation.

Health and illness are flip sides of the same coin. The choices you make dictates what you get!

For your benefit, key words in Special Insights™ are ‘linked’ to the Glossary and Protocols sections of the website. To use, click on blue underlined words. These links will help you gain better understanding of the subject under discussion. Use links as you wish; forward as you wish.

It Is Easier Than You Think

Poor circulation is perhaps the SINGLE BIGGEST factor driving poor health and premature aging. Accumulation of waste in the tissues is the product of compromised circulation. Dynamic Circulation Therapy™ dramatically increases circulation and everyone should be using it.

Begin by eating healthy, nutritious food instead of non-food. Next, learn the secret to complete digestion of the food you eat. Then, clear your body of toxic waste and regenerate your liver. Lastly, address systemic inflammation by understanding the nature of the Autoimmune Attack Cycle™.

The Autoimmune Attack Cycle is a cumulative Cycle. It is also relentless! This cycle determines how fast you age, your general state of health and your ability or inability to regenerate. Learning how to manage the Cycle is the key to a healthy life and ridding yourself of food cravings!

Food cravings are a self-perpetuating problem; they are also signals from your ‘terrain’. The more you eat, the more want. Hunger drives the Autoimmune Attack Cycle. Inability to fully digest food and malnourishment are why people eat all the time. Sweets and junk food add gasoline to the fire. Eat more fats and digest your food and you will eat less food, less often and avoid food cravings.

New discoveries have been made regarding total digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and reduction of body’s reactions to dietary triggers like; sweets, drugs, alcohol and food allergens. Freeing yourself of food cravings is absolutely crucial to stopping the Autoimmune Attack Cycle from ruining your life and health. For assistance, click here.

Stress and emotional anxiety complicate how the body responds to the Autoimmune Attack Cycle and how the reactions manifest in different people. Emotional patterns play a huge part in aging and dis-ease because they destroy the lining of the small intestine where your immune system is located! For solutions, click here

Probiotic bacteria cannot repair the intestinal wall. The primary purpose of friendly bacteria is to act as middlemen between the intestinal wall and the food being processed. The body can repair a damaged intestinal wall, but it must be provided with the raw materials needed to do the job. Probiotics are wonderful, but they do not have the ability to regenerate the gut wall.

Digestion, Inflammation & Symptoms

Incomplete digestion triggers autoimmune attacks on the system. Food allergies and systemic inflammation are classic examples of the inability to process food, rather than the food itself. Furthermore, you can’t have pain, suffering and premature aging without inflammation in your system.

Inflammation is an autoimmune response that expresses itself in a endless variety of ways. That is why the medical system has an endless supply of labels, such as; ABC syndrome, MNO disorder and XYZ disease. The label is not important. What you do to avoid or remedy the problem is very important. Aging and suffering are confirmation that you are inflamed!

As for things like; excess body fat, dry skin, gray and thin hair, ringing ears, vision issues and Alzheimer’s along with asthma, irritable bowel, arthritis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, etc., these symptoms are not what they appear and the doctor’s diagnosis is not what haunts you! The name is just the sticker applied to your particular list of symptoms. Symptoms are always autoimmune in nature.

If you accept the label, you own the problem! Whatever your symptoms or diagnosis, know that your very own immune system is attacking you! Regardless of how your label reads or how it manifests, ultimately your condition is autoimmune driven. You have become your own enemy.

That is why the medical system classifies syndromes, disorders and disease ‘autoimmune’. Meaning, cause unknown; etiology unknown! Even when the experts say they know the cause, they don’t know. Their model is faulty. What they call ‘cure’ is only a temporary fix.

Alleviation of signs and symptoms is not a cure. Trading one symptom for five new ones is a poor exchange. Care for your body and it will care for you. Create the opportunity and your body will solve its own problems by itself. For solutions, click here for a personal reply.

Suffering and misery is your body’s way of telling you to pay attention and change your ways!

To enjoy good health, you must change your thinking and take personal responsibility for your life.

A Better Way

Abundant energy and a pain-free body can be yours.  Special Insights™ from Young Again Club helps you enjoy a better life.

Each issue of Special Insights is a chapter in my NEW BOOK by the same title.  They are FREE to everyone; forward them as you wish, and if you want family or a friend to receive them, simply provide their name and email address by clicking here.

If you have not read Young Again! you should.  If you would like a copy of
the book, click here.

Personalize Your Program

Young Again Club members enjoy personalized service and programs designed for each
individual.  To learn more, click here.

If you found this information interesting, forward to a friend.


John Thomas, Age 70

To Good Health,
John Thomas, Author
Young Again!



Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Terms & Conditions of Use

 Young Again Club™ | Special Insights™
P. O. Box 1240, Mead, WA 99021| Phone 509-465-4154 | Fax 509-466-8103